
Full Circle Moment: Reflecting on a Group Call with my Coach (Andrea Crowder)

Angela Christian Season 2 Episode 108

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Listen in as I recount a powerful bonus call with the mothers from my Clean Baby Daddy Energy program, featuring the wisdom of my mentor & coach Andrea Crowder. One mother’s courageous story of overcoming an abusive relationship and reaching emotional neutrality after taking my program deeply moved me...reinforcing my commitment to helping others on their journeys.

Discover the importance of acknowledging and naming multiple emotions for true emotional mastery, and learn how clearing toxic energy from past relationships has brought me a profound sense of wholeness.

From the healing power of humor to the invaluable support of intimate networks, especially for mothers, I emphasize the significance of learning through failure and embracing our unique gifts. This episode is a testament to balancing professional expertise with soul-driven endeavors, highlighting that our individual journeys are not only invaluable but irreplaceable.

Resources mentioned:

Clean BDE
The Break-out Blueprint
Guided Light Healing

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the show. I will be changing my show name soon to Unveiled, so that's why you don't hear me saying a specific show name at the moment. I'm going to be hiring Joelle to help me amplify and rebrand my podcast, so I'm really excited about that. From 50 downloads a week to 130. So that is amazing. I'm so grateful for every single one of you listening and I would love to hear from you, even if it's a little note. Some of you have reached out to share like an episode that you like or commented on it, and I love hearing from you. So please do reach out.

Speaker 1:

I wasn't sure if I was going to record a show this week because it's been a little hectic, to be honest. I moved my daughter to college to San Diego last week and it was quite emotional, but she's so happy so I'm thrilled. It's still just like weird to know she's so far away. And then today I had my bonus call with the mothers in my Clean Baby Daddy Energy program. We had Andrea Crowder, my mentor coach, come in and speak to us and it was an intimate group, which was amazing. I definitely should have grounded myself first because I was very emotional, but it also felt so surreal and that's what I want to talk to you about today is when you have an idea, you bring it to life and then you actually see people's life change from it. I don't think I've ever experienced something so amazing other than being a mother, of course, but in this it just felt like I was in a different dimension when I was on this call, listening to Andrea share her story with us pieces I've never heard before, and that alone like had me in tears. I was literally holding back tears. And then she was so generous with her time. She allowed the mothers to, you know, share anything they're still wanting to have some help on. And one of the moms shared how she had been in a very abusive relationship for years and she has several kids who also were experiencing PTSD. And she said you know, thank you, angela. Your program literally made me neutral to him and like I literally could have just left the call and bursted into tears, because not only that, but she was holding two of her children on her lap. And so here I'm seeing a woman whose life I got to help, and not only her like life, but I can see two of her little babies who will grow up with a mother who is neutral about the father who had abused her right, and I know that this was my purpose, or one of my purposes in life because, as I've mentioned, I have three baby daddies and two of them I did experience a form of you know different forms of abuse from, and two out of three of them I feel completely neutral about. One of them I still am working through some feelings, more just about I know that it's a reflection of me, something I need to work on, and that's a different topic. I'll get into it maybe today, but maybe not. So, getting back on track here, just like looking at these women who I've been able to help and their kids, kids like whoa talk about amazing.

Speaker 1:

Not only that, but having like I know I've probably shared this before, but having Andrea on, who literally was my savior when, you know, when I was I had filed for divorce, I had to move out of my million dollar home into a tiny little apartment, two bedroom apartment with my three kids. I was sleeping on a broken couch. I gave my kids the bedrooms and I found Andrea through Catherine Zanchina, who I love as well, and I was like, who is this coach that Catherine keeps talking about. I mean, she must be really good because you know we all love Catherine and I was like, okay, I need to check out her coach. And so that's how I found Andrea and I remember so clearly just laying on that broken couch. So my body was the top part of my body was on the couch and then the bottom part, like the L shape. It was missing, the piece underneath, so my feet would be at a decline. I ended up finding the piece later when I moved back into a million dollar home, but it's kind of like symbolic of that time. So I was laying on my broken couch listening to Andrea while my kids were sleeping.

Speaker 1:

I would listen to her on walks and she literally shifted me out of such a dark period of time where, looking back now, I realize a lot of the feelings I had were very mixed, because something I've learned recently as I'm trying to improve my emotional mastery is that as a child, we're often taught like what are you feeling? Angry, sad, scared and we just assign like one emotion to it, when during most times there's actually a lot of emotions going on. And the more that you can name and then shift, the better right, and so I think I was so caught up in just like anger. I was so angry about a lot of things. I didn't allow the sadness and the grief to be named. I was sad because I had truly thought I, you know, was in love with the person that I married and then I found out he was someone completely different and I felt tricked. And so, looking back, I can name all of these emotions and come to terms with it in that way. But I would have never been able to do that if I hadn't started somewhere, and so I and I'm sure I've shared this before, so apologies for repeating, but if you're listening to it, then maybe it's a sign so I started with her Regulate program, which I'll link in the show notes, and then I took WAP after that. So Regulate really helped me shift into neutral emotions about a lot of things.

Speaker 1:

Now, like I've realized, last week and I meant to do an Instagram post about this, I need to get back on track there but last week I had back-to-back-to-back financial presentations. For one day it was 13 men. The next day it was like six men. The next day it was two, the next day it was six, like all men, and that wasn't a coincidence because of all of the issues I experienced in the past with men In business school, I could not stand up and present to the class if there were men in there. If it was a class of women, no problem, but men I really struggled to present to because I had been literally physically like beat when I did try to speak up, or you know, if it wasn't physical, it was emotional or verbal, and so I was terrified of presenting in front of men. It is not a coincidence that now I can present in front of men and I honestly like don't care, like I'm so neutral about it and I didn't realize how much I healed that until last week. And so that's the amazing thing about combining like this unconscious reprogramming, nervous system regulation and energetics, combining all of this to really dig deep and heal these pieces of us. So I definitely got off track there.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, this is not scripted, as you can tell. I just had to share this because if any of you have an idea and we all do, whether you know it or not, everybody has something that they could teach other people about and change the world for those people. Everybody has something, and so one of mine is definitely has something to do with clearing the toxic energy you know more about, just like neutralizing the emotions around your exes, especially around the fathers of your children, right, because I had three of them. So something that I learned, recently as well, is that when we're here for a certain purpose, we have to learn and fail and learn and fail, like about every little thing about that subject, right. And so I had three chances to learn and fail a lot. And then, obviously, I also had a lot of other relationships, and now that I've been single for almost a year and a half, which has been amazing I can really reflect on all of that without the distraction of a man, because what I realized is I wasn't allowing myself time to really look back and just like collect those pieces of my soul that I left in various relationships. And so now that I've been able to do that, I feel so whole.

Speaker 1:

And today was a full circle moment, when I got to sit there with my mentor, andrea, who literally like helped me neutralize all of this, and I don't think she even understands how much, like I've told her, but like she literally was the one who changed everything for me, and of course you know I had to do the work as well, but she was definitely like an angel sent to me, and what's funny is she called me an angel in today's call and it's like I think we're just all angels finding each other, we're all old souls finding each other, helping each other, and so the whole point of this today is to encourage you to look at your life and where you've experienced a lot of failure, success, both what you feel passionate about and what might feel really fun to pursue. Because you know, I don't have a ton of women in this program. It's not like, and I wouldn't want a ton of women in this program right now, because we wouldn't have been able to have such an intimate, beautiful call with Andrea right. If there were like 100 women in this program right now, that call wouldn't have happened. And so social media mistakenly tells us that we can like be an overnight sensation, and that's not actually true when it's your like purpose or your soul path, because there's so many steps that we have to take. We might have to like. If I, if I, had had 100 women join this program right when I launched it, I would have been overwhelmed and like sure, the human part of me was like that would be amazing. But my higher self was like calm down, let's just focus on one mother at a time, right. And so I have a handful of mothers in there and I've been able to give them additional support when needed on Telegram or you know, and I like doing it. It feels good in my soul because when I'm helping the mothers heal, I'm helping the children heal, and children have always had such a special place in my heart because they come into this world still very connected to the realm that they came from.

Speaker 1:

And, like my son talks about his past lives all the time, like he doesn't know that he's necessarily talking about past lives. But I'll say like, oh, mommy, when you were a little girl, I was this guy and he has like very specific details and a lot of parents would just be like, oh, yeah, ok, you're making that up. I know he's not, I just listen and I let his imagination, you know, just run. I just listen and I let his imagination, you know, just run. Because I know eventually, when he reaches about age seven or eight, when his conscious mind kicks in, he might not be so open to remembering, right, it's usually the first five years of life, where they're still pretty connected, especially if there's parents who are open to it.

Speaker 1:

One thing I will share from our call today that could help anybody is humor. Like humor can literally diffuse any situation, and something we were talking about in there is how we can create characters for people who might have brought us pain in the past. Right, and so I actually do call one of my exes a character's name because it's just funny and it like makes me laugh, and humor is just so high, vibrational and life doesn't have to be taken so seriously. Not only that, but as I've started to understand how my reality is actually shaped and how I actually shape my reality and I can not only shape my reality, I can change the way people perceive me and respond to me. I'm like, oh my God, like, as Andrea always says, I like being the problem, because then I'm also the solution.

Speaker 1:

Right, and so, if anything, I hope you just walk away from this rambling episode feeling inspired to really look at like, what is it that lights you up, what is it that you have so much experience in, or what is maybe you have? You know, two really different areas that you're very experienced in that you could combine, like I tried combining my financial expertise with my energetics. That didn't quite work. I I know why now. But everything, every experience, everything you know, your wisdom, your knowledge, all of that makes up a very unique person, you who cannot compete with anybody else because there's nobody else like you.

Speaker 1:

And so one last little reflection I'll share is that I'm really glad that I have my CFO business because it's something I'm naturally good at. I've done for 15 years. It's not my passion, because I don't get to see like that reward of actually changing people's lives, right. But we actually don't want to put so much pressure on our passion careers, our soul pull careers, because when you start to put all that pressure on it, it's not going to unfold in the beautiful way that it could, right. So I'm so grateful to have both of these businesses and, as someone who's very impatient, I'm learning to be patient with my soul pull, my soul career. Especially my intuitive coach, alessandro, said it can feel like nothing is happening and then one day everything happens, and I fully believe that. So I hope that helps you. And if you are someone who's in like a corporate job, who is miserable and has like some other desire or passion.

Speaker 1:

I haven't really talked about this too much yet, but I do have a program called the Blueprint Breakout, which is all about how to plan your escape from corporate. It's not like an overnight thing. I'm so glad I didn't try to do it overnight, but I can use all the knowledge and all the failures and the successes that I experienced to when I finally was like okay, I'm burning the boats, I'm doing this. I was able to launch a six-figure business just about immediately. So it's a combination of nervous system regulation, unconscious reprogramming. It's a combination of nervous system regulation, unconscious reprogramming, mindset and strategy. So it does have some like very 3D strategy stuff as well.

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It's still being built out, so it's at a really low pre-sale price. Right now. I can't actually even remember as I'm talking, but I'll share the link in the show notes. I know that it's really low. So once it's all complete then it will be probably triple the price it is right now. But I always like to do that. I like to price it low as I'm building it out because that just feels energetically right to me. And then once it's built and done, then you know it's a finished product and this is something I had to learn over the course of 15 plus years, so it could definitely help you leave your career a lot sooner than you might think. So anyway, thank you for listening and I hope you found something helpful in this episode. If you did, please let me know and stay tuned for the rebrands. Bye.