
Stars & Strategy: Unveiling Astrological Impact on Life and Biz with Elliott Lea

Angela Christian Season 2 Episode 90

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Have you ever found yourself looking up to the sky for answers when feeling lost? There's a reason why we do that. ;-)

Embark on a celestial journey with our guest Elliott Lea, a former social worker turned astrological QUEEN, as she shares her transformative voyage into the mystic realms of the cosmos.

We navigate through the intricate maze of house systems and unpacking some astrological transits that can shape our personal and professional lives.

We also talk about her amazing coaching sessions where she blends astrology & Psych-K, collapsing time between your potential and desires. 

And if you're interested in joining her AstroMusings membership (which I'm in and it's AMAZING), DM her on IG here.

Elliott Lea is a Holistic Transformational Mentor and Astrologer. She is also an LISW and worked for a decade as a clinical social worker.

She's on a mission to expand entrepreneurs, CEOs, and high achieving professional’s vision of what’s possible for them by helping them become MORE OF WHO THEY ARE by accessing their potential, purpose, and power through their unique birth charts & subconscious transformation.

Her mission is to wake you up out of who you thought you “should” be and any conditioned limitations, and help you see yourself before the world told you who you should be. She will see you deeply, call you forward, and offer a new perspective for your growth and freedom. 

She currently offers 1:1 astrology readings and transformational sessions.  She also is currently opening up spots to her waitlist to work with her 1:1 for her 3 month program.

You can find more information about Elliott and her programs on Instagram @_elliottlea

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Speaker 1:

Society told us who we should be. I tried that. It's not for me, and if you're here, I'm guessing it's not for you either. So welcome to the unconventional un-CEO podcast with your host, angela Christian, where my mission is to help you break free from the matrix once and for all to live a life of freedom, joy, wild abundance and fulfillment on your terms, unsubscribing from the status quo because you don't fit into someone else's box. Are you ready? Let's do it.

Speaker 2:

Hi Elliot, welcome to the show, yay.

Speaker 3:

Thank you so much for having me. I'm so excited to be here.

Speaker 2:

I'm really excited to have you on, and actually you're my first astrologer ever on the show, so yeah, thank you for letting me be the first.

Speaker 2:

I'm so excited to like introduce astrology, or at least and then, before we dive in, I just wanted to share with the listeners how we were first connected. I believe this is how is. I was in Andrea's known program, the first container Well, I was in both, but the very first round she gifted us all like mini readings with you and that was so fun and the reading you did for me was like so spot on and everybody said the same thing. And then, of course, I had to like book a one-on-one with you and all of that was just like so spot on as well, and it was just like I don't know everything your energy when you're reading, just everything. I was like, oh my gosh, I love her.

Speaker 3:

So thank you. I know it was so fun to be in that container and people were saying things and Andrea was like said something about astrology and I'm like I wish I had people's charts so I could like speak to what they were saying. She's like, well, why don't we gift everyone like a mini reading? And she was like two to three minutes each person. Girl. I did 10 minutes each person. I did what like 23 mini readings in like two days. I was like let's go, let's do this.

Speaker 2:

I was like that is a lot, because I don't think I've ever told you this. So during the pandemic somehow I was connected with this woman. She's probably in her like seventies or eighties Very sweet, cool woman, and oh, my psychic had told me go meet this woman and like learn astrology from her, and so I would go to her house like once a month. She used to like be. She taught in LA when it was like banned.

Speaker 2:

I didn't even know astrology was banned like back a long time ago and so I would meet with her once a month. It was more just like an escape, because I was like having a really dark time during, like most people during the pandemic, and I like learned, but it was just I still never knew how to apply it to me. I knew just like basically like what some signs meant, the houses, and then the way that you do it is just so different and it's like now I'm actually learning when I'm in your group, astro Musings, like now I'm learning more about how to like apply it to me and like my business, yeah, and so that is just so cool, and so I'd love for you to just like share your journey about how you went from therapist right To astrologer.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, like that's a whole fucking journey too, as is every life and career change. But you know, honestly, it it if you, when you like, take a bird's eye view, I'm doing the same thing. I'm just doing it through a different lens. You know, when I my my by degree I'm a licensed social worker. I'm a licensed clinical social worker. So I spent a decade in that career doing that work in various different ways. I've worked. I've done substance abuse, inpatient psychiatry, mental health, worked with the homeless, like I've kind of had the gamut of experience working with really difficult populations and like we all kind of do.

Speaker 3:

I went through a dark night of the soul and like woke up and I remember being like holy shit, I don't think I even want to be a social worker anymore and I started looking into holistic healing at. Like I started with Reiki and then I like dabbled in. I got trained in hypnotherapy and then I got trained in Psyche, which is like one of my primary favorite subconscious reprogramming modalities, and then, throughout all of that, I found astrology. Um, and it happened to just like click for me and I was like, oh my God, something read the fuck out of me. It put into words more than anybody else could ever see me and it saw me so fucking deeply and I have a lot of Leo and we like to be seen and I was like, oh my God, it read me. So from there I was hooked and I basically just started like I took my astrology books everywhere this is when I was still working as a social worker, with all my colleagues and I'd like bring my books and I'd look up their charts and I'd read them. I like just read it from the book. I'm like here's about you. I'm like I just want to, I just want to tell everyone about themselves, because it validated the fuck out of me, right, and so I mean that was like six years ago and so from there I just kept deepening my studies and I really in my astrology chart actually really references this too.

Speaker 3:

But I do really well in learning through like, like application, but also like, like, just like knowing, like I took all my coworkers, I took all my friends, I took all my family and I knew who they were. And then I looked at their chart and I was like, oh, now I can understand the energy and how this works, and so it's a bit of a slower process for me than like reading a book and remembering it. I actually don't have any error in my chart, which is a really error so good at learning concepts and ideas and things and being able to turn around and teach it and and share it with other people that's what air signs do, but I don't have that in my chart, so my type of learning things is not like the standardized education model. So, with that being said, I felt like it took me a long time to really fucking get astrology. But that's also part of my practice and how I do life anyways, where I'm like I really want to fucking get it before I'm doing anything with it. So eventually I really fucking got it.

Speaker 3:

And so here we are, and so it's been this really fun journey from going from, yeah, licensed clinical social worker to transformational coach and mentor. I was always bringing my astrology in with that work, but I was never saying I'm an astrologer first and then we do the work on the back end. It was like let's do the transformation work, but I can shortcut. I can shortcut the issues. I can see the things that are happening with your astrology chart but I swear, as life does and the universe does, it flipped me on my head and it was like you're not a coach, you're not a transformational mentor, you're a fucking astrologer Own the fuck out of it, Literally I can tell you.

Speaker 3:

Life is literally screaming me in the air. And I looked at my husband and I was like, are you on board with this? Because I I have zero control over where I'm going right now. I just want you to know. Life is literally pushing me into this. And he was like, yeah, let's do it so. So here we are, as like a as a full-time astrologer, I obviously still do my transformational work, cause that's my baby and my Scorpio moon fucking loves that. But now I lead with astrology and then we can bring, if the clients want it, we can bring in the subconscious shifts with it as well. So that's my not so little story, right.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I love it. And so it's kind of funny, because I had Eden Carpenter on yesterday and she had started out as a nurse and then, like human design took over for her, and then it's similar to you. It's just like when, when you're meant to do something, like the universe just like make sure that you're going to do it, sure.

Speaker 3:

It, literally I dug my heels, I'm I'm fixed energy. And so anybody who's listening, who has a lot of fixed energy, which is Scorpio, leo, taurus and Aquarius we don't like change. Scorpio is like change because we're used to micro moments of constant evolution, but not when it's like against our will. We're open to the change because we're often causing the transformation ourselves in some way. But in general, fixed signs really resist change. They're really fixed in their ways.

Speaker 3:

If you can think of it, they're like kind of were the most stubborn signs and so I dug my heels in when transfer, like when the shift was, I literally dug my heels in. But I was like I, you know, we talk about we're in the middle of eclipse season, or just finished up our last set of eclipses, and it was in the midst of, like, eclipse season and that was a different eclipse season cycle and that was occurring and it was just pushing me on my path and that's what it does, and I finally just fucking surrendered. I'm like, okay, here we go, path and that's what it does, and I finally just fucking surrendered.

Speaker 3:

I'm like, okay, here we go, I know, I know it's so, it's so funny. It's so funny because I even pulled my audience at one time and I was like, or right, as I was transitioning, I was like, how do you guys even see me? Do you see me as a therapist? Do you see me as a coach? Do you see me as astrologer? Literally everyone said astrologer and I was like it was just a pure reflection and so for our fixed signs listening, sometimes it's better to just release and lean into the resistance instead of resist the resistance, cause we both know, we all know that it's what we need most is to lean into it rather than resist it, cause there's magic on the other side.

Speaker 2:

Oh, definitely and like. So that was one of my questions for you is because I saw when I was looking at like your website and just trying to like gather information for my questions, and I saw subconscious reprogramming and I was like so I know you're an RRT too, right? Yeah, yeah, yes, yes, you got trained in RRT and then I didn't know you got Psyche.

Speaker 3:

So yeah, yeah, psyche was, yeah, five years ago, six years ago, and so that when I left my career and went into coaching, that was my primary method of I also got trained in hypnotherapy, actually called RTT, which is very yeah. So it was RT first, then Psyche and then, yes, I have also added RT, rrt to right Now I'm getting confused. Yeah, to the repertoire, but I keep coming back to Psyche. I love RRT and I love John and I love I've had so much benefit from it and I also am really familiar with Psyche and it's a really excellent tool for shifting subconscious stress really quickly and so we really can move through things in a section really fast and really quickly for clients.

Speaker 3:

And so now seeing like, what people are up against in their astrology chart, and I'm like, okay, we can, we can navigate this.

Speaker 3:

Or one of my favorite things, angela, is knowing where people want to go in their chart, where they want to go, and then where their chart says they want to go, and then we, whatever resistance they have to that, then we can support clearing that in those sessions.

Speaker 3:

So it's like I love those like higher activations, those higher. I call them like almost like North node activations, cause we can see your destiny, we can see your potential, and then we, whatever resistance you have, we can begin to start clearing that, so then you can make moves actually towards it. So yeah, it's I mean, transfer astrology essentially a transformational tool in itself. It's a, it's a self, it's a personal development tool similar to RRT and all the others, just in a different way. It gives us a shortcut to understanding ourselves and other people, which is just, I mean, in my opinion, like fucking brilliant, because we could all use we're all in the world of doing personal development. We could all use an opportunity to like see ourselves more clearly and more deeply and more objectively too, because we can really be on our own shit.

Speaker 2:

So, oh, totally, and wow, I'm going to have to do that with you because I didn't know. So I've been really interested in Psyche. I've never done it. Catherine, in one of her programs she said there was something she did and she's like I learned this from Psyche. And then I looked it up and it was like all their workshops fall on the weekend, or at the time at least, like I have my kids. So I just never. But I'm interested in, like you know, working with someone with Psyche.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, if you're ever down, let me know. I love it. Yeah, actually, catherine and I have conversations about cause she got trained in it and she knew I was trained in it, and so we've had lots of conversations about Psyche and like how I use it and the benefit and I use it, and so we've we've like tried to hold ourselves accountable to doing it together and like it's so fun. But yeah, it's a great, it's a great fucking tool. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Awesome, okay, nice, yeah, yeah, that's really exciting. And then, and so I was curious, I think you had mentioned you originally were trained in astrology with Placidus and then you switched to whole, whole, whole science. And so, yeah, I was just curious if you could explain to anyone listening like maybe like what you find more beneficial, using like whole signs, just for people who, you know, don't know the difference.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, totally, and when you pull up your birth chart on any of like the typical websites cafe astrology, astro, seek, astrocom, all like they all default to Placidus. So it's typically the thing when you're looking up your chart. Or, like you know, I started with the CoStar app, right, I don't use that anymore, but I actually just learned the other month that you can actually change it to whole sign. At the time you couldn't, and so everything was in Placidus and so when I first started learning astrology it was through the lens of Placidus, which is great and there's nothing wrong with Placidus. I am of the study and of the mind that use the house system that resonates most with you and your chart. There's three. I see most often Placidus, equal House and Whole House, and Equal House is kind of in the middle of Placidus and whole house. But to kind of keep it simple for everyone, the reason I switched from Placidus to whole sign is because Placidus uses the beginning of your first house as your rising sign, like the degree of your rising sign. So my rising sign in Leo is at 21 degrees sign. So my rising sign in Leo is at 21 degrees. I actually have a lot of Leo on my chart. I have my sun in Leo, my Venus in Leo and and my Mars in Leo, but it's all before that 21 degree mark. So in Placidus, oh well, and, and equal house too.

Speaker 3:

But in Placidus it really put all of my Leo into the 12th house. And so I started learning astrology with all this Leo energy in the 12th house and I wasn't again in the middle of a dark night of the soul. I was trying to figure myself out. I'm like, yeah, this totally resonates. I understand why I had this 12th house energy. I was like, but it didn't feel fully like me. And then when I learned whole house system, I was like, oh my God, whole house puts all of my Leo into my first house.

Speaker 3:

And 12th house energy and first house energy are very fucking different. Energy. 12th house energy is more behind the scenes, it's more artistic, it's more fluid. First house energy is very much more like in your face. It's ruled by a fire sign, it's very like like here is me, I like here, I am world and not felt more like my Leo than the 12th house energy. And it's and this will be for anybody who has a later rising degree degree and you can see the degree on the chart but anybody who has a later degree. It could significantly change your chart in terms of where the houses fall. And so that's why I'm always like I don't care what house people, house system people use, but I'm I'm of the mind of use what resonates most and what empowers you most, and I felt way more fucking empowered using the whole house system than I do using Placidus or Equal House.

Speaker 3:

That being said, I know my chart in Equal House and a whole site. Or let me just go back to Placidus, because you asked Plac being said, I know my chart and equal house and a whole site. Or let me just go back to Placidus, cause you asked Placidus. I know my chart in Placidus and I will sometimes reference it because I understand how it makes sense as well. I do have my mercury and cancer in the 12th house, so I already have 12th house energy. So I can see when I'm like playing in the 12th house realm with that. But I can't imagine having like five, four planets, five planets in the 12th house versus like spreading them out in the first house. So I'm aware of it and I can see how it makes sense.

Speaker 3:

And people use Placidus to really mark specific, like degrees and timing for things. People say Placidus is better for timing and that's kind of like a bigger conversation. But so how do I like summarize this for you? I obviously use whole sign and I love whole sign, but I am cognizant of my degrees and when it shifts houses in my in in Placidus too. So, for example, my North node moves from the eighth house to the ninth house and whole sign. But I'm aware of my eighth house tendencies and how that could also be true for my. My North node is our purpose, it's our, our destiny, it's where we're moving towards in this lifetime and it's the thing that we really get to focus on in the energy we get to place attention on to really be moving towards our soul growth. And I can see how that plays out in the eighth house and then also I can see how it plays out in the ninth house. So I teeter between like I activate both if that makes sense, and so it's not an either or for me. But I definitely I read charts in whole sign. I mean I have your chart pulled up in whole sign, like it's just, it's my preference.

Speaker 3:

And I would say to people I know a lot of people also use equal house and I don't want to like further confuse the conversation. But Placidus doesn't do full 30 degree houses and so you could have houses that are really small. You could have like intercepted houses, meaning some houses don't exist, which gets really confusing. But that's how people say. You can find more of the psychological meaning of things through through Placidus whole sign and whole sign and equal house Give us 30 degree houses, no matter what. Equal house still uses your rising sign as the beginning of the first house, but it gives it a full 30 degree. People can't see me as I'm like trying to show a piece of a pie, but it's like a full 30 degree. So if your houses look uneven in Placidus it's because they're not full 30 degree houses. But if you pulled up equal house or whole sign, they're going to be all 30 degrees, which can make a difference and where signs fall too, but it's still even.

Speaker 3:

An equal house puts all of my Leo in the 12th house because my rising sign is still at that 21 degree mark which is what starts the first house for Placidus and Eagle Gosh. That was a lot. I hope I didn't lose you or the people listening, but it's a big conversation and my big perspective is just do what feels most empowering for you and for me it was putting all that Leo back in the first house, because it made me feel like I could be more of me when I was really. I was really at a time in my life and I was like trying to figure out who the fuck I was and I just felt a lot more empowered by that first house placement. So that's where. That's where I left it.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's awesome. Thank you, because I actually I always wondered why in Placidus there were different amounts in each house. So that makes sense. I actually didn't know that, so I just learned something new.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, yeah it is and yeah, there's more to it. But, yes, yeah, exactly. And so it can be confusing and people are like I don't have a second house or because you can have intercepted houses, but my preference would be equal house before Placidus. But just because I like the 30 degrees. But I understand why people use Placidus too and I know I've studied with people who use different house systems than that and I'm like, okay, that's too much, I can't go that far.

Speaker 3:

So I'm always I love learning new ways of seeing things, but I stick to what feels most correct for me and whole house too. We tend to grow into that energy. It feels like in whole house and whole, whole sign house system, and so if it doesn't feel true, it can kind of feel like we're growing into that energy. Later in life too, which I really have has felt to be true, like in my twenties and definitely in high school, I can resonate with that 12th house energy. But in my thirties, and now my late thirties, I'm like we're, we're a first house energy, like we're fucking here, we're first house energy, oh I like that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that it resonates at different times. That makes sense, and the reason I asked that is because I was listening to your Jupiter. Wait, taurus, or Jupiter and Taurus.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, jupiter and Taurus masterclass for about. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and you had said in there on the audio to like look at both. I believe you said that, look at both Placidus and whole sign and just see, like, where they are. Yeah, I think you said that. And so, yeah, and that was a question I was going to ask you for the listeners, because I know my listeners they're going to want to just know, like, okay, where can I see like money or purpose? And I felt like maybe that would be a good example to use. Is like is that because it's coming up right?

Speaker 3:

Jupiter. Is that what you say? Is that what's coming? Well, so Jupiter and Taurus, so Jupiter.

Speaker 3:

Just for anybody listening who doesn't know what Jupiter is, Jupiter is our sign. He's a benefic, meaning he's like a blessing. He's a planet that we can look to. He's in a sign for a year, about a year, a new sign. He sits in a sign for about a year and changes signs about every 12, 13 months, so we can look to him every year and see where he's blessing us in our chart.

Speaker 3:

He is the sign of. He's like our little fairy godmother, he's like our Santa Claus of the Zodiac and he's like our planet that we can see where are we growing, Because that's what he wants to do is to grow us in this area of life, for better, for worse. He doesn't discriminate, Like are we going to grow our waistline or are we going to want to grow our healthy habits? Like he kind of emphasizes what are already is in place, but in theory, he's kind of our like our good luck charm, and so we love paying attention to where he is in our chart, right.

Speaker 3:

So Jupiter has been in Taurus since May of last year, and so I did that masterclass right Last June for people to really take advantage of the cycle, because Jupiter hasn't been in Taurus for 12 years, because it takes about 12 years to go around the zodiac, since he's in each sign for about a year, and it's a really fertile time to be like planting seeds for abundance because Taurus rules that sign of, or Taurus is the sign of fertility and and and abundance and really like planting roots and like cultivating the things we really really want in life, the earthly pleasures, like Taurus rules material possessions and money and our savings account. And like bearing gold in the backyard, Like he's like the sign that wants to like possess the things he loves and values. And so with Jupiter there, it's like, oh, we can have more of whatever we're loving and valuing and specific really to that area that Taurus rules in our chart. So we have this up until May 25th before he changes into Gemini. We still have this beautiful opportunity to really be accessing his potential, if you will.

Speaker 3:

And just I don't know when this podcast is coming out. Will it come out relatively soon?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, in the next couple of weeks.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Okay, okay. Well, april 20th if it happens to come out before April 20th, we have a big opportunity. I've talked about this a little bit in Astro Musings, but I will coming this week because it's coming up, but it's my favorite like astrological moment of the year. I think it's my favorite one that I've been like hyping up in my mind or just like really excited about the potential of it happening. On April 20th, which is Jupiter is going to be conjunct Uranus. So we talked about Jupiter being our planet of blessings and abundance and opportunity, and Uranus is our planet of rebellion, fucking shit up, surprises, expecting the unexpected and raising our consciousness ultimately, and so when these two planets come together, we can expect total surprises in this area of our life, or total otherworldly experiences, or sudden gifts, sudden blessings, setting up and, because Jupiter is sudden events and so like sudden opportunities, jupiter is blessing, so sudden opportunities, sudden inflow of financial resources, just sudden areas of growth in this area of wherever Taurus, whatever house Taurus rules in your chart, so it's one of like again it happens to rule my, my 10th house of career, so, which is a really beautiful time Whenever Taurus is in your ninth, 10th and 11th house, it's an opportunity for career expansion, for massive growth, for medium publicity, for things to be occurring for you Just a lot of yeah, just a lot of growth period when it's at the top of your chart. And so I've been taking full advantage of that and I've been in my yes era, saying yes to experiences, and I've watched my opportunities grow. And so Jupiter and Uranus on April 20th is a really exciting time to just be paying attention to, like I wonder.

Speaker 3:

It's Uranus, so it's kind of like eclipses, like we can't really we can't really like know what to expect, but with the house it's in, we can kind of get a general feel and then, of course, the aspects it's making to planets. But we can kind of get a general feel of like what might occur for us in this area of our life around this time. We've been feeling this. So maybe some people have already been experiencing shifts and things, because the energy has been building for a minute now, but it could, like it's it's going to peak around April 20th and then we'll see, like the aftershock and after effects you know, even on the financial markets, like collectively and and our resources cause that's what Taurus rules too, but personally, like we can start to see that ripple effect start to unfold after that time too.

Speaker 3:

And then, of course, like Taurus, season begins April 19th, and so we have April 19th, the sun moves into Taurus, season begins April 19th, and so we have April 19th, the sun moves into Taurus, and then April 20th, the conjunction happening, and then in May we have we have we have Jupiter and Venus conjunct, and then we will also have Jupiter and the sun conjunct together, and so both of those days I think it's like the 18th and the 23rd I have to look that up again to be exact but those days are also like big days for big blessings.

Speaker 3:

So again, it's like this last moment for Jupiter and Taurus to really bless the fuck out of us in this area of our life. So when we talk about Jupiter, we can tend to expect beautiful things, but again, if we're not totally conscious of the energy which astrology just helps us make things conscious and it brings awareness to what's happening that we can work with the energy really well, to be like, okay, I know that this might be a really good time for me to do this thing in business, or this might be a really good time for me to, yeah, put something out in the world or say yes to that opportunity or that contract or to you know, I think when we met we were you're like, should I do this podcast on this date? And we're like, yeah, let's do it on this date. This is a good day for this, right, so it can help us like understand where we might have more like beneficial energy supporting us. So yeah, did that answer your question?

Speaker 2:

That was a lot of information on Jupiter, but I think I didn't realize it was from last year. I think I was thinking like it was for this year for some reason. So yeah, thank you for that clarification, but we still have some benefit, is what you're saying, and so?

Speaker 3:

until May 25th and then we'll move into Gemini, which will spark a whole different conversation for everyone. That is also equally as exciting. Again, wherever Jupiter is, it grows. It's just going to be a different energy. It's going to be very buzzy. It's just going to be a different energy. It's going to be very buzzy. We're all going to be like. It's going to be media and communications focused. It's an air sign, so it's going to feel a lot more stimulating where Taurus has been, a lot more grounded and earthy. So I think, starting in June, we're really going to feel like just more buzz in the air, which is great, especially for air signs, especially for you. It'll be great.

Speaker 2:

Right, and so so as an example for people listening. So you said April 20th, it'll still be in Taurus. So I think I think Taurus is in or in my fifth house, right? I think you said you have my, just to give them an example of like well, they would look at it.

Speaker 3:

Exactly, taurus is in your fifth house. So, like you know, we kind of talked about this a little bit in the reading. But the fifth house rules are pleasures. Taurus rules are pleasures like our earthly pleasures but, like you know, that fifth house is Leo energy. So it rules like what we really love and like how we like to play and like what makes us feel good inside and our. You know, it's kind of like our, our joy button, like we want to activate our joy. We look to like what is happening in the fifth house or where do we have Leo in our chart? It's also, you know, romance and romantic opportunities and dating and dating ourselves and dating life and just feeling like you're having fun and like again really immersing yourself in like pleasure and play and opportunities. Like that's that. That's that fifth house energy for you, where Taurus is. So for you, you know we talked about this a little bit but like we could see okay, because because Uranus is sudden changes we could see either a new beginning with someone or an ending with someone, depending on your current situation. Like we could see. We could see, like you, you know, I think we talked about this actually during our reading too, but with clean bde and like I like love how you're expressing yourself through that energy, like fifth house is also self-expression and being bold and going after what you want. So it might be an opportunity for like that. Something might come in for you to be able to like really share about that and speak about that, or just like be able to like maybe you just feel like this sudden courage to be like fuck it, I want this is what I want to say about it. I'm gonna like share this with the world or I'm gonna I don't know, something might shift where you get this like courageous feeling in you to be like, yes, I'm done playing small, I want to fucking go after the thing, and all of a sudden something shifts and like you're no longer the same person, and neither is the program, and something could happen. Like again, it's Uranus energy. So it's like kind of hard to like predict a little bit, but it could be really not could be really fun. It probably will be really fun.

Speaker 3:

And it is like looking at your chart, it is you know I mean this is going to get a little technical for your listeners, but it is on top of your Chiron, which is the wounded healer. So this is the part in our chart where we're looking to really give it the medicine it needs to heal, and so you might get some unexpected healing through being seen in some way or being witnessed for maybe witnessing somebody else. Or there might be something that occurs for you that you really feel like, oh fuck, I'm finally feel worthy of this now. You know I don't believe in the worthiness conversation but, like Taurus is self-worth. So there might be something that changes in you that says like I'm it, I'm fucking it, and I have the confidence, I have the boldness, I don't have to hold back anymore.

Speaker 3:

There could be some like deep healing available for you and it also could be, I mean, cause you're in your Uranus opposition right now. So it could be like I mean it kind of spices things up a little bit more for you where it just really is. You're kind of in this like unexpected time right now where something could really shift for you and how you're. You know how you're being seen and how you're making an impact. There could be, like, again, sudden media for you in some way or form, sudden opportunities or sudden, sudden transformations that you're giving people that like really get you recognition and really getting noticed, like it could be. It could be a lot of things, but like it's also really exciting.

Speaker 2:

So no, thank you for that, Just so people can like see what they can. And what's funny is I was laughing when you were saying that, because this eclipse energy has been so draining. But at the same time I have had like these thoughts like you know what, screw it, I'm done like hiding, I'm ready and like I've been every day, three times a day, I'm reaching out to people in the media, ask like telling them about BDE and like putting myself out there, and I'm like, okay, I'm going to. You know, just keep doing this until someone says yeah. So it's just funny that you said all of that, just confirm.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, hell, yeah. Someone says yes. So it's just funny that you said all of that just confirmed, yeah, hell, yeah. I love that. And that's also like big Aries energy, like good for you, because with these set of eclipses and just with Aries energy in general, it really does, and we've had lots of conversations about this in astro musings but it really does ask, ask us to like be in action and like be building the momentum, even if we can't quite see where it's going or we don't know how it's going to. Like we can't see the, we can't see the finish line, but we just need to like be and be building that momentum and being in action, because the universe really does reward that, and also Jupiter does too. Jupiter isn't even though it's a benefic planet again meaning like it's one of our like most helpful planets it doesn't. It likes to meet us halfway, so it likes to know like we're going to get, we're going to receive from him. You know him no matter what, but we can get a lot more when we're meeting him halfway in action or doing something that really supports how he wants to grow us. So I love you doing all those things and I think it's highly supportive.

Speaker 3:

You're right, this is clip season has been a doozy. I'm in my nodal return so I thought it'd be a lot more activating and I was kind of like playing out this energy. But like I have been fucking white like wiped. So it's so interesting I know so many people are. It's not the same Aries energy that we've been wanting, especially coming from Pisces season where we're already wiped in Pisces season, but at the end of the month Mars is in Pisces right now. At the end of the month Mars will move into Aries and even though the sun will be in Taurus, we're really going to feel that jolt. It'll feel a lot different and Mercury will be out of retrograde.

Speaker 3:

On April 25th We'll be feeling some differences in energy. So, even though it doesn't quite feel like the same Aries season we're used to, there'll be effects of that and I think definitely around this April even 18th, 19th, 20th, especially the 20th we're going to start feeling some like rumblings happening. But it's funny because I even picked this date for the podcast because Mercury is retrograde, but I'm like today's the Mercury Kazemi, meaning the sun and the Mercury are together. I was like so let me pick a day at least that's more helpful or beneficial for communications, for technology, for, like my brain feeling more clear to even articulate things Right, and I was like let me find the most useful date for us. So it's so funny to like be using astrology in certain ways to really to support business and opportunities.

Speaker 2:

No, I love that. I mean, like you mentioned, we did it for when I was going on Andrea's podcast and also when to launch my program. So, like for people listening, if you want assistance, like this is a great way, like go get a reading. And like that was so nice. Because I'm also someone who likes, likes to follow, I'm like, okay, I have the plan, so I'm going to follow, you know, and it was just. No, it's been super helpful. And then you also. So part of what you do is also you help CEOs and you support like Andrea and Catherine, and like with their, you create like monthly calendars or something right, yeah, so those have been so cool.

Speaker 3:

Those have been. I started doing that this year and, of course, like, everyone loves them because they're fucking amazing. They're like I, it's a labor of love, I pour into them, I'm getting more efficient at them, but they're definitely they take a significant amount of time each month and I have like six clients and so they take which. I'm like I have a wait list Cause. I'm like cause which some, but anyways, I've had to wait list people because I'm like I literally don't have time to take on more people because they take such a significant amount of time. But I do have some clients finishing up. But I'm even debating. I'm like do I keep this offer open? Because of the amount of time it does require of me, but I love it because I know how fucking useful it is to be able to look at something and we actually make calendar links so it goes directly into your iPhone or your Gmail calendar to be able to say, like what's happening today or what happened yesterday or whatever. But it is so helpful to like have at a glance like the energy of the month. And I'm actually toying around with like a middle of a middle ground offer where maybe it's not the full calendar per se, but it's more like like, really like kind of like power days or power times of the month, where it's less because they get so much in these columns they get like a whole six month translation of what's happening six months. They get their secondary progressions in there, they get yeah, they get, they just get a lot of information, which I love because it's so useful, and I'm like, okay, what, what's my middle ground offer for people to really be able to say like I want, I want to tell you what's happening for you this month or maybe even in the next three months, and really give you some days and, and you know, really opportunistic days. So, yeah, it's been a really cool offer. I fucking love it.

Speaker 3:

It's fun because I did it intentionally meeting a growth edge of mine, because I don't have any earth in my chart either. I'm like all fire and water, and so I don't like I love my earth. People who can like be in the nitty gritty details and planning things out and like whatever, but like that has never been my strength and so I'm like, okay, let me develop this, and I did it intentionally. This is how I work with cycles.

Speaker 3:

I did it intentionally while I was in a sixth house transit, because Capricorn rules my sixth house and so Capricorn's an earth sign and the six houses rule by Virgo, which is details and your day-to-day scheduling and your day-to-day habits. And so I was like, okay, I'm willing to put in the work and be in the nitty gritty and like long-term plan with some of these calendars as my like daily, like my daily job right now. And so I did it and it was fun because I knew I knew the timing I was in. I was like I have the momentum, I knew the astrology was supporting that, but it's not always in my sixth house and I'm like, okay, now it's not.

Speaker 2:

Right, well, no, a lot of work.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, but they're so cool and my clients love them, and like I've made like small ones for me and I'm like gosh, I wish I had the time or energy to put in. I know I'm following my transits. Obviously I'm looking at my stuff pretty regularly, because this is how I learned too. I'm like okay, I know what the energy of these interactions, these conversations that the transiting planets are happening with my natal planets, and so it's just a way for me to again kind of assimilate the information. But it is nice to have it fucking written down and being like okay, because I even was, was like this week there were some powerful days and I like knew that, but I just didn't have the energy for it. And I was like but that's okay though, because when I, when I for myself and when I do these calendars for these entrepreneurs, I'm really just saying here's the opportunity or potential. It's not, you're not missing anything if you don't do it, and you're not wrong or bad if the energy is not there for you, but there is potential to be activating this energy in some way, and then they have free will to decide if it's for them or not for them, but like life is always lifing. So, like you know, kids travel. They keep all the things like. So maybe it's just not the time when this energy is being activated, or fucking eclipse season I'm like these days can be happening, but eclipses are. Just I usually don't schedule too much during eclipse season because I just know that I personally am really sensitive to the energy and this is my nodal return, meaning I have my North node in Aquarius or in Aries, which is the eclipse axis we're in right now, and I'm like I just don't know what's going to come up. And so so, yeah, it's fun to use astrology to be able to say, like this is the thing that like helps support my, like my goal setting or my long-term planning or my business planning in some way. Like it's fine, but it's not. I'm not rigid about it and I don't tell my clients to be fucking rigid. I don't teach it in a rigid way.

Speaker 3:

I'm like no, the free will do whatever the fuck you want. Like here's just the opportunity and the potential, and that's what astrology is anyways. When you look at your birth chart, it's like here's the potential expression of this, but you have life and you have life experiences and you have free will to be able to choose to do whatever you want with that information. You could stay in patterns that are, you know, not useful or not helpful forever, even though I can see a potential in your chart. But like I can also see the patterns too, and that's your choice to stay in them. Like that doesn't mean any of this will happen, but but it is helpful when I, you know I work with people who love personal development and would love to grow, and so they're like I want to know where can I max out in this area.

Speaker 3:

And so I'm like okay, great, like let's talk about that, cause I can really just again, I said this at the beginning, but there's the objectivity of astrology. Like I'm like I didn't know you when we were, when I read your chart, I mean, I had never even like seen. Well, I guess on the known call I had seen you. But like I didn't know you when I was like did the 10 minute reading and then, when we had the, the longer reading, and like, but astrology just gives us a language to be like here's, here's what I see for you. And you can be like, oh fuck, I feel seen by that. Or like maybe I'm a little irritated by being called out like that in some way or maybe, or like, oh fuck, like somebody does see that power and potential and purpose in me, I've been feeling this deep down, there's a fucking fire in my belly. But now, like somebody else sees it, so it must be true. And sometimes we do need that validation objectively from other people because again, we all come with our stories, our baggage, our limitations, our fears, and so astrology just can be a really supportive tool. And so I love working with you know, entrepreneurs, because we do focus on like power and potential and possibility and purpose.

Speaker 3:

You know I do a lot of relationship stuff too, because that's always been a passion for mine. I have my astrology for relationships. Mercury is key course, because my husband and I use astrology very often in our like as literally as a second language and our relationship, and we have since the moment I met him and found out his time of birth at the bar. So I really am passionate about like relationships and astrology simply from the standpoint of we're always in relationship, number one to ourselves and then number two to anyone we interact with. We're always relating to people and then number two to anyone we interact with. We're always relating to people, and so the better we can understand ourselves and then possibly other people through the lens of your birth chart. It gives us more connection and possibility to bridge the gap for any you know any differences or misunderstandings, or you know barriers or lack of communication. It just helps, helps us.

Speaker 3:

I really see it as like an opportunity to, yeah, bridge the gap and be like, oh, I have more compassion and understanding for who the fuck you are, because my mind made it mean something, because I'm a human and I judged it, because we're always constantly judging, and so I judged something, and now I'm like, oh wait, that's not just because you're different than me doesn't mean anything's wrong, it's just simply I, I can see it more objectively through the chart. It was a game changer for me and my family dynamics. Like I'm, like I have so much love and grace for them and like I laugh with them. We all, they all come to me for astrology advice. Like it's so, it's so cute, but yeah, it's so helpful because it can be really just a tool to say I want to know myself deeper and I want to know you deeper.

Speaker 2:

Right, yeah, and I've used it for my kids too, just trying to understand like and their moon signs, like, knowing all of that. I mean, astrology is just amazing and I love that you take it a step further. Where it's like here's your potential. Where it's not just like, okay, here's your potential, just sit around and wait, and it's going to happen, it's like no, let's, let's collapse. Time for you by, you know, helping with these subconscious transformations. So I love that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, and you know to the point of what you just said. We've talked a little bit about astro musings, which is my, my membership, but I'm like I don't resonate with the word membership. I'm too Leo, it's a fucking playground, like come play. But I'm like I really like emphasizing energy in there and I'm like we all have the potential of all 12 signs in our chart. Right, we all have all 12 houses.

Speaker 3:

Some of us have more karma in our charts because we have planets there and so if we want I mean I know this to be true about me I can underuse planets and signs in my chart and overuse some others, and when I really want to make a difference, where I know where I want to be in my life or where I want to go, I know which planet and which sign I want to activate and so, like astro musings, I like it because we can, like I have like spaces where you can like hone in on that energy, to be really specific, so it starts activating something in you to be like this is what I need, this is who I need to be today or this week or this month to activate this area of my life, to get what I want and like, astrology is fucking layered, it is cryptic, it's a language, it's a second language. I'm always constantly learning. I'll never be an expert, I'll never have it figured all out, but it is something that the more we place our attention on something right, the more we place our intention and attention, the more we can activate and grow it and kind of, like you said, collapse time because we're becoming more familiar with the energy of it and activating. You know, when we talk a lot about higher self or future self, right, like we're just bringing in a version of somebody, of who we want to be, into the present moment.

Speaker 3:

And we can do that same thing through astrology because we know what energy gets to be, be played out. And then, like you said, with the subconscious shifts, we can just be like, okay, but here's the resistance. So let's clear that, so you feel this more deeply and it's easier for you to embody that energy. So, yeah, the playground is just a fun place to come and like tap in and like, kind of piece by piece, your chart and understand, like, who you want to be and where where do you get to activate that energy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I love having being in there and yeah, I know I could talk about this for hours Like okay. So, yeah, tell if you could tell people like, and I can link it below too. But so astro musings, the playground, which is so fun and I'm always like leaving super long comments in there. I love it.

Speaker 3:

No, I love, I'm telling everyone I'm like please keep leaving the comments, cause I get in there, I love it, no, I love. I'm telling everyone I'm like please keep leaving the comments, cause I get in there and I read them and I respond to them and it's so fun. It becomes like a journal, almost like a like you're like tracking it yourself and it can see the understanding happening and like the implementation or like the contemplation, and then I get to like give feedback and, yeah, it's so fun.

Speaker 2:

No, it is, and so so there's that, and then you still do one-on-one readings right and do you do the coaching still too?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm like like we were talking about. I'm kind of literally in the middle of like pivoting things. April is my April's, my month to like be in pivot. I anticipated it, with the eclipses and things coming up, so some things are like let me just say it this way at this moment, recording the ways to work with me would be a one-on-one reading. I actually started doing Zoom readings, which we did, or, sorry, not Zoom Voxer readings, which we did, which I fucking love. It's like so fun for me versus Zoom readings. I do still have longer Zoom readings available, but I made the Voxer just more easy and accessible for both parties and just a fun way to tap in. It's almost like a fucking power reading for like 35, 40, 45 minutes.

Speaker 3:

And then Astro Musings, which is my membership, my playground, where you can come in and you can learn. I give I mean, I've been in there so much with all the the weather happening astrologically where I give astro updates, basically like weather updates, so you can like stay up, like updated with what's happening and knowing how it's impacting you, and then also where you can learn your chart, and then I do if somebody is interested in the calendars or what I'm figuring out is my middle ground of the offers, they could reach out to me or DM me about that too. I again I'm not certain how that's evolving, but it is evolving in some way. And then I also do I call them like astro transformation, but that's where I really blend the birth chart and the subconscious transformation together. And that offer is also like I said, you're catching me literally in the middle this week of like creating something new.

Speaker 3:

I do do one-off sessions for those and I think those are really fun. And I've done sprints with those where I do like four week or six week to really just be like okay, look at your chart, what's in the way, let's clear it, and it's like a fucking sprint. So I've been toying with bringing that back. So that would be like the package way to work with me at this moment. But but I do offer that as a one-off session to eat that as a one-off session too. It wouldn't be through a Voxer reading and have to be through a Zoom or a longer session to do like the clearing and the natal reading. But yeah, yeah, All that's on my Instagram and in LinkedIn, my bio or DM me and we can have a conversation about it.

Speaker 2:

Perfect. Wow, that's so exciting. Well, thank you so much for coming on today, and it was so fun. I love astrology, so I'm having so much fun in your community too, so I'll link your Instagram and all of that in the show notes.

Speaker 3:

Okay, amazing, and I actually at this moment haven't publicly launched Astro Musings the playground. I did it through just a wait list. I put up not even my email list, just a wait list. Whoever added their name. So I will be publicly launching it. So if they're like looking on my Instagram and they're like I can't find the link, just DM me and I'll give you the link and you can sneak in before if I haven't publicly launched it yet, but it's coming, it's coming.

Speaker 2:

Okay, well, yeah, thank you so much for coming on. Thank you, angela, I appreciate you so much.