
Aligning your Energy for Financial Success

Angela Christian Season 2 Episode 101

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Ever wondered how unresolved feelings of debt can silently disrupt your peace and prosperity? Discover the transformative power of the law of fair exchange in our latest episode!

We explore how hidden "debt codes" in your energy field can create cycles of imbalance, affecting everything from finances to personal growth. Tune in to learn how taking an honest inventory of where you feel out of fair exchange can neutralize these negative codes and restore harmony in your life.

Resources mentioned:

Alessandro's podcast episode here.
The Break-Out Blueprint here.
Light Launching Club with Andrea Crowder here.

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome back to the show. I'm really excited to chat today about something I've been implementing in my life recently and saw almost immediate positive change. So I am in a program called Financial Mastery with Alessandro Giannetti. I will link his website in the show notes. I'll also link a podcast episode he did recently. That will just add to what I'm already sharing, just in a much deeper level. All of this that I'm sharing with you, I learned from him, but I just kind of wanted to give you my personal take on it, because I always find that it's good to learn and then synthesize and then share it in your own way.

Speaker 1:

So there's a concept called the law of fair exchange. This is something I wish I had learned a long time ago, but everything in divine time. So it's this idea that when we walk around with feelings like we are owed something or that someone or that we owe someone else something, that this actually creates a code in our creator field, which our creator field literally creates everything in our life, everything in our life. And so we're walking around with these codes like debt and owed, even if we're not actively thinking this. It could be, like you know, if you've heard me talk about RRT, that we have like all these open tabs running in the background in the computer of our mind, and we can have all these open tabs running about either things we owe or people we think owe us. As an example, as I was going through this exercise, I realized there was someone that I had borrowed money from back when I was like 21, and it wasn't even a very large amount. I paid some of it back and then I just kind of like stopped paying and I realized, as I did an inventory on all of the areas of my life where I could be out of fair exchange so that I could neutralize it and balance it, I realized that this was still a program running in the back of my mind. So I'll give you a little background and I will give you some examples just so that you can start applying this in your own life. And I will give you some examples just so that you can start applying this in your own life.

Speaker 1:

There's so much more to it, but this alone has helped me massively, so I just had to share it. For example, for this person who I had borrowed money from back when I was 21,. What I did was looked at okay, I've had it in the back of my mind and running in a program that I owe her money. So this is going to continue, setting me up for debt situations actually possible to be out of fair exchange with someone. There's always an exchange, even if it's a lesson, which actually those are usually the most valuable. So she loaned me money. I paid her back some of it. What I did was I thought, okay, what lesson could she have learned? Probably not to loan money without some kind of written contract or putting herself first so that she follows up with me and asks me like, hey, are you going to pay this back? So I dove really deep into this today for my Clean BDE program. So if you're in there, go look at your podcast feed, because I did almost a 30 minute conversation about this and very detailed steps, very personal examples.

Speaker 1:

So the first thing to think about is usually like what creates this guilt in us, and if you are familiar with RRT or the work I do, you know that guilt is something that was programmed into us as children, usually to control us in a certain way both guilt and shame and so it's not something that we're actually meant to have and so it's very beneficial when we can clear it out. The guilt that we usually feel when we owe someone comes from just not understanding that the fair exchange in the situation. So we really want to go through an exercise of everybody in our life situations where we feel like we're out of fair exchange. So in some areas it might be family maybe your parents loaned you money or a family friend, or maybe you feel like an ex owes you money. This is kind of what I talked about in my program today was like how, if you are separated and maybe your ex owes you a bunch of money, instead of focusing on that like, ah, he owes me, he owes me, he owes me looking at it, like, okay, what lessons did I? Did I learn? Right, I learned very valuable lessons from all of my relationships. Like, exactly what I don't want, specifically when it comes to money. I realized, looking back, okay, I was putting him before myself. Right, so I was doing. I was giving him so much energetically, emotionally, physically and financially, to the point where I put this code in my creator field like I come last. I don't want that.

Speaker 1:

So that's another thing I've been shifting is every day I put into my creator field, I come first. And that probably sounds selfish to some people. Because of the conditioning and programming of our society, they want us to think that's selfish, because they want us to stay trapped in this downward spiral, spiral of like debt, obligation, all of that. But it's actually not selfish at all because when you're putting yourself first, you're a better parent, you're a better employee. You're putting yourself first, you're a better parent, you're a better employee, you're a better you know in every aspect friend, partner. But, more importantly, you're putting in your creator field I come first, and people will start treating you like that. And how this showed up for me is that when I started programming that alone into my creator field and that's literally just saying that in my mind, my creator field and that's literally just saying that in my mind, that's what I'm saying, that's what I mean by programming is every day I'm just well, throughout the day, say I come first, I come first. I'll make decisions and I'll ask myself am I putting myself first in this situation?

Speaker 1:

For example, I had someone several people reach out recently about being a guest on my podcast. I said yes to a few of them and realized it made my body contract. So I knew, okay, this is out of alignment with me coming in first with what I want. So I actually had to make a difficult choice and write to the person and say I'm sorry, I'm not going to have you on my podcast. And it's nothing personal, it's just that I'm rebranding my podcast. I'm not going to have you on my podcast, and it's nothing personal, it's just that I'm rebranding my podcast.

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I'm doing more solo episodes and the only guests I'm going to bring on are people who are familiar with me or who have helped me in some way, who I want to highlight. Right, no longer is my podcast going to be a platform for people I don't know just to come on. You know, and it used to be, and that was great because that actually helped me practice my interviewing skills, practice being comfortable. So I don't regret any of that. That was amazing how it was, but no longer is that in alignment with me putting myself first, because it takes time to write out all the questions, to interview the person, to do all the background research on them.

Speaker 1:

Right, it's not just as simple as just having someone on your podcast asking questions. So they totally understood, which was amazing, and for me it just, it wouldn't be an equal exchange right To have someone on my podcast who doesn't know me, who doesn't follow me on social media, who isn't familiar with what I even do, to have them on my podcast, where I'm promoting them and giving them my platform, my audience. That doesn't feel in fair exchange with me. However, when I bring guests on who have helped me, like Andrea Crowder, ali Ninfo, my shaman, amy Conner, dr Connelly, like so many more, danielle Taylor, so many guests I've brought on who have impacted me and I want other people to know about them, to help them too, right, that feels really good, that feels in alignment, that feels like a totally fair exchange because I want my audience to know who they are. It's not that I have anything personal against the other people. It's not that I have anything personal against the other people. It's just I don't know them, they don't know me. So it just feels out of alignment, even though it felt in alignment once before. Hopefully that makes sense to you.

Speaker 1:

So in my program with Alessandro we have every other week we have a check-in and he tells us like where we're out of balance. So I started out with having nine people and it can also just be. It can also be like clients, can also be yourself, it can be the universe. Nine people or situations where I was out of balance. So I, and I used my intuition, I just asked my higher self show me who I'm out of balance with. Boom, boom, boom, boom, immediately nine. I think that was very easy.

Speaker 1:

But if you're not, you know, if you haven't tuned your intuition in like that yet, you could just start thinking about, like, where is there any guilt in my life about a situation, a person? What can I take away from that transaction? Right, whether it's you're feeling like you owe them or vice versa, because if you're walking around thinking, oh, I owe people or they owe me, all that your creator field is going to hear is debt and owing, right. And so something that Alessandro said that really stuck out to me is even just thinking about, like, what takes us off our path from our dreams. It's usually obligation and expectations, right.

Speaker 1:

So we start putting other people first. Especially if you're a mom, you tend a lot of mothers tend to put their children first. But even when we're flying, we know we have to put our mask on before we put our kids mask on. Right, we need to fill our cup before we can fill their cup. So to back up for a second, I don't think I gave this example when I started programming this into my creator field.

Speaker 1:

I come first. What I noticed is my kids kind of used to follow me around the house and want to be in the same room with me, and I never really got to get anything done, and so what I started doing there's an intuitive way to test how much one-on-one time your child needs, which is really cool. So my son needs about 70 minutes of one-on-one time with me, and then he feels really good, like his cup is filled and then he'll play alone for a little while and then I'm able to read or watch a movie or work or whatever I want to do. So what I noticed is my kids started playing together on their own for literally hours. They would like I was shocked, but this came from me programming and I come first because I had things I needed to do and then, once I was done, we all spent time together.

Speaker 1:

Everybody feels good, right so and to be honest, I felt a little guilty in the moment because I was like so used to just being with them all the time. But then I asked myself like this, so interesting. I don't ever remember my parents just hanging around with me all day right, for some reason I've noticed, like me, my sister, some of my friends, we've done this, but it's not something that happened with us. Maybe we're trying to make up for it Because my parents weren't around. I mean, they worked all the time. So it was like I was on my own reading all the time, or I was with my friends. My mom was never just hanging out with me. So I should probably look into that intuitively. But I have a feeling it was to give over, give my time instead of you know, instead of having them feel like I was never there.

Speaker 1:

But there's a balance, right? So, going back to the obligations, so I actually looked up the word obligation because it just sounds so to me, like yuck, it does not sound like something pleasurable. And when I looked up the Latin root, it actually means to bind, bind up, bandage. So that does not sound like the vibe that I want, right, and I think we can reword obligations. But in this term, usually what gets us off track is the feeling of obligation, like, oh, I owe it to my family to do this, or maybe I owe it to my family to just play it safe and stay in corporate or whatever it is, or I have to help. My friend really needs help right now, so I better not do what I had planned and go help them. So we end up putting everyone else first.

Speaker 1:

Or maybe someone does a favor for you and then you feel obligated to do something for them, but any type of debt or owing in your creator field will program in more debt and owing, and it doesn't matter, like I said, if someone owes you or you owe someone, and so finances work from a very inside out way. We are not taught that. I went to business school. I was not taught that it's extremely accurate. So we must address the internal before we'll see a shift externally.

Speaker 1:

Since I've been implementing this in the last five weeks, my sales have gone up dramatically, and I don't really I'm not a heavy like salesperson. So some of the programs I've actually recently launched you don't even know about them because only the people in my programs know about them, one of them being the breakout blueprint, which is all about helping people leave the corporate world. So I have a 45 minute training already in the podcast feed. I haven't even mentioned this anywhere yet and then I'm going to have different episodes about, you know, breaking free from the matrix, breaking free from societal pressures, breaking free from the money trap, breaking free from limiting beliefs. It's going to be a whole series on breaking free, so that people who are stuck in corporate America can break free like I did. So I talk about my whole story, what helped, what I did exactly. I share everything in there. And so if you want the pre-sale price and you are the first people I'm telling this about, unless you're in my programs, but I'll drop a link in the show notes it's going to be priced extremely low and then, once all the audios are done, it will be at a regular price, which will be much, much higher.

Speaker 1:

But I like to do it this way because I feel like I'm rewarding the people who take action. So people who take action, that's the physical part of moving towards your dreams, right? So everything has to be energetic and physical. So by someone taking action, I want to reward them. I also feel like they're being patient with me while I create all of the audios, so there's a good, fair exchange there. Once the audios are created, then I will bump it up. So I wasn't even planning on talking about that, but, as a side note, if that's you and you are interested, check the show notes. Okay, so back to this.

Speaker 1:

Another key thing about this is if you are a business owner, you're trying to get an investment, you're trying to get a job. If you have all of these debt codes, programs in your creator field, people aren't going to trust you as much because you're going to be putting off the debt vibe. So if you're walking around and you're thinking about how you owe your money, or you owe your parents money, they're going to pick up on that and say like hey, like when are you going to pay me? Blah, blah, blah. That increases your debt thoughts and debt energy. Right, and why this is so important is being out of fair exchange anywhere in your life will create blocks and resistance in other areas, and those might be areas where you're really wanting to see improvement. And so there's eight areas of life. There's the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, family, finances, vocation, and then like hobby and passion.

Speaker 1:

So if you're out of fair exchange with someone in your family, this could show up as a block in your finances or in a relationship, and these can be small too. These can be like from you know, in eighth grade I borrowed five dollars from this person I never paid them back or something that could just be running in the background, right. So, as Alessandro teaches us from a universal, energetic, scientific, spiritual principle, it's technically impossible to actually be out of fair exchange with someone or a situation, because the world is built on balance, and so for every one person that loves you, thinks you're great, there's going to be someone who doesn't, and that's really helped me get out of this. People pleasing, because we'll never please everybody. It's just impossible because this world is built on balance. So the idea here today would be to think of anyone or situation that you could be out of fair exchange with and then balance it out, and it's not normally like money for money. Lessons are extremely valuable.

Speaker 1:

So when I was given these nine people that I was out of fair exchange with, when Alessandro gave me that sometimes the lesson is thank you for teaching me this and you can be out of balance with yourself. That was one of my areas, and what I realized is I was thinking I should be somewhere else, I should be further ahead, and so what I had to do is really look at this like this is divine timing, because when I at one point I was making six figures as an employee and I also won a six-figure settlement and I blew through that money in a year, I, in my energetic creator field, I was not able to hold that kind of money. Now I would be. I know what to do with it now. I know energetically and spiritually, all of the laws of what money wants me to do.

Speaker 1:

So I now, because I used to really give myself a hard time about that, I used to think, god, I blew that money, I bought that six thousand dollar account, I did this, I did that. That's not helpful at all. I mean, even from just the perspective of RRT, that is not helpful. So, and energetically, that's not helpful either. So you really have to be in balance with yourself, with the universe. So you might think, god, the universe owes me this. I've done so much, I've gone through all of this. The universe owes me. But making that, looking at that as wow, I was really shown these lessons. Here's what I learned. Right, believe me, I used to feel like that. I haven't even shared a lot of the stories on this podcast yet, but now I can look at every situation I've had and understand the lesson.

Speaker 1:

And that can be hard when you're still in like victimhood mentality which I'm not saying that as an insult. I was in victimhood mentality for most of my life. I literally fell to my knees one day and was like, help me, god, like, please, I don't want to be in victimhood anymore, I just want to level up and literally my prayers were answered within two days. I think it was maybe three days, I don't know. I talk about it in my book where a friend happened to tell me about this spiritual school she was attending and I started taking my first a spiritual foundation program. That was like, pivotal to my growth, to everything I've been able to build. So when you are ready to release victimhood, I mean it's amazing what can happen, but you really have to be emotionally connected to that. You can't just say like, okay, I'm ready to release it, but not really like, because it's sometimes very turbulent as well. And that's another sign I always can tell is when things start shifting in my life. So recently, you know, relationships started shifting.

Speaker 1:

The old me might have felt upset or angry and even if I do feel a little trigger, what I'll do is I'll be like, okay, let's look at the situation, I feel like this person disrespected me. Well, what I'll do is I'll be like, okay, let's look at the situation, I feel like this person disrespected me. Well, what lesson did I learn here? Then I feel neutral. I feel like this person I gave them way more than they gave me. I feel like they were not a good friend, whatever. Then I look at okay, what lessons did I learn? Was I overgiving, was I putting them before myself, et cetera. Then I neutralize it. I literally just did this today, and sometimes new things will pop up and you just neutralize it. And so I'm in the practice now of anything that happens. I neutralize it Because when we are in any kind of negative emotion, especially anger or fear, our blood flow to our brain gets reduced by a lot I heard yesterday 90%.

Speaker 1:

So that energy is going to our legs to run really fast or to our jaw to bite. Neither are helpful when we're just like dealing with emotions and human stuff. So from the RRT perspective, we know that being in anger or fear is not helpful because we're not able to access higher levels of intelligence, wisdom, intuition, knowledge, all of that. But also from the energetic perspective, it can actually open up for dark energy to get in and amplify whatever you're feeling. So I can't remember if I shared this on my podcast or in my one of my groups, but there was a day not too long ago where I was at the nail salon. Everything was great and then, all of a sudden, I felt this woman sat next to me and all of a sudden I had all these really mean thoughts that I knew weren't mine, and I knew exactly what was going on. It was dark energy and I cleared it just sitting there and then I was fine. So I would say 90% of the population doesn't know how to handle those kinds of things and they actually think those are their thoughts. They actually think, oh my God, I'm a horrible person because I'm thinking this when it's actually not. Our thoughts as a collective are shared. I know it sounds weird, but it's like a big supercomputer, and so if you're not taking care of your own energy with energy hygiene just like you brush your teeth every day, brush your hair, clear your energy If you don't know where to start, I think I have this in all of my programs, so you can send me a message and we can just chat about you know what one might be aligned with you.

Speaker 1:

I've been doing these secret launches behind the scenes and it's been kind of fun actually, because it allows my current clients to test out these programs before anybody else, and then it gives me the space and expansiveness to be in my creative energy and just channel without feeling the pressure of like selling and marketing and all of that. And I do owe that credit to Andrea Crowder. Her light launching club really helped me realize, okay, it doesn't have to be so complicated Like. I feel like and this is a totally different subject but I took Amy Porterfield's Digital Course Academy when I first started out online and it was fantastic. It helped me create my first course, which actually did really well. Looking back, I'm like I actually did really well but that what we were taught there worked for me, then it doesn't work for me now. Like I, that what we were taught there worked for me, then it doesn't work for me now my energy doesn't work with the big like. I was also trained in a different program on like having like three or five day challenges and like doing this big launch. That drains me Like. I don't like that and I thought I had to follow that to be successful. But you actually don't. You actually don't even need all the fancy tech. What Andrea walked us through in that program was literally how to take an idea and just get it out there in 10 days or less. And so that's what I started doing behind the scenes, and I've launched three new programs behind the scenes that nobody on Instagram even knows about.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, to wrap up this episode, I highly suggest just taking some time to think about where you feel guilt, where you might be out of balance. Some of mine were actually clients, so I realized there was some I was out of alignment and then I looked at like, okay, but what am I learning? And then that balanced out, because sometimes we just get into our human ego mind and we don't see the full picture. And then that not only neutralized me, but it made me appreciate my clients so much and it helped me figure out okay, what kind of clients do I want in the future? What do I want to be clear on? What do I want to do? What do I not want to do on what do I want to do? What do I not want to do? All of that right.

Speaker 1:

Another one could be physical meaning, like I was expecting my family member here at this time. She didn't show up and instead of getting mad at her, just realizing the lesson here is just expect her to be late. It's not worth anybody's energy or time to try to teach her a lesson or feel like, ah, she owes me, blah, blah, blah. Maybe tell her to show up 30 minutes before or something you know. And this also goes for, like credit cards bills. If you're late on your credit card, don't feel guilty. They're getting interest off of you, right. If you've racked up the line of credit credit, don't feel guilty. That's allowing you to make investments.

Speaker 1:

I'm not saying to go get into debt. One of my goals is like actually not ever having to use any form of debt ever again. To like where my credit, the credit bureau, like sees no activity. That's like one of my. So I'm not saying go get into debt, but sometimes I found that I was feeling guilty because I wasn't able to pay off my credit cards every month or something. Don't feel guilty. It's allowed you to make investments. And it's a lesson right To ask yourself and this is what I ask myself now before any purchase. How will this benefit me in six months? Is this going to get me closer to my goal?

Speaker 1:

Okay, so last example before we wrap this up I really need to get my car cleaned. It's really dirty, and so sometimes I'm someone who like prefers convenience. I'll pay for like, convenience and time. But I'm working on this financial mastery and I'm really being conscious with my spending and want to show the universe that I am responsible. So I could pay $200 to have someone actually, I think it's more than that come clean it while I'm working outside of my office, right? It's not even that dirty, but I could do that. Or I could go to the car wash and actually get some sunshine, exercise and probably spend I don't even know $20 on cleaning my own car, right? So which decision is going to get me to my goal in six months? So for me, that would be choosing to go wash my car myself and making it enjoyable.

Speaker 1:

I, for a long time, lived from a place of fake it until you make it. So I kept thinking I'm just going to invest all this money, I'm going to act like I have all this money and then it will be here. I'm realizing that is not actually the best way to go about it. From an energetic perspective, energetic, scientific, spiritual perspective it's actually more about showing the universe that you are responsible with your money. That doesn't mean having no fun. It just means focusing more on strategic decisions over faking it till you make it. That's just my opinion, but it's also what has made my sales go up that's just my personal opinion but also shifting to this new way, I have seen such an increase in sales and interest in my services, more people reaching out to me because people can feel that magnetic emanation of responsibility, of building wealth.

Speaker 1:

So the fake it till you make it. What I'm realizing is people are going to be able. People are going to not feel like they can trust you with their money because you aren't being exactly truthful, right, even though you're not lying to anyone. You are faking it till you make it. So you could be spending all your money on investments Like I was. I was spending all my money investing into programs, thinking, okay, this is going to pay off. It's going to pay off, not realizing I actually also need to work on saving my money here. A percentage goes here. A percentage goes here. A percentage goes here. Getting that knowledge and information like literally shifted things for me so much in the last five weeks, so I hope this was helpful. It's kind of all over the place, I know, but I just like to come on here and share what's helpful for me. Stay tuned for my rebrand of Unveiled, which will be coming soon, and I'm super excited for it. So have a wonderful week.