
Transforming your Reality by Healing Memories and Shifting Energy

Angela Christian Season 2 Episode 102

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Can your beliefs and emotions shape your financial reality? YES.

I dive into how our electromagnetic field impact our financial situations. By understanding the profound influence our thoughts and feelings have, we can start to shift our financial reality towards abundance. In this episode, you'll gain insights into how self-awareness and self-responsibility can transform not just your finances, but all areas of your life.

Resources mentioned:

Manifestation Mastery book here
Andrea's WAP program here (completely neutralized my money trauma)
My membership here (only $59 for now - will be raised to $77 next month).

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the show. Oh my gosh, you guys. I just had such a great conversation with Joshua Winner. Go look him up on Instagram, he's at Joshua Michael Winner W-E-N-N-E-R. We had a great conversation about masculine feminine energy relationships. All of that, all the stuff I'm still working on. But for today, I wanted to share another technique going off of the last podcast episode. So if you haven't listened to the last one, I would go listen to that one first and I will link in the show notes to make it easy for you to go listen to that one. This one will be pretty short. Well, I always say that and then I end up talking, but let's see how it goes.

Speaker 1:

So I am in Alessandro Giannetti's financial mastery program and it has been amazing. I'm actually almost done and I'll be heading into level two, and so in there it's a lot of energetic financial work and, as you guys know, I'm a CFO. I have taken all the freaking money courses. I've got my nervous system really regulated around money, thanks to Andrea and Catherine. But what I didn't have was like a solid strategy that also incorporated energy, some kind of energetic component, right? So it's just crazy to me that I went to business school. I've been a CFO for several years, I've been in the accounting finance space and, like we're not taught a lot of these things that Alessandro is teaching us and they actually go against what we're taught. So that's not really what this episode is about. This episode is about how to fix your debt field, and so this was really mind blowing to me too and something I learned from Alessandro's world.

Speaker 1:

So two people could be making like a million dollars a year. Okay, so there's CEO A, there's CEO B. Ceo A could have like also a million dollars cash in the bank account, while CEO B could be in debt by like $500,000, right? Why the difference? It is because of their beliefs, thoughts, memories, emotions, their creator field, which is actually our electromagnetic field. That's around us. We are electromagnetic beings that is scientifically a fact and so we have this field around us and in that field it literally directs matter, it directs people, situations. We are literally like the center of our own universe, and that field around us is, like you can think of it like a play, like it has roles. So when people read your field, if it says, oh, she doesn't value herself, they're not going to value you, not because they're a bad person, but because they are reflecting what you are putting out. They are playing the role that you have casted them in because of your field. Listen to them again if you need to. I know it's a little confusing.

Speaker 1:

It took me some time to really wrap my head around this, because what I did for most of my life is I was always placing the blame on other people. He treated me badly, he did that to me, she did that to me. No, they are literally just playing a role in our play and it can sound a little jarring, I know, especially if you aren't already signed up for this like radical self responsibility. I know it can be hard. I've gone through a lot of difficult things and so I always blamed everybody else. But even just thinking, even just like if you're not even fully wanting to be on board with it, just playing with this idea of people are just cast. As you know, some people are villains, some people are cast as villains in our play because that's what's in our creator field.

Speaker 1:

But into an argument with her friend, and her friend like hit her, not super hard but, like you know, hit her in the face, kind of slapped her. And then my other daughter, this girl like randomly threatened her. And so I know now that if we are in a state of beating ourselves up about something in a certain area of life, it will show up as other people either verbally or physically, you know beating us up. And so what I told my daughters is let's think about what area of life are you being really hard on yourself that you're beating yourself up, thinking thoughts like, oh, I shouldn't have done that. I, you know I shouldn't have done this. And for one of my daughters, she's very hard on herself with eating and diet and I used to be the same way. So I understand, but I really had to have like deep conversations with her about loving herself and self-image and all of that kind of stuff. And then my other daughter she was being hard on herself with something at school. So we talked through that, just really being aware of these eight different areas of life and how, if you're beating yourself up in, for example, I will still find myself saying, oh, I should have went to the gym, why haven't I signed up for the gym yet? And then maybe that will show up as financial, some kind of like financial issue that I don't want, right. So it's usually not in the same area of life. So just being aware of that. Okay, so that was just a little background.

Speaker 1:

So the issue with memories is that a lot of the time or I would say most of the time we're recalling a memory, we actually slightly change it. So I read this quote the other day and it said every time we recall a memory, we actually change it by about 20%. So that's pretty crazy, right, but it's good. It's good news, because then we can actually change it for good. I actually talked all about this in my book Manifestation Mastery. I'll link it in the show notes. I released that book a couple of years ago and it was basically a prescriptive memoir outlining how I healed for healing. But obviously now I do other things. So I thought, well, that's not really helpful for people, but it is. It's helpful for the people who were exactly where I was, who need those first steps laid out. So if that's you, I will link it in the show notes. I think it's only like a dollar on Kindle or something, and so in that book I actually came up with this whole process and I didn't even learn this from anybody.

Speaker 1:

I just intuitively came up with this process and I know a lot of other people do it, but I didn't learn it from someone specifically. I would have to sit in the sauna for 45 minutes at a time when I was healing from black mold toxicity in the sauna for 45 minutes at a time when I was healing from black mold toxicity and it was dark in there. It was hot. I tried to bring in a book, it was just too dark. I tried to bring in a magazine not such a good idea in the heat and I didn't want to bring my phone in there because of the heat either. So what I did is I would do this very intense meditation where I would actually astral travel. So I don't give the astral travel steps in that book. I do it in one of my programs I think it's my Clean BDE program.

Speaker 1:

So I would astral travel back to a memory and I would actually change the memory and it would look like this there was a memory that used to haunt me a lot from one of my exes who was physically abusive, and so there was a time where he was doing drugs, he was drinking, I had a puppy and I would try to escape from him when I could tell he was going to do something harmful. So we lived in this big house and one night I ran downstairs and went into a bedroom where no one was, shut the door, locked it and then I went into the closet and shut and locked that door. But before I went into the closet I actually looked across the room and there was a sliding glass door. I could have easily ran out that door, even though I was barefoot, called a family member. You know, I didn't have my cell phone, but I could have ran to a neighbor's house or something, or whatever I could have escaped. And that memory used to haunt me because instead of running out of that door I would go in the closet and trigger warning. I replayed this part over and over in my mind, where I heard him coming down the stairs. I heard him breaking down the door and then eventually, you know, he grabbed me by the hair and pulled me up the stairs and that wasn't even the worst of it, but it was, was not pleasant. It was not a pleasant memory and it would come to me at 3 am and I would just kind of relive it.

Speaker 1:

So during this time of healing of the mold toxicity, I would go back to memories like that. There were several more and I would actually change the memory. So in my memory I ran out the sliding glass door with my puppy oh, that was. The other thing is he would threaten to hurt my puppy and stuff. And so I ran out the sliding glass door with my puppy. I called my family, they came and picked me up. You know, it was a much different memory.

Speaker 1:

And just doing that, so that was before RRT, rt, I believe. No, I hadn't even started my intuition training yet. I was a part of a mystical school and I did learn like astral travel and that kind of stuff there, but I hadn't even started my intuition training. I don't believe. So this was just something that now I know my higher self gave to me as a tool to help me get through that first level of healing right. So instead of recalling these memories which now I have also RRT I have energetics. I have all these tools I can choose from, but this is still a really powerful tool.

Speaker 1:

If there's a memory that keeps coming up, just you can change it, and I would recommend getting into a meditative state first so that you can have direct access to your unconscious, because what's happening from an RRT perspective is the reason you keep calling it up is because your unconscious thinks it's still happening right now, it's about to happen or it just happened. It hasn't gotten the good news that it's not happening right, so in our RT we update it that it's no longer happening. So there's a very short process. I actually did this process with my daughter yesterday. She was having a memory at school where her pants fell down and everybody laughed at her, and so it's happened a while ago, several years ago, but it still has stuck with her. So I went through this process with her in a matter of 10 minutes and we were laughing at the end of it. So it's a really powerful process when you combine like RRT, energetics and like these kinds of tools.

Speaker 1:

So back to the energetic debt. So what you want to do when it comes to finances, that's what this episode is about. So you can really do this in any area of life. But if we're going to stick with finances, I want you to think of like four to six memories that come to you and just let them come to you. Don't try to use your logical brain. Just let them come up and then take some time with each one of these. So for me, one of my memories would be being in line at the grocery store with my oldest daughter, when it was just the two of us and I knew I was negative in my bank account and I was just praying that my card would go through because we didn't have any food. And it didn't, it declined and we had to leave our cart there. My daughter was crying, we had no food. That clearly was very traumatic, and so that was a memory that you know would have came up, except that I already cleared it in Andrea's WAP program, which I will link. If you really need some nervous system, regulation, work and money, I will link that, because that is honestly what made me neutral about money. But that is a memory that I would use in this situation.

Speaker 1:

Another memory you know might be not being able to pay a bill on time or getting your car repossessed or filing for bankruptcy. Just think of a memory that where debt or not being able to save money was an issue. So these all of these memories and issues and if they're still open tabs are actually supporting your debt belief, your debt energy right, and so the more that we have that in our creator field, the more debt we're going to keep calling in. So just take the first memory and slightly change it. So what that might look like is maybe I would think back if I hadn't already is. Maybe I would think back if I hadn't already cleared this. I would think back to being in the line and I slide my card and I'm praying and it says approved and I'm just like relieved, right, and I really make that believable and I get my emotions behind it and I just keep replaying that memory in my mind. So that's one option.

Speaker 1:

Another option, which is even, I think, more powerful, is to look back on that memory. So maybe looking at that memory of me in line, getting my card declined, and actually thinking to myself you know what my higher self planned, that that was planned, what my higher self planned that that was planned. That was strategic, because I really needed to get to that point of like embarrassment, to just like not being able to feed my child and myself. Right, even though that sounds a little drastic, I'm sure we had some food, but we probably just wanted extra food Just thinking like that was planned and it was strategic. I chose that moment. My higher self chose that moment.

Speaker 1:

Do that two, three times and just start to slightly change the memory that it wasn't something that led to more debt, but that it actually helped you create more money in the future, because it did. I remembered that memory for years after it used to. That was another memory that just like haunted me and it actually made me want to create more money. So I can look back and be like grateful Thank you for that, for that that actually didn't create more debt for me. That actually helped me create more money in the future. That actually helped me create more money in the future, right. So you turn it into actually like a power move, and so I will say, when you're choosing the memories, it doesn't have to make total sense, like something can come up that you're not even sure is related to money, but just go with it, because your higher self knows what it's doing, so it's actually showing you, giving you information like here.

Speaker 1:

Change this memory into one where you're either changing the memory itself into something, like I did, or you're just looking at it like how did this actually improve my future? Thank you, I chose that. Yeah, that was strategic. I chose that so that in the future this would happen, right, it's just way more empowering and, like I said, every time we recall a memory, we change it by like 20% anyway. So you might as well shift it to something good, and you can also apply this to relationships. It's a technique I've also done, like thinking about you know, a relationship I regret and then you know, or maybe something specific I did. I chose that. I chose that because I needed to experience that to know what I don't want in the future, right? So just making it about empowerment and not blame and victimhood, which is where I lived for a very long time. So this is all about taking radical responsibility for our beliefs, our thoughts, our emotions.

Speaker 1:

And if you need support with with that, I will also link my membership in the show notes because in there I give you a monthly audio, sometimes two, of either RRT and or energetics, and we also have a live call where I'm there to help you with whatever it is you're needing help with. It can be anything from like business questions, accounting questions. We're having one, a call soon where I'm helping some of the members with bookkeeping questions, how to shift something Literally. You can come to those hot seat coaching Q&A questions with anything. I am literally here to just help, so I hope that helped. Let me know.

Speaker 1:

I would love to hear back from you about a memory that you shift and then really experience a lot of relief from, because if you have a memory looping, it's because your unconscious mind needs an update, and so you can either do it with RRT or you can reimagine the memory something else, or you can just see it as something that was planned to get you to a better place. So look at that Pretty short episode and, yeah, stay tuned for next week with Joshua Winner. It was such an amazing conversation. I was actually really nervous because it's a lot of the things I'm working through right now, like being in my feminine, not pursuing men I want to be pursued Just like a lot of changing from my old ways to like being prepared for an actual relationship I desire. So, yeah, that's all I'll say for now, but have a great week.