Welcome to UNVEILED, the podcast designed for women ready to break free from the confines of societal expectations and rediscover their authentic selves.
I’m your host, Angela Marie Christian, Silicon Valley CFO turned intuitive, clinical hypnotherapist, and conscious mother.
If you've ever felt trapped by the roles imposed upon you—whether as a mother, a professional, or simply as a woman navigating life—this podcast offers a space to explore, heal, and transform. I was once deeply entrenched in the corporate world, checking all the boxes society told me to. But after realizing that true fulfillment comes from within, not from external achievements, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery that changed my life. Now, I’m here to guide you on your own path to empowerment.
We dive deep into conversations that strip away the layers of limiting beliefs and societal programming that have kept you from living a life of true sovereignty. Using neuroprogramming techniques such as ____, we explore how to rewire your mind, break old patterns, and embrace your innate power from within. These intimate conversations are more than just talks—they’re a catalyst for change, designed to energize and inspire you to take actionable steps toward your desires, goals, and dreams. Whether you’re a mother feeling unfulfilled, a single woman seeking more, or anyone looking to ignite that inner spark, UNVEILED is here to remind you of the incredible power you hold within. Join me weekly for conversations that feel like connecting with a close friend—conversations that will leave you inspired, empowered, and ready to unveil your true self.
Unveiled is a transformative space where women embark on a journey of self-discovery, mental wellness, and empowerment. If you’re struggling with anxiety, burnout, or feelings of overwhelm, this podcast is your guide to reclaiming your inner strength and breaking free from societal conditioning. As a mother, especially if you’re navigating life as a single mom, the pressure to meet every expectation can feel insurmountable. Here, we understand the weight of that burden, and we’re here to help you lift it.
Through intimate, connected conversations, we explore practical tools for managing anxiety, stress, and the exhaustion of burnout. You'll learn to challenge negative thoughts, dissolve limiting beliefs, and build unwavering self-confidence. We dive deep into mindfulness practices, cultivating self-love, and the power of neuroprogramming techniques to rewire your mindset. Each episode empowers you to embrace your true self, reclaim your sovereignty, and reignite the spark within that leads to a more fulfilled, purpose-driven life.
Whether you’re struggling to balance the demands of motherhood, work, and personal growth, or you’re on a path to healing and self-discovery, Unveiled offers a compassionate and supportive community. Here, we validate your experiences, nurture your resilience, and inspire you to take action toward your desires, goals, and dreams. Join us weekly to unveil your true self, transform your life, and step into your power.
Breaking Free: Empowering Women to Overcome Domestic Violence & Reclaim Their Financial and Emotional Independence
What happens when domestic violence leaves scars not just on your body, but also your financial future? Join me on a journey through the hidden complexities of domestic abuse, where the battle extends beyond the home into the workplace and bank account. Discover astonishing statistics, like how 60% of survivors struggle with employment and 99% endure financial abuse, painting a vivid picture of the challenges women face. Through my personal story, learn about the long-lasting impacts of emotional and verbal abuse on career stability, and why traditional methods often fall short in addressing anxiety and PTSD.
Breaking free from the chains of a toxic relationship is not merely about leaving; it’s an awakening to reclaim one's power and chart a new path. In this episode, I’ll share how I navigated job instability and career setbacks that stemmed from the cycle of emotional abuse. Uncover how innovative approaches, such as the Clean BDE program and Light it Up course, are revolutionizing mental health recovery by clearing dark energies and encouraging authentic personal growth, offering women fresh hope and practical tools to break unhealthy cycles.
Healing is a transformative journey, especially for single mothers striving to thrive after escaping abuse. Through empowering stories, witness the ripple effect of healing on families and communities. I share how programs focused on nervous system regulation and emotional mastery are empowering mothers to achieve neutrality toward their past, impacting their children positively and promoting societal change.
Use code: DV200 for $200 off: Clean BDE and you'll get Light it Up for free when you pay in full (by either paying in full or by using Afterpay).
Other resouces mentioned:
Podcast episode on Dark Forces here.
Allie Ninfo's Dark Force course here.
Andrea's Legends membership here.
Join Unveiled - The Club - here.
Get in my new program: Clean BDE here.
Follow me on Instagram here: Angela Marie Christian
Follow me on X: Angela Christian
Purchase my best selling book (Manifestation Mastery) here.
Join my newsletter here.
Welcome to Unveiled the podcast. I'm your host, angela Christian, and I help you with unveiling your true self by peeling away the layers that society placed on you. I do this with a combination of neuroscience, energetics and ancient spiritual wisdom. I went from underpaid and overworked in corporate America to launching a six-figure company that continues to grow. I went from toxic relationships to being happy and single for over a year as I worked and continue to work on becoming the best version of myself, and so much more. My greatest passion is to help women and mothers heal, transform and become the highest versions of themselves. Heal, transform and become the highest versions of themselves. As I continue to grow and expand my intuitive knowledge and unique wisdom, I'll be including you on my journey to millions, so let's get into it.
Speaker 2:Hello and welcome back. I'm so excited to be here with you today. I'm back in California I will probably do an episode at some point on my Dubai trip but because October is coming to an end, I wanted to do an episode on something that's very close to my heart. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and I mean it should be that every month, but I'm just using this time to really bring the focus on this. I've been posting about this on Instagram, but I also wanted to share here just the reality of how much domestic violence can actually affect women in terms of their career and their financial stability and just really tapping into the life that they're meant to live here. And you know, domestic violence isn't necessarily just physical abuse. It can also be emotional abuse, verbal abuse. All of that is domestic violence, and so I really want to highlight this, for because if this is something you've experienced or you know someone who's experienced this, it's really important information to understand, and I wish I had understood this sooner. It's not just that it affects women's careers and financial stability, but it also the trauma and the ongoing stress from toxic relationships can keep you in fight or flight, can keep your nervous system dysregulated, and that completely shuts off your intuitive gifts, all of that. But it doesn't have to be this way, right? So I'm going to start out with just a few statistics, because they're quite surprising. I mean, they were to me, even though, on one hand, I lived it, so they shouldn't be surprising. But just seeing them in, like their numerical form.
Speaker 2:So 60% of domestic violence survivors have reported. So this is just women that have reported. It's not. It doesn't include the women who didn't report this have had employment difficulties as a direct result of abuse, and this can look like missing work, lower productivity, not being able to focus, or even losing a job because of the stress that's caused by the toxic relationship or injury. Because of the stress that's caused by the toxic relationship or injury. Right, 50 to 60 percent of victims report losing their jobs due to issues related to the abuse, because this can look like frequent absences, tardiness, or you know you might need to miss work to actually flee your relationship, and then this, of course, stunts career growth, because how are you possibly able to focus on career growth when you're dealing with all of this abuse at home, right? And so your confidence will probably be lower. You're probably not getting the best sleep, your health could suffer. So there's all of these emotional and physical impacts of the abuse, and it limits opportunities for promotions and higher paying jobs.
Speaker 2:I 100% experience this and I'm going to share my personal stories as well, but I want to just share a few more statistics first. So 99% of domestic violence survivors experience financial abuse. 99%, financial abuse makes it harder for them to leave and to then recover financially after leaving. I 100% went through that. I was one of those women. 99% 28% of single moms are living below the poverty line, and this doesn't just affect the mom, it affects the kids, right, and so a lot of survivors have to deal with debt, with their credit being damaged, legal fees, all of this, right, it's a lot. It's a lot, and I've been there and I know I've been there more than once.
Speaker 2:Unfortunately, lessons, lessons learned. 74% of women who receive public assistance have experienced domestic violence, and so they're having to rely on social programs to help, like, just survive with their kids, right, and that's not their fault and I'm so glad that they do have programs that can help them, but you don't have to stay there. Not long ago, I was living on food stamps, okay, so I've been there. 50 to 75% of women who experience domestic violence develop PTSD. I would actually say all women. I'm sorry, but if you've experienced violence, you definitely have some PTSD in there and obviously anxiety, depression, all of that. Having anxiety and depression makes it hard to focus. It's hard to really be excited about career growth or, you know, even just hold down a job, because I know when I was having visions every night at 3 am of having my face well, I'll spare you the graphics, but having physical I was having flashbacks of severe physical abuse. It was really hard to like just be able to focus at work the next day and act like nothing was happening.
Speaker 2:Right, and it's important for all of us to talk about this. It doesn't mean anything about you that you've experienced this. In fact, I realize now I needed to experience all of this, to be here on earth at this time, to help other mothers through it, and I would not change a thing. I would go through it all over again, because that's what it took for me to be able to teach others, because I would not be able to help others if I hadn't experienced this. I mean, would you want to learn from someone about domestic violence if they had never experienced domestic violence, right, like? That's what is crazy to me about you know, I went to therapy for a decade trying to heal from the reoccurring nightmares of what I had been through, and never healed because my therapist hadn't experienced domestic violence. And traditional therapy just does not work. So sorry, sorry, not sorry, but it's true.
Speaker 2:So let's talk about these three things and well, before I go further, if you haven't heard, I have a program called Clean BDE, clean Baby Daddy Energy. It's a funny name, but I did that on purpose and what it is is. It is a program where you come in and I start regulating your nervous system for you so that you can feel grounded, so that you can start thinking clearer, so that you can start making better decisions, because when you are stuck in fight or flight, all of the blood drains from your brain into your jaw to bite or your limbs to run fast, and that makes you less intelligent. So if you are a single mom, if you're trying to leave a toxic relationship, or if you're a single mom who's already left, you need to be thinking with your full brain power right. You need to be making decisions from a place of clarity and groundedness, not during fight or flight, and I realized that during one of my custody battles I was like deep in fight or flight and I made such horrible decisions, very emotional based, and again I had to go through that so that I could teach moms. So what, wherever you are at, if you've already left or you haven't left, you need your full brain power. You need to be in your body and your mind right, because what I've noticed even now, sometimes I spend a lot more time in my mind than in my body. But we really need to have both, we need to integrate both, and I'll give you some tips at the end to get started. But if you're really wanting help with this, I'll link the CleanBeatE program in the show notes and for October, I'm doing a special $200 off and you can use the code DV200. And honestly, I'll honor that at any time because I just want to help the moms, but obviously I do have to charge for my time and for all of the support throughout the program. So there are live calls, there's telegram support, which is like an app where you can message each other back and forth, because I really want to be there for you and like I have one mom who's right now in the program and she's going through a custody battle and she can message me anytime and we talk about it. But the moms in my program were ready to take radical responsibility for their life. So that's one thing, like if you're not ready to take 100% radical responsibility for your life, then you're not quite ready for this program.
Speaker 2:For example, I've seen, you know, groups of women on Facebook who just like feed off of each other complaining about their exes. Like that is not what this program is. It's about taking back your power, stepping into you, who you are meant to be in this lifetime, and seeing things from a much higher perspective. It has nothing to do with blaming the other person, and I've had some women reach out and I could just tell they weren't quite ready yet because they were still very much. You know, they're posting a lot on Facebook complaining about their ex. That's fine, I used to do it too. So no judgment, I used to do it and it didn't help me in my custody battle. I will tell you that. And of course it's like not good for you know, anything on the internet lives forever, so I don't want my kids to see that. So I don't post anything negative about my exes and in fact I appreciate each one because I've learned a lot from them, right? I have three baby daddies and they're very different and I've learned a ton, so I went on a whole different tangent there.
Speaker 2:So let's get back to this. So let's drill into the three things that mothers facing domestic violence and this really isn't actually just for mothers, it's women and obviously men experience domestic violence as well. I just can't speak to what they're going through. Women and men are biologically different. They have different stress hormones, all of that. So I can't speak from a man's perspective, but I do know what happens to men as well. So just want to throw that out there. I am speaking on behalf of women, because I'm a woman and I'm a mother. Okay, so the first thing is job instability, right? So when you're experiencing abuse at home or you're reliving it through PTSD, of course you're not going to be as productive.
Speaker 2:In the past, I would go from job to job to job like I couldn't focus, didn't really, I did not connect the two. I didn't think like, oh, this is because I'm going through this, or I've gone through this at first, but it 100% affects your ability to hold a job right Job loss I actually did lose a long time job, which I'm glad I did because it pushed me to finally launch my own company company. But I was at a firm for a long time and my partner at the time was very abusive, not physically, but emotionally and verbally. He would follow me around the house, like I even put a lock on my office door. He would pick the lock, come in, he would call me, he would text me, like he just wouldn't leave me alone. So I could not focus. He had all of these issues going on and so he wanted me to pull me away from my job to help him with his issues. And, like you know, I loved him. So, of course you know I put him before myself and which I wouldn't do again, learning lesson.
Speaker 2:So I ended up losing my job because I could not focus and I was constantly having to deal with his emotions, with his ups and downs, with being screamed at all the time in front of children and being kept up late, or you know. And a lot of people, me included, would turn to other things to comfort ourselves. So I would have wine at night and then I'd wake up feeling like crap the next day because wine yeah, in the moment a glass or two feels great, but the next day your mind is fuzzy, you can't focus, you want to nap, all of those things. It's a cycle, right. So I kept trying to comfort myself through it and it just didn't work. I had to end up leaving, which was very difficult to do because I actually needed him to leave the house that we were in and he didn't want to do that. So that was a whole different story. And so career growth.
Speaker 2:That's another thing that takes a huge hit when you are experiencing abuse, or if you've experienced abuse. I remember when I was working at a firm in San Francisco I had such severe anxiety from severe physical abuse that I had experienced six years prior. I would find myself in the closet at the firm, shaking, calling 911. I would faint and the doctors you, you know couldn't figure out what's going on with me because it was in my mind, right and in my body, and it was PTSD. And western medicine is great for like emergencies, but it's not great for for anxiety, depression, all of that, because they just want to put you on medication or send you to a therapist who's going to keep you and you're going to stay there, you're not going to be able to. I mean, rarely do people actually 100% heal off the medication and away from traditional therapy. I mean, it's just once you're there, it's really hard to break out.
Speaker 2:I know I was there for like a long, long time at least 10 years, maybe more and I go more into this in my Clean BDE program as to why that is because, also, there's a whole nother world that is finally coming to the surface Most people have ignored or just thought didn't exist, but there's a. You know, our universe is one of light and dark and so, just like there's light, there is dark and there's dark energy that infiltrates us. And oh, I forgot to mention this. So when you join Clean BDE, you get access to a course I'm creating right now called Light it Up, and it's all about clearing dark energy. And these are very much related because if you've experienced abuse, if you've had addiction issues, any of that, you definitely have dark force, energy on you, in you that needs to be cleared because the dark energy will amplify anything you already are feeling. So when I look back, I'm like, damn, I wish I knew this stuff because I was having such bad anxiety and panic attacks, full-on panic attacks, weekly Dark force energy takes advantage of those moments and it amplifies it, so these programs go really well hand in hand.
Speaker 2:You can purchase Light it Up separately. It's still a program I'm creating, so it's not fully done, so it's at a very low price right now. But if you join Clean BDE, you get it for free because you absolutely need it. There's just no way around it. Everybody should take it.
Speaker 2:Take it to be honest, and one of the one of the ways that I used to try to heal and I know a lot of you can probably relate is I spent so much money going from healer to healer to intuitive, to you know, just trying to figure out. I really wanted to break free of it because I could feel that it was like something I could break free of, but I felt like I was drowning in it and I was like I just want that fresh air. I just need that fresh air and like I would not give up. And so I've gone to see so many people. I've gone, I've trained in so many different modalities, which I'll talk about in a second, but the issue is 91% of intuitives, healers and especially the people you see in the media who are healers have dark force issues, and I'm going to link an episode from my teacher, alessandro Giannetti's podcast.
Speaker 2:It's crazy, it's like it's crazy, it's like it's definitely shock worthy, because there was one particular famous healer that I was learning from and I loved his meditations and I had all of his programs and his books and I was like addicted to it, right, and there's people that go to his events and like everybody is like, oh my god, I have never felt that good. And then they kind of like get addicted and they want to go back. Right, they'll feel good, they'll heal. Then they'll take a dip and they'll feel like, oh, I'm feeling bad again, I better go back, and so that's a really big sign of dark force energy at play. And so some of these healers and intuitives it's not conscious, but with this particular person, it is a conscious decision to work with dark energy.
Speaker 2:Allie Ninfo, my other intuitive teacher. She has an amazing course called Fuck Dark Forces, so I will link that in the show notes. I'm not an affiliate or anything. Just everybody needs to know about this because our whole world is shifting right now and the more people that know this, like, knowledge is power, and I just have to share this information because it's had such a profound impact on me, my life, my kids. So, going back to it, so I was going to all these different healers, teachers, intuitives obviously not knowing that when there's dark energy on them, and I explain what dark energy is in my Light it Up course. It's an interactive course where I share a little bit of information. Then there's telegram coaching. I will check different kinds of dark energy on your body. I'll teach you how to clear it yourself if you do have it. So it's not just a come learn, it's like I actually help you and I like do readings for you. So when you're working with someone who, even if they don't consciously know they have dark energy on them, then it gets into you and then it can control your emotions, your thoughts, all of that, and that's where a lot of mental illness comes into play. So it's something that hasn't been talked about a lot, but it really needs to be, and I clear my own energy every day, I clear my children's energy and there's just such a huge difference.
Speaker 2:So, getting back to this, so if you're a single mom who's experienced abuse or who is experiencing abuse. You're probably also experiencing economic abuse as well, right? So I know that for me, in one of my relationships I was promised by him that he would take care of me financially, that I didn't have to work all of that. Well, I didn't know that was like a control tactic, so I completely relied on him. I'd have to beg him for money, for food, and it became impossible to escape until I finally told my family what was happening and then they helped me escape, right? But then I was a single mom. I was on, you know, all the social programs, which I'm not knocking them at all, I'm glad I had them at the time. But that is the norm, right? Like for single moms who are experiencing abuse and who finally do get the courage to leave.
Speaker 2:Then you're looking at oftentimes like economic, financial issues. But it doesn't have to. You don't have to stay there. It's fine to escape and go to that, but you don't have to stay there and go to that. But you don't have to stay there. And it's such a beautiful thing for you and for your kids to rise above and become the person you were here to be, right?
Speaker 2:And so I developed this program and right now, if you were to go to the well right now is of October 22nd 2024. If you were to go to the sales page, you would see that it's just one program, right? And so that's how it will be for a little bit, and so anyone who joins now will have access to level one and level two. So level one is all about getting you regulated. It's all about clearing out not just the trauma and the pain, but also childhood programming, because it's all related, right, like I explain all of this inside the program, but because some of my childhood programming was don't speak up, basically be a people pleaser and put everybody first before yourself, right? So those are some of the programs I had, and so that led me to choosing certain partners, and that's where I found myself in these unfortunate experiences, right, well, unfortunate, fortunate. Now I get to teach about it. So I do feel honored to be able to teach all of this, and so all of this does go back to childhood programming.
Speaker 2:So I really like help you get like a fresh, clean slate, to be the amazing, unique person you are, minus all of the emotional baggage. I mean, that's really the heart of the program. So I do this with several modalities. I've combined. One of them is through nervous system regulation, one of them is through unconscious reprogramming, and then I also infuse it all with the energetics.
Speaker 2:So right now there are 38 audios. I'm going to be adding another one this week and, just to give you an idea, the first six are all kind of introductory and four of them are what I call phase one, and so phase one is all about getting you out of fight or flight and explaining the reason why our mind kind of has this dysfunction that keeps us stuck. Then I start clearing things for you. You literally just pop in your headphones or pop on your headphones and I do these clearings for you. I help you if you feel overwhelmed with parenting. There's an audio for that. There's court prep audios. There's an energy clearing cord, cutting one, how to deal with threatening texts. Then there are some neutral clearings where you can just literally re-listen to those as many times as you need, like if a new issue pops up, you just listen to. There's two different neutral audios and the moms inside have reported that they listen to those a lot, so like if any kind of issue comes up, it just helps you get back to that regulated place and then we clear other things like not feeling good enough. We clear anxiety and intrusive thoughts. All of that. There are the replays of some live calls. So we had one live call and then we had Andrea Crowder, my mentor teacher, come in and that was an amazing call. And then right now I'm getting into emotional mastery, emotional intelligence, where I'm helping the moms learn how to like new techniques to be able to master your emotions, and not just for yourself but for your kids too.
Speaker 2:So pretty soon I'm going to split it into two. So this, all of this, will be in level one and then level two. I'm actually going to go deeper into like your actual soul contract with your ex. It'll be more personalized. You don't have to purchase level two once they're separate if you don't want to go that deep. Level one will give you everything you need to feel regulated and clear. Level two will be more for people who really want to go that like next step and see everything from like a sole perspective. But you can purchase now and you'll get all of it for the same price and that will stay in place until I finish level one. So level one is probably about 75% done. Once it's done, then it will be sold as level one and then they'll be split out. So, long story short, he can get in now and get both levels and the light it up program, which is a great deal and, now that I'm saying that out loud, definitely giving a lot away for free.
Speaker 2:But I feel so passionate about helping not just moms but women, healing from domestic violence. So you know the term survivor is used a lot, but I actually like to think of it more as, like you're becoming a creator, you're starting to create the life that you want. You will shift out of survival mode into thriving mode and start to create. And that's what I love about this program I created because you'll feel, for the first time in a long time, like you're able to think, you're able to make clear decisions, and if you're going through court, you really need to be emotionally regulated, you need to be able to think clearly and not be in fight or flight. So I share a lot of personal stories in there to help moms just like see some of the things I've gone through that I've healed. I mean, I've seen it all and I've healed it.
Speaker 2:So I have one mother in there who was really abused. It was heartbreaking to hear and she has a lot of kids, and she came on the call with Andrea and was just like I am so glad I invested in this program, like I feel completely neutral about my ex I can see him Doesn't bother me and it just gives me chills to even say that because she's not just healing herself, she's healing her kids, right. And like my goal is to reach as many moms as possible, because just think about how the world would be if we were all emotionally regulated and we weren't in fight or flight. Because the majority of the world is in fight or flight and so that's why there's so much violence and so much pain. Right, people are just in fight or flight, acting like animals, and it doesn't have to be like that. So if you know of any single moms who are struggling, who need some help, please share this episode with them, or you could share the link to my program with them. And you know this isn't just a program. I'm like oh, here, purchase it. You know, good luck, I'm there supporting the moms. And so, when your nervous system is balanced, you can start making choices that really align with your vision of having a more satisfying, fulfilling life, and whether that's in your career or personal growth, or even like your next relationship. This will really get you into your power.
Speaker 2:And this episode was actually inspired by listening to Andrea in her Legends program. I don't know if you guys are in it. If not, I'll link it in the show notes. Legends is an amazing membership where Andrea just kind of like riffs on audios about different things, but like she's my mentor, teacher, and she's also like showed me and opened things up to me like in ways nobody else had, and and so I love listening to her because she has such a unique way of thinking about things and the things she shares are so empowering. So she was talking about how she wants to get her programs, her nervous system regulation programs, into like a corporate package for people in corporate America. Because I mean, if someone's in sales, let's say, and they are working with an unregulated nervous system or trauma or whatever, they're not going to perform as well as someone who is emotionally regulated, and so I think it's amazing. I'm so excited for her to get her programs into the hands of people all over corporate well, not just in America, all over.
Speaker 2:And so when she said that all over corporate well, not just in America all over, and so when she said that, I was like, oh my gosh, that's what inspired this whole episode, as I was like I know there's so many single moms, or just women in general, in the corporate space right now dealing with abuse, so like they're going to work every day, they're trying to get through their work day, they have career like aspirations and goals, but like their nervous system and even some of the dark force stuff we talked about is just keeping them under the surface. I used to feel like a little breath of fresh air and then I would get pulled back under, something would happen and I had to watch men that I was training at my firm rise above me and become leaders of different departments, and that was just like, oh, it's not fair. But of course, like now I understand, they seemed more reliable and grounded. I was kind of all over the place and so, listening to her, I was like, oh my gosh, what would it take for me to get clean BDE? I'd probably have to change the name for a corporate setting, but for me to get clean BDE into the hands of moms who are just trying to make it through the day, and it's like you don't have to do that. Maybe these moms aren't actually meant to be in the corporate world, maybe they're actually meant to be healers, or maybe they're meant to be artists or whatever. But because they're stuck in fight or flight, they feel stuck in their career. You know, and it doesn't have to be that way, and I would have never opened up all the doors I have now if I had stayed stuck in the corporate space, stuck in a job where I wasn't seeing any like potential for growth, and then stuck in fight or flight right.
Speaker 2:So Andrea inspired this episode because I realized there are so many moms out there just like I was struggling at work but not able to focus, thinking about the fight from the night before, not wanting the day to end because you don't want to have to see him, or whatever. Or maybe you're a single mom and it's like I used to have to drop my daughter off at before care 7 am, ride the bus to San Francisco and then I wouldn't be able to pick her up until 6 pm. She would be in aftercare until 6 pm. I hardly saw my child and that's because I was a single mom dealing with the after effects of abuse and just didn't know what to do. So we were living in a one-bedroom tiny apartment. I mean, it was in a beautiful city, so I can't complain. There was like in one of the most expensive cities, but I wanted her to go to a really good school, right, so I was doing the best that I could.
Speaker 2:But if I had gone through these steps of healing my nervous system, clearing like literally, like just deleting the emotional pain I mean that's what I really do for you in Clean BDE. I delete the emotional pain. You can still recall the memory like trigger warning. But I can still clearly recall when my ex almost choked me to death. I was pregnant and he was choking me and his brother happened to walk in and pulled him off of me. I can still remember that but it doesn't bother me. I actually like I know what he went through. He went through some horrific things and so I'm able to look at it from a higher perspective. And you know, hurt people, hurt people and tell the heel Right, and so I can recall all of these memories, but they're neutral, they don't they don't bother me, which might sound weird, but it honestly it feels like a different feels, like I'm watching a movie, but like.
Speaker 2:Not even not even like that, because if I watched that scene in a movie I would be emotional. I don't know how to explain it. It just feels like a different life and that's how it can feel for you, and I haven't done this yet inside my program. But if there's someone in a toxic relationship and they're wanting to leave and they don't know what to do, that's something that you can tap into the telegram support piece of it with me. Like I'm happy to guide you and share some ideas. All of that because I am so committed to helping moms and helping the children, because the children are our future. By healing ourselves, we give our children the opportunity to have a better world. So I will just end this there.
Speaker 2:Well, actually, before I end, I promised you some tips, so I will give you a few tips on what you can do in the moment if you are feeling emotionally triggered. So one when we get triggered, we become hyper-focused and it can actually make you feel worse and worse. So the first tip would be to engage your five senses. So notice, what do you see, what do you feel, what do you hear, what do you taste? All of that that starts to help you zoom out. So that would be the first step.
Speaker 2:Then two notice, like the things in your environment, how they're supporting you. Like if you're sitting on your chair, your chair is supporting you, your computer is supporting you by allowing you to work, your phone is supporting you by having access to family or friends, like all of that. Notice that access to family or friends, like all of that. Notice that. Then, depending on the situation, you could name the emotion. It doesn't have to be accurate. Most people actually aren't labeling their emotions accurately because they don't actually even understand what's happening under the surface, which you you know you'll have trouble doing that if you are in fight or flight. So labeling an emotion, that will help reduce the triggered feeling by like 50%. So like, okay, I'm feeling really angry right now because X, y, z, and just like, getting that out and recognizing it will help decrease the pressure. And then I always like to really zoom out and be like you know what? There's nothing actually solid in this universe. Everything is like floating atoms. Like I got an email last week that really triggered me and so I was like nothing's real, like this computer is literally like floating atoms, and so that really helps me zoom out.
Speaker 2:And then one final thing, and I go through so much more in both Clean BDE and then in my membership. My membership is not just for moms, it's for anybody really, but all women are in there. And in my membership I do a lot of this reprogramming as well. So the final step would be like I do this still because sometimes I get nervous speaking in front of large groups. It's an old program of mine. So I remind myself this is not you, this is an old program when you didn't feel safe to speak up and you're just. You know having a program act up. That program is false. I'll tell myself that. But then I'll also like if I'm looking say I'm looking at a computer I'll notice in my peripheral vision what's on the right side. Then I'll do that on the left side, while not ever moving my eyes. That does wonders for anxiety or feeling triggered. That simple exercise has saved me so many times, so I hope that's helpful for you. As always, reach out to me with any questions, and I'm sending you all so much love.
Speaker 1:Thank you for listening to Unveiled. I always love hearing your takeaways, so please connect with me on Instagram at that, angela, marie, christian, and feel free to tag me when you share it with your friends. Every single review matters and it helps me reach more people who want to improve this world. If you leave a review, let me know and I'll send you a little thank you gift. Any resources mentioned in the show will be linked in the show notes. Sending you all love.