
How I clear the Fear of Rejection in Business (or Life)

Angela Christian Season 2 Episode 100

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What if the fear of rejection was the only thing standing between you and your most authentic self?

Drawing from the insights of Andrea Crowder and the transformative power of Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT), I share practical steps to shift from fear to love. You’ll learn how to align your decisions with your higher self, clear the fear of rejection, and attract greater success.

Unlock the secrets of emotional clarity and well-being through healing inner dialogue.

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Unveiled - The Membership here
Elevated Consciosness (the podcast) here
Book a 1:1 with me here

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome back to the show. Today we're going to be talking about how to clear the fear of rejection. I'm going to give some examples on the exact process I do Before we get into that. One note my podcast name is going to change to Unveiled and so I'm going to be doing a fun little rebrand. I just like to share that with you guys, in case you're looking for the unconventional CEO in your podcast feed and you don't see it. I don't think this will happen for another like month or two, but just something to share, which is exciting, and I'm having Joelle from Andrea Crowder's team help me with that. So not just rebrand, but also to amplify so that it starts reaching even further, because it has been amazing over these last two years how much it's grown. I've been doing it now for over two years. I've actually changed the name several times. In case you've been here with me the whole time, thank you, because I don't believe in ever just sticking with something because that was how it was right. I think that we're always changing, always growing, always evolving, and so I remember during the first couple rebrands, I felt a little embarrassed, like what are people going to think? Like, is it going to make me look flaky. And now I'm like no, because every time I level up I learn new things, I become more and more comfortable with who I am, which, as a sidebar, if you look back at the names.

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I started with Her Circle. That was my very first podcast name and I just thought it was going to be like bringing mothers on mother entrepreneurs interviewing them. I was very nervous. That's why I started the entire podcast, because I had a severe fear of public speaking and I knew doing this would help me really be comfortable and I have the desire to help millions. So I need to get over that right, and so RRT really helped me with that. But this also this is the physical action right of just leaning in and actually doing it. So it was her circle.

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Then it changed to the 5D CFO, which felt really aligned at the time because I was a CFO. Well, I still am a CFO, but I was trying to merge the two worlds. I still am a CFO, but I was trying to merge the two worlds, both the 3D world of accounting, finance, and then the 5D world of energetics. And so my idea was I was going to focus more on like doing that in the podcast. And then I was bringing on a lot of CEOs, so I was like this name doesn't really fit anymore. So then I did a rebrand to the unconventional CEO, which is what I have right now, and that, you know, was a new level up, because I'm not a conventional CEO and I realized I love bringing on guests who aren't conventional CEOs either.

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And now I'm just feeling so comfortable and ready to share, like all the energetics, all the RT, all the peeking behind the veil and doing more of what we desire, not what society desires us to do, right. So I just wanted to share a little bit about that first. So now, talking about the clearing the fear of rejection, some of this I learned from Andrea Crowder I always like to give credit to who I learned things from so some of it I learned from her. A lot of these steps. I also learned some of this in our RT, and then other pieces of it are just energetic. It all fits together beautifully.

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So, going along with the theme of podcasts, when I get an idea of having a guest on my show, I first want to make sure that it's not just coming from like an ego human desire. I want to make sure it's aligned with my higher self too. And I've had so many people ask me, like, how do you get these amazing guests on your show? And it's funny because my answer to them has always been well, I just ask. But I'm realizing that's not super helpful. So I'm going to break down exactly what I do for you guys today, because I do think the fear of rejection well, I know the fear of rejection really holds us back from quantum leaping. It wasn't until I started taking these scary steps where I really started seeing quantum leaps.

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But first let's just talk a little bit about fear. When we're moving from a place of fear, it is not moving from a place of love. So just think about a pendulum On one end there's fear, one end there's love, right? So if you're feeling any fear, it's, in my opinion, the best idea to shift it, because otherwise the fear is entering your energy and then the person, for example, in this scenario, the person you're asking will feel your fear and desperation, and that's repelling. It's not magnetic, right? We want to be magnetic and from the RRT perspective, fear is simply a tool for us when we are being chased by a predator. So it's a primitive response that was installed in our unconscious mind that hasn't been updated to adjust to our modern day life. And I talk about this in my programs. The first four audios of my programs are shifting out of this fight or flight, because it's so important, so important to tap into your intuition, to start quantum leaping. We need to shift out of fight or flight, so fear.

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This is a great example from the RRT perspective. If a zebra is grazing in a field, right, she's just peaceful, let's say you and I are just sitting there watching her from afar. Then all of a sudden her head jerks up and she starts running and we look over and we see a lion approaching the field right. And so if I were to say to you, oh, that lion really put that fear into the zebra, you might say to me I don't think that's really what happened, because it would be in lion's best interest if zebra had been still grazing and peaceful and calm, right, lion would have been able to catch zebra. So I don't think the lion actually put the fear into the zebra. In fact, I think it's a more useful way to think that zebra's mind read incoming data that lion was approaching. It sent energy from her brain to her limbs to run really fast for a short period of time.

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Okay, so that is what fear is. We have that same fear mechanism in our body, but it's not useful because we are not running from predators. Sometimes people are getting yelled at by their boss and it triggers this fear response. Right, it's not helpful because what it does is it pulls energy from your brain into your limbs to run. So you're stronger temporarily, but dumber, so you're not going to be able to tap into your intuition, you're not going to be able to think clearly, you're not going to have these like genius ideas popping in. It's a very primitive response. It is not helpful unless you are literally running for your life, which hopefully no one will ever have to do so, okay, so now that I painted that picture, I see a lot, or not a lot, but there are some people in the self-help space who really promote fear as like a motivator. I don't find fear to be a good motivator at all. Fear is not fire and passion and wisdom. That's what love is, right.

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So I had a reading done by Alessandro Gianetti from Guided Light Healing. Go check out his podcast, elevated Consciousness. It's amazing, and he told me that only 14% of the world, the population are old souls. The rest are new souls, and it doesn't mean one is better than the other. It just means, like a 12th grader is going to know more than a kindergartner, right? So he told me I am one of the 14% of old souls. I already knew that, not from a ego place, I just knew it intuitively, and so what's happening here is, if you are also an old soul, there's a lot of new soul people trying to teach their techniques that aren't going to work for old souls. Okay, so using fear, you know those coaches that we see on social media who are like hustle, hustle, hustle, we don't care about your feelings, hustle, hustle. And so what I find a little disturbing is that people are thinking they need to hustle, hustle, hustle all the time and they're not taking time to tap into their own wisdom and knowledge, and so those kind of techniques aren't going to work for old souls. Old souls are here to actually create new ways of doing things, which is why I'm changing the name to this podcast to Unveiled, because I want to show you behind the veil. Right.

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Fear also invites in dark energies. Dark energies will amplify your fear and you either won't do the thing you're wanting to do or it won't work right. So that's why it's important to clear dark energy. I talked about this recently in a podcast interview with Ali on info. I will link it here. I also help you inside my programs Clear Dark Energy. So if that's something you're interested in, dm me and tell me what you're interested in and I'll kind of point you in the right direction. So here is exactly what I do.

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The other day I wanted to invite two women on my podcast who are like dream podcast guests. They would really help my audience and they're also women who have gone through similar things and I would just love to have them on, one being Pamela Anderson, the other being Kelly Rutherford, and so I wanted to invite them on. But I was feeling kind of nervous, like butterflies in my stomach, which to me is telling me it's either fear or excitement, right? So every day I do an energy clearing. Every day I do energy clearing and I do an energy recovery, which means I get back the energy that's mine, that has been in other people, situations, places, and then I take out any energy that is not mine, I send it back to where it belongs. Those steps inside my programs in an audio. So I'm not going to go through all of those steps here, but if you're interested in that, you can join my membership, which is $59.99 a month. You'll get that. You'll get a live call with me every month and a ton of audios that are already in there and then in addition to that, I do a new audio every month, at least one.

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So first, energy clearing, energy recovery. Then I just ask my higher self, by utilizing my intuition, I put my hand on my heart, because that kind of activates the heart space, and I lean into the feeling, I physically lean in and I ask myself first, is this my fear or is this mine? That's what I usually say, which is what I learned. That piece I learned from Andrea, which is what I learned that piece I learned from Andrea, and it has been amazing, especially if you have your intuition dialed in. So I lean in, I say is this mine? If I get a no, which sometimes I do, I'm like great that, like clears. I would say 50% almost immediately, just knowing it's not mine. If it is mine, then I ask my higher self show me the first time I had an experience that created this feeling or this fear or whatever it is, because when we have like traumatic experiences, even if they're small t trauma, there's a piece of our soul that stays there, and so we need to recover all the pieces of our soul to be whole right, and so this allows us to go back into the past and collect those pieces. So for me, this is a funny example.

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The first thing that showed up was this play I really wanted to be Snow White. I was chosen to be one of the three pigs. I was pissed. I was like I have dark hair, I have the dress, I'm the perfect Snow White. But I actually ended up liking my role as one of the three pigs. That's beside the point. So I went back to that memory and I looked at myself at that time. I went over, I talked to her. I said you know, whatever I felt called to say in that moment, it might've been something like I just want you to know. This all turned out you know, for your highest good, you end up being like the hit of the show, and not just that, but like look where you're at today. You're running two successful companies, you have three beautiful kids and then once I can see the shift in my younger self.

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I put my arms out and I ask her to come back to me. And so I hug her, she comes back to me, she merges into my body. Sounds a little weird, but it's a really beautiful experience. I often cry when I'm doing it, which is also healing. So then I check in with the fear, the feeling. Is it gone? If it's not gone, then I'll say please show me another example of when this was activated.

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And so another example popped up when I had this boyfriend in fifth grade and I was so shy I like wouldn't talk to him, we would just hold hands, and I ended up like breaking up with him. So then in sixth grade or seventh grade, I liked him again and my friend convinced me to call him. And back then, you know, we didn't have cell phones, we just had house phones. I called his house and when he answered the phone I said will you go out with me, which is what we used to do back in the day, and he said no back in the day. And he said no, and I was mortified, like so mortified. We ended up having a situation later in high school. So it's all good, but, but at the time he said no, and I'm like I remember my stomach dropping. I was still really shy, so that was like huge for me to do. I was still really shy, so that was like huge for me to do.

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And so again I went I know exactly where I was at my friend's parents' house, on that, on their phone, on the wall. I went back to her. I just shared some amazing accomplishments, told her you know just everything, like because I have gone from relationship to relationship to relationship, trying to heal my inner wounds or I should say I did and then over a year ago I decided to be single and everything has shifted like for the good. Not saying everybody needs to be single, but for me, a learning lesson of mine was to find my value within right, and so I kind of explained this to her and when I felt the shift, I put my arms out, we hugged, she came back to me, then I checked in with the fear, and so sometimes I have to do that a few times.

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Other times it's just once, and then, if it's mostly queer, I might still do some RRT shifting, which I do when I'm talking to her, my younger self and then also I meet with my emotion code slash, belief code, slash, body code, coach at least once a month, and we clear out anything that I might not be aware of. Because what's great about combining all of these things is RRT. You can come in with literally you know exactly what you want to clear, right, with emotion code, belief code, body code, you can come in and just say, oh, I want to, I want to come in with this, like there's something going on here, and so you can either even just have your higher self guide the whole session, which I do a lot, and that's when I have the biggest breakthroughs. And if you need someone, I use Danielle Taylor and mention me. If you book with her, you'll get a free session inside my programs. You get a free session and you get ongoing discounts with her. And then with Energetics, it's, you know, shifting at a whole different level. So these three things like are what I turn to for shifting everything.

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The final thing I would say is whatever it is you're wanting if it's a podcast guest, if it's wanting to, you know, date someone, whatever it is, neutralize it, take them or take it off the pedestal. And I kind of talked about this in my last podcast episode with my daughter, but I did this with. You know, right now I'm living at my parents' house. It was a conscious choice to do this for many reasons, and sometimes I'm really hard on myself and I'll be like, oh I should be in my own house, blah, blah, blah, and I really want to be in my own house and I imagine it and all this stuff. But then wanting it, wanting it, wanting it pushes it further away. So what I do is I make a list, either just in my mind or it is good to like write it out even on the notes app on your phone All the reasons why it would be a negative to move out. Right, and sometimes it's hard to think of these, but it gets easier.

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So for me it was like, okay, well, when I move out, I'm not going to have free rent, I'm not going to have people doing my laundry. I'm not going to have free rent. I'm not going to have people doing my laundry. I'm not going to have I mean, who knows, maybe I would, but I'm just saying this I won't have built-in babysitters. I'll have to hook up all the utilities. I'm going to have to move. I'm going to have to hire a moving truck. I'm going to have to figure out where, what if there's mold, so I go through this whole list to neutralize it. Even though it's a desire of mine, I neutralize it and then I'm able to bring it in faster, and that was something really like new for me. But it makes so much sense because emotional mastery, emotional regulation, is key. It's literally the key, because if you're living in fear or anger, you're not going to be able to tap into these higher levels of wisdom, intuition, knowledge, creativity, all of that. So I hope this was helpful.

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If you want to learn how to do this or you want like my help, I would recommend my membership, just because right now you're getting such a good deal for $59.99. You get a live call every month and then an audio at least one audio every month. So I am going to at some point change that pricing to $111 a month. The only reason it's at $59.99 right now is because I do want to have a membership platform for it so that I can put things into categories, and so, for people who are visual, they'll be able to see it in the different categories.

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Right now it's all in a private podcast feed, which it will stay, but I also want to have like video components and all of that. So once that's all set up, I will bump it up to 111. But right now it's $59.99. Or you can book a one-on-one session with me too. I'll link those in the show notes, but that is definitely enough to like get you started, and so I would love to hear from you, if you try this, what happens, all of that. So I'm sending you guys so much love.