
Navigating Dark & Light Energies with a Master Intuitive: Allie Ninfo

Angela Christian Season 2 Episode 98

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Can intuition and neuroscience coexist? YES. Join me as I interview my intuitive teacher: Allie Ninfo, who has skillfully blended these fields. From predicting her grandmother's illness to communicating with her deceased grandfather, Allie candidly recounts her early experiences with her gifts. Her journey from a passionate dancer in New York City and Los Angeles to an intuitive teacher was marked by an unexpected turning point after a synchronistic hair appointment.

Allie emphasizes the importance of controlling and fully embracing one's intuitive abilities, reflecting on her own experiences with dark energy and the universal balance of light and dark forces. Allie's insights offer a fresh perspective on the challenges and rewards of honing these special skills.

If you're interested in learning more about dark forces, check out her upcoming course here.

Follow Allie on IG here.

Learn more about her here.

Bio: Allie Ninfo helps you master intuition, energetics, laws of the universe, and neuroscience to unf*ck your life and access your soul’s greatest potential. She's been a medium as long as she can remember and around 19 years old began her journey of honing in and mastering her intuitive skill sets, not just to be able to channel souls who have crossed over, but be able to read energy, souls both here and on the other side, higher self, and Source energy.

Allie has heavily trained her intuition to be incredibly accurate in seeing where a soul is, where it wants to go, and helping it get there. Along with intuition training she's trained in neuroscience to reprogram the brain and subconscious to aid in getting the life your soul desires. She used this method to heal herself of multiple traumas experienced at a young age, shattered self image, asthma, eating disorders, and extreme anxiety. Allie also used that to help others heal chronic illness, trauma, etc.

Alongside healing, she's developed proven tools to use your intuition and energetic work to create the physical reality you desire by embodying a full understanding of universal laws. Allie is insanely rooted to the fact that everyone can learn to develop their intuition and become their own healer and creator with the right tools.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the show. I'm so excited you guys to introduce you to my guest, allie Ninfo. Allie is my intuitive teacher. I've been training with her in her advanced intuitive training for the last almost 12 weeks now and she's just such amazing energy and she's really brilliant at what she does and she has created this beautiful work that combines neuroscience and like master level intuition. So I will let her share her story. You can read her bio and the show notes, as well as where you can go, follow her and all of that good stuff.

Speaker 1:

So enjoy, well, welcome, and I'm so excited you're here and I always like to just share, like where we connected first. And I was thinking back and I found you through Andrea because she I always like to just share like where we connected first. And I was thinking back and I found you through Andrea because she's been like my mentor and coach and I think she posted a story of you once, like when you were wearing your athleisure wear and she said something. I remember that and I was like who is that? And I went and started following you. So it's just funny to think back.

Speaker 2:

Wait, I love that. I love Andrea, like she's incredible, incredible.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know she's like my common denominator with so many amazing people I meet, like you and Elliot and all of those other beautiful women, so, yeah, I know she knows so many cool people.

Speaker 2:

I've met like so many amazing people through her too, yourself included.

Speaker 1:

I'm like she's a cool magnetic thing going on in her energy Definitely. And so just for my listeners who might not know you know about you or your gifts, can you just share a little bit about how you went from like pro dancer to intuitive teacher? I would love for you to just share that first.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, of course. So okay, Going all the way back to when I was around five years old, I predicted illness in my grandma before she even knew about it. So like I woke up one day I was like mom, like grandma has cancer, my mom was like no, she doesn't. My grandma. And I was like yeah, she does. And my mom was like no, she doesn't. And I was like, whatever, I'm five, I don't know what the fuck cancer is, you know. And so I just kind of go on with my day, with my life, and then about two weeks later they found out that my grandma, she did have cancer.

Speaker 2:

I like, looking back now, I'm like, holy fuck, that's crazy wild. At the time, I think nothing of it. I'm like, oh yeah, whatever you know, I like I don't. I'm not really understanding what's going on. Then again, when I was like 12, at my grandfather's funeral, I like talked to him at his own funeral and I'm like tell it was my dad's dad and I'm telling my dad the story about like no, no, which is Italian for grandpa, and uh, and I'm like oh yeah no, no, said blah, blah, blah when you were little and he made you like paint the house before you would go play and stuff.

Speaker 2:

And he was like how do you know that? And I was like, oh, he told me and I'm like, what do you mean? Like he's here, like I was confused, you know, like other people didn't understand no-transcript. I go to bed and I would like close my eyes and I all of a sudden it would just start, it would like be a crowded restaurant or I would then like just become really sensitive to like other people's stuff. Like if I were around certain people I would like start to cry and I wouldn't know why, and I was just probably taking on their emotions.

Speaker 2:

As I got older, I just got more and more embarrassed of this. So I just like literally didn't tell anybody, I just totally shut it out. And my mom put me in dance when I was five. I've been dancing my whole entire life basically. But when I was about like 15, 16, I started like being like, oh shit, like I really like this, I want to take this seriously. So I wasn't even good until then. Like I wasn't. I wasn't like a prodigy dancer. You know, like a lot of dancers are like pretty bad, until I was about like 15 when I really started trying and caring and putting like when I'm passionate about something, like I put everything into it. So I put everything I had into an eight slap to breathe, dance the whole nine yards, the whole shebang. So, long story short, I push all this to the side, like I don't. I think it's weird, I don't talk about it.

Speaker 2:

I train heavily in dance. I graduate high school barely. I then moved to New York city for dance for about eight months and I moved to LA for dance right after that and I got on one of the top three dance agencies in I don't know about the world, but in America. I don't know about other dance agencies in the world. But and uh, like six months into being in LA and I was getting sent on all these jobs, the full thing. Well, one day I need my hair done and uh, I was broke, I had no car and I lived in North Hollywood at the time and I lived on Magnolia Boulevard Boulevard and there were apartments are still are called living at no ho, and so I lived there and uh, underneath there there was a hair salon and uh, I went down cause I couldn't drive. That was the closest hair salon so I was like, oh, I'll go to this one. I walked down and I tell the guy at the front desk I say, hey, can you put me with someone who does blondes? And he like smiles at me and he's like I know exactly who to put you with. I'm like, okay, cool dude.

Speaker 2:

So I go to this girl, caitlin, who I just start word dumping to like word vomiting, and I'm like like all of this stuff that's happened in my life. And, angela, I've never told anyone about this shit. I'm like I am so sorry, caitlin, I don't know why I'm telling you this. Like this is so weird. And she just smiled and she goes. I know why. And she was I want you to meet my intuitive, energetic healer. And I I'm like what the fuck is that? Like I'm 19.

Speaker 2:

I made fun of people for talking about energy, like I literally am like what is, what is that? And? But I just had this. I've always had this thing where I listened to myself, uh, my intuition I wouldn't have called it that then but I listened to myself and something was telling me to go. So now I know higher self was telling me to go, and I went and he taught at the time these classes in person and we would just sit around in a circle, like on yoga mats, and he just taught these like classes on like how to love yourself, like how to heal from your trauma, how to manifest what you want. And so I'm thinking, oh my God, I can use these classes to become the famous dancer that I've always wanted to become.

Speaker 2:

So I start going and going and going, and then not too far into these classes with him, I'm uh, I'm like starting to kind of feel like, oh, I don't want to dance anymore. You know what it was like, such a casual class, like he didn't care who was there, who wasn't, he just was just happy to be there and teach you. You know like, but I was, my ass was there every Sunday night. I was like I am going to these, I love these. And uh, it's kind of like now how everything's online. You just go to an online class every week or whatever it is, and uh, so, uh, I started going.

Speaker 2:

I just started to actually heal myself image. I'm thinking of healing myself image so that I can manifest dance jobs, cause if I feel good that other people will hire me. Well, little did I know I'm healing myself image. I start to not want to dance anymore. And then I start to realize, oh my God, I only ever wanted to dance as a job, for validation. I couldn't wait till I booked a job so I could post it all over the fucking social media, so I could post it on my mom's Facebook, so I could post it everywhere to tell everyone that I know and to feel validated about myself.

Speaker 2:

And when I started to heal myself image and start to feel validated on my own and see my own value without something else having to tell me, I started to not want to dance anymore. I was like, huh, that's weird. So then you know, al, my mentor, who I still learn from today, was teaching an intuition course of like how to tap in your intuition more. I was like that sounds cool, let's go, so I go. And same thing on a Sunday night. Like he would just teach random things every Sunday night and he did like a. He just ran an intuition course one time and I fucking was like this is amazing, because I was so much less overwhelmed with my intuition, learning how to actually use it, learning how to hone in on it. It used to massively overwhelm me to the point where being social was excruciating for me, like it was painful. So I started to learn these tools to like know how I'm getting information, versus just like it coming to me and I don't know how I got it, and also protecting my energy and clearing myself and like protecting my gifts and keeping my energy clean and the whole shebang. So that's a very long story, but long story short, short as I can make it.

Speaker 2:

I, once I started getting into that, I started then giving other people. I started feeling so helped myself Like I healed trauma with my dad. I was able to be in the same room with him again. Like I was just able to like not be triggered by him. Like I healed a lot of stuff with myself. I healed eating disorders, I healed asthma and I'm like, holy fuck, I feel great, I feel so much better and I want to tell everyone about this.

Speaker 2:

So I just accidentally started giving people readings, like even on dance jobs, like we're waiting to rehearse, and like telling people you know all this stuff and I'm having a great time in dance class.

Speaker 2:

I fucking hate it, but I'm having a great time on dance jobs, giving people readings while we're on break, and so then it happened really quick, like within a year of being on the agency, I also left, like it happened very, very fast, and I walked into my agency one day and I was like, hey, like I literally am not wanting to be on this dream dance job that I thought was a dream for this pop artist. I was dancing backup for her for like an event for Tiffany and co and I didn't want to fucking be there and I'm like, okay, that's weird. Like this was my dream and I don't want to be here. And I knew, if I stay here, I'm a, I'm a, I'm taking up space of where this other energy could go. And so I left.

Speaker 2:

I started just giving people readings for like literally 50 bucks, like they would just come to my apartment with no that had no furniture $50,. Give them a full energetic healing and reading session. And then the word of mouth happened and I remember I had like 500 followers across all platforms and I was making like 11 to 12,000 a month just because I loved it so much. So, also, you don't need followers to do you love make money.

Speaker 1:

So that's another lesson that I got from this, but that's kind of how that happened no, I love that because I feel like, well, there's a lot of things I love about that, but one is that I fall into this, too, where I'm like I only have this many followers I'm not going to make, but it's like no, like I'm so grateful for these followers that I have, and it's like there's so many stories out there of people who are making great money with, you know, not a lot of followers, or you know 100%, angela, and there's people out there with a lot of followers making way less money than you or me or whoever Right, and so it's a.

Speaker 2:

It is not. This doesn't equal that, with that for sure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. And then the other thing you said so I have a 19 year old, and when she was, yeah, what the fuck you look like you're 28. Oh my gosh, no, I'm 43. And that was one of the things I wanted to talk about, because I haven't done any Botox or any kind of like thing, I just felt. So I've told myself for the last five years I'm 29, biologically and physically. I've just always told myself that like and about three months ago I started seeing lines on my crow's feet and I remember you saying something about like, worrying about the future, and so I started and I realized I was, and so I started like just telling myself like I'm calm about my future, like I'm excited for my future, like all these positive things, and like they're starting to go away.

Speaker 2:

So Fucking incredible. You're a walking testimonial for that working in so many ways, One of them being you're always telling yourself you're literally 29 and then two shifting the reflection that you were getting in your eyes and it going away. That's incredible.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, thank you. Well, thank you, because I'm like what is happening? Am I going to have to go get Botox? And I'm not against Botox, but I've always just been like. I want to prove, like to myself, that I don't need it, that I can just, like, stay youthful looking.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, and you're doing it. It's fucking working.

Speaker 1:

You're welcome. So so yeah, my, my 19 year old. When she was like 12, she started seeing like spirits and like shadow people. That's, she would see angels and then she would see like other things, but she would come wake me up and be like mom, like shadow people. That's, she would see angels and then she would see like other things, but she would come wake me up and be like mom. The shadow people are back and I'm like what is happening?

Speaker 1:

And this was before I did like any studying or anything and so I actually enrolled both of us in this school in Marin County, like right outside of San Francisco, where they were teaching us like energy intuition. They had this whole kids program. It was really cool, just so that she could work with her gifts. And then, when she turned about 13, she just shut it off and like anytime I even bring anything up, she's like Nope, I don't want to talk about it, and I'm like I'm hoping someday she'll turn it back on. So, like what you said, like you shut it off. That just gives me hope that someday she'll turn it back on maybe.

Speaker 2:

Oh, of course she, she totally will. And and I think it's just because, yeah, without the right tools on how to like hone in on it, it can be so overwhelming and and I think even you knowing what you know, and just not even you having to tell her, but you just even leading by example in your own life, like I think it'll inspire her to to like learn even the tools to be able to like control it better.

Speaker 1:

Right, yeah, so so, yeah, I love that. I'm like, oh, please turn it back on. But obviously it's like you know and she's into like the partying scene, not as much. But I've asked like her higher self, like you taught us, can I clear her? And it said no. So I actually made her sit in the car with me at the mall. She wanted something and I was like only if I can teach you how to clear this dark energy off of you. So she was like, what are we doing? But I walked her through like the whole process.

Speaker 2:

That's great, Like yes, you can go to the mall, but you're clearing your demon first.

Speaker 1:

That's the best thing I've ever heard. It's so funny. I'm like this is what you have to do, so I can't do it for you.

Speaker 2:

I love that. I love that. Yeah, and that I mean yeah for her it just kind of feels like that is something that like is a higher self design for her to go through to want to do the party scene or whatever, because that's part of her story and her mastery too. So it's, it's all perfect.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, thank you for that. It was just funny, but okay. So I'm trying to think I have all these questions, but I know I like I'm going to choose the ones that we can put into here. So one of the things I love about your program and I was like kind of surprised how interested and I'm sure I'm not the only one but like all the dark force, like information and it's just like fascinates me so much. So I don't know, I know it's a lot, but maybe you could just say like a few ways that dark energy, dark forces can mess with like our lives.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. So essentially, if anyone is listening who doesn't know what that is, think of it like this there's a universal law of the law of balance, which means everything in the universe has to be in balance. So, for as much light as there is, there's that amount of heaviness of absent of light and just like how we have, like in the physical world, like parasites and flies and like that kind of thing. And there's also energetic parasites, energetic heavy things and, uh, the people who are in control of those things are people in deep, deep fear. It's people who are in deep fear of never feeling like they got what they wanted out of life. People who feel insanely in the negatives of self-image, like insanely, insanely insecure, where that they feel they will do anything for money, power, fame, x, y, z. And they are people who have intentionally disconnected from source and have chosen to go and be one with, like, dark entities and the dark things. This is not someone who's atheist or just doesn't believe in God or just isn't spiritual or whatever. It's not this. This is someone who's intentionally sold their soul, disconnected from source, by doing some kind of ritual or sacrifice to then gain money, power or fame from dark entities, versus getting it from the source route, which is what we teach here of like, you can create what you want through light and you don't have to sell your soul and like use dark energy to get what you want. But what happens is these people are so insecure, so disconnected from their actual power and potential, that they are willing to do anything. And so just because we wouldn't do something bad or dark does not mean someone else in deep, deep fear wouldn't. So these people tend to put themselves in places where they can have mass manipulation and control over people. So in mainstream media, in the government, in Hollywood, a lot of these people kind of find themselves in there.

Speaker 2:

And one thing to always keep an eye on if you're wondering who's what like, who's light, who's dark, how the fuck do I know? Who is being shit on on the media is trying to do good, whoever is being demonized is trying to actually has actual good intent and they're being made to look a certain way. Because look at who controls the media. So if you actually do research, um, george soros funds the media, hollywood pharmaceuticals, the whole shebang. His father literally funded the Holocaust. So wild, right, uh-huh, yeah, yeah. And he funds the media. So that if you think about whoever the media is trying to like silence, you probably want to go and like listen to what they're trying to silence, Like you know what I mean. So that's kind of a good gauge, because everyone, everyone asks me like, well, how do you know, like, how do you know who's good, who's bad with intuition? But if you haven't you train your intuition yet and you're not sure how to use your intuition for that yet, that's a really good gauge to kind of have.

Speaker 2:

And so there's that kind of version of like dark forces in people, but then there's also dark forces in entities and like beings that are from realm two. We are in realm three sources, in realm four. These entities live in realm two and it's just like demons, whatever. Now, before you get scared by the word demon, hollywood wanted to make you scared of them. So they made scary movies with these demons looking fucking wild, scary, literally demons look like these little fluff balls. To me they're just little fluff balls. They just kind of stick in your energy. They have level two power, you have level 10, like you're so much more powerful. But again, hollywood wants to make you afraid because when you're in fear you're easily manipulated. So of course they're going to make movies with these things looking so fucking big and scary, like they can take over your life. The more you know about them, the more they have no fucking power. If you think of it like this, like if you're in a big enclosed stadium and it's totally pitch black, you poke one little tiny hole in there, you see the light from everywhere. So light is so much more powerful than dark, so don't get scared.

Speaker 2:

As I'm saying this like, knowledge is power with this stuff anyone who's listening but these entities, what happens is they can attach to us, especially if we are on substances like drinking drugs, anything like that. What happens is our energy just spreads wide the fuck open and we become more vulnerable and all our protective shields that are naturally there kind of fall down. Even with plant medicine, too, that happens. Fall down. Even with plant medicine too, that happens. So we then, if we are, we are a light in this, in this lifetime.

Speaker 2:

If we are, if our soul came here to be a healer in any way, shape or form, whether it's one healing one person or healing 1 million in this lifetime, the entity will see that light and they're like oh, food slurp. And they'll like attach, attach onto us for multiple reasons. One, that's where they get their food to. Maybe they see like, oh, food slurp. And they'll like attach, attach onto us for multiple reasons. One, that's where they get their food to. Maybe they see like, oh, that shit, this person's going to raise the frequency vibration of the world or someone in the world or whatever. And, uh, I, we can't have that happen, right, and so we got to fuck this person up a little bit. So when they attach to us, they can give us headaches, they can make us feel depressed, anxious, they can amplify our weaknesses massively. So like, if I'm already ADHD I know that when I'm like 10 times ADHD than I already am that there's probably something on me because it amplifies that.

Speaker 2:

So, or if you have a trust issue in relationship and you're working on healing it and then one day, all of a fucking sudden, it just feels like it came back with a vengeance, that emotional wound. You didn't fucking go backwards with all your work. You felt a little bit of the emotion. Maybe 10% of the emotion came up. Well, now the dark forest can amplify that and make it feel like 80% aggressive in your body. So we just don't want to keep these things on us because they can cause that kind of stuff.

Speaker 2:

Like I've had someone come to me who got diagnosed with bipolar disorder, literally didn't have fucking bipolar disorder, they had a demon on their head. I took it off and I'm not special, anyone can learn to do this, like you learn everyone learns an intuition and uh, took it off and they were fucking fine. They were fine. People get off their antidepressants with this stuff. People get off their anxiety medicine with this stuff. It's just wild how much it can amplify our weaknesses or can make us have these things that like we're not even supposed to have or have to live with. So those are just a few of the I could go. You can take me on a whole rabbit hole on this, but those are a few of the. I could go. You can take me on a whole rabbit hole on this, but those are a few of the things that they can, that they can do to you for sure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I'll link your upcoming course dark or fuck dark forces in the show notes because that looks amazing. So anybody listening. If you're interested, just check the show notes. Yeah, so two questions came up. One and I loved how you and Catherine talked about plant medicine and my question is I think I already know the answer, but does that also apply to like micro dosing Like a lot of people micro dose with plant medicine?

Speaker 2:

It does. It does Any kind of anything that takes you out of a sober state. Your energy gets so vulnerable, and it also why microdosing works for people is because it allows the veil to come down. It allows the veil to come down to thin, it allows the ego to get out of the way and it allows you to go into different dimensions. Essentially, now, that's great, and we can also do that without plant medicine. That's what we learned in intuition. Right, we can do that on our own.

Speaker 2:

And so one of the reasons why I don't like promote plant medicine is because, one, I don't want anyone to have to rely on anything outside of them to be able to access those things, because you can totally access it without it. And number two, when we go into those different dimensions, our energy bursts the fuck open and pieces of our chakras and our soul and our spirit self then stay there, and so now we come back and we're missing parts of ourself and we're missing parts of our light body. We do not want to be missing parts of our light body, because our light body, having 100% of that, is so important to be able to tap into our full potential, our full powers, our full manifestation abilities and when we're missing parts of it, it's also responsible for creating the protons, neutrons and subatomic particles of our physical body. So let's say we are missing all these pieces of our heart, right, and they're blown up and they're in all these different dimensions. They're in all these different ways because we've taken all this plant medicine and burst our stuff open and we haven't learned to retrieve our energy.

Speaker 2:

Well, now you're going to feel great on the plant medicine, but a week after you're going to feel like trash again. You're going to feel those feelings creep back in because he didn't learn how to get there yourself. And now pieces of your light body heart are missing. And now they're missing for 10, 20 years. It's responsible for creating your physical body too. So now you're at, you'll might actually start to have actual heart problems. So that's why I'm just not a fan of it. One because I love what it does. But we can do that without it. We can see all that stuff without it, and and I think that's where your true power is- yeah, totally.

Speaker 1:

I loved when you guys were talking about that. I was like, wow, there's so many people I know who did it for a long time Like I've never done ayahuasca or anything like that, but now they're like in these such dark places because they did it for so many years and I'm like, oh, that makes so much sense.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, Great example of what happens. And what is hard is that, uh, you know, when nothing is bad or good necessarily, or positive or negative, but there are, like, if you intuitively test, doing ayahuasca is going to get me this result long-term, and if you start to test it for yourself, you will be shocked to see how low the numbers are. Of like, oh, this is only going to 28%, get me where I want to go, you know, and when there's so many other ways where you don't have to rely on something either, yeah, totally so.

Speaker 1:

My other question would be my I have a four-year-old son and he's like severe ADHD, like where when I take him to the doctor, sometimes he's like running all over, won't focus, hitting me, punching me, and I know some of that is a reflection, or probably all of it is a reflection, but they want to put him on like Ritalin and I'm just like I don't want to do that and I'm like scared to put him in a. He's about to start like pre-kindergarten, all of that. So do those kinds of I'm guessing, yes, but like, do those kinds of medications to? Like do a similar thing, or Well, that's a great question.

Speaker 2:

So those kinds of like Ritalin or like anxiety or antidepressants. They suppress your emotions and what that does is a massively disconnects you from your intuition and ability to manifest. Because what's manifesting? It's connecting to certain emotions and emotionally feeling something, and so it it almost makes you numb to intuitive gifts, to creation and uh, again, I just don't. There's a time, there is a time and place for physical stuff. For sure, like you know, if you have a fucking, you got a uti, you energetically shift it and then like, let's just not get a kidney infection, so let's just take antibiotics, you know, I mean Like there's a time and place when you intuitively see that.

Speaker 2:

But a long-term thing, just, I just never, I never have gotten for anyone to do or take, or myself included, I took myself off of anxiety medicine. When I first started doing this work, I was like, wait, this is hindering me so much. So, for, for your son, it's uh, his soul shows that it's. It's a massive part of like, what's going to make him successful Like he. That guy's going to like, uh, do like he. It feels like serial entrepreneur vibes from him, dual like he. It feels like serial entrepreneur vibes from him and uh, and he needs to be like that to get what his soul is here to do. Like uh, so uh, I mean I you didn't ask me to read into that, but just just even that part like uh, that I take that in consideration for sure.

Speaker 1:

Okay, thank you, and yeah I. He is very intuitive and he's always saying funny things, like the other day I shared in our group. He was like we're driving to school and he was just like so. When we die, god puts a red light in our body and our soul breaks out and it goes into another body. I'm like what?

Speaker 2:

Like where are you hearing this?

Speaker 1:

I saw that and was like he fucking woke up fucking woke up and he's like in my last lifetime and like I used to do. It's like he's so connected, so it's like I don't want to put him on medication that's going to like numb him out to everything you know.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, I think, yeah, yeah, yeah, of course, yeah, that that little guy is so connected and, uh, yeah, that medicine would just not, uh, it would would, it would hinder that a lot until he would figure out as an adult to get off of it and go through the whole healing process of it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, definitely Okay. So I just have a couple more like dark questions, light questions. So so, part of what you were talking about in Hollywood. So there is someone on, she was a Disney star and I feel like a lot of Disney stars end up having issues and I'm wondering if you know this is why. But like, when she's on Instagram, her eyes are just like so dark it's almost like there's nothing in there. So like, is there anything like in there?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so what I'm doing is I'm just setting the intent to read into who you're talking about right now and uh, yeah, it feels like there's like maybe 12 percent of her soul is still in there. 12 to 18 percent, it feels like. And, uh, there's it's. The rest of her is just filled.

Speaker 1:

Either it's not filled with anything, or when she is like performing or doing something, or out in the world it's filled with with a demon yeah, okay, that's what I kind of thought, but I was just curious because I see it and I just like almost get the chills when I see her, like her eyes. I had to stop following her actually, because I was like, oh, I just feel like it's going to come through screen.

Speaker 2:

I know, I know I shield my phones and shit Cause I'm like I can't, I can't be doing that. But yeah, it's a and so these people, they a lot of Disney stars too. It's like they were so young. So, you know, it's like if someone told me when I was 14, hey, you can be the next Disney channel star, just come, you know, watch me, like, do the sacrifice for you, or just watch me, like, you know, kill this animal. And it's like a sacrifice or ritual that then they use the energy to gain money, power, fame and use it toward the person. I'd be like, yeah, it's weird, but whatever, sure, you know, like I wouldn't. And then they just accidentally kind of get themselves into these things. So the person you're talking about may not have even been fully aware of what she was getting into and now, at this point, it's very, very hard for her to like get out of that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I know that makes sense. So my last dark question is so there's like a well-known rapper right now who's like going down for doing a lot of horrible things. I think you know who I'm talking about, yeah, yeah. So is that like a good shift, like is that him coming down? Is that like like light work happening, or is there some kind of darker thing happening?

Speaker 2:

well, what's going on with him is that he uh has, he is a high frequency soul who has um been taken over by what's called mk ultra. It's like a whole mind control thing and we're mk altered every day by watching fucking tv and but it's like a whole. This is like a whole new level of mk ultra where they, like they can make you, they can give you new memories, they can make you forget things, they can make you it's, it's wild what you can do with MKUltra.

Speaker 2:

So what happens with him is I see it happen like sometimes he'll, he's really strong energetically so he can get himself out of it sometimes, and then they get him back in so it's like why there's all these like random outbursts and there's these random shit, but then, like there was like a Christian album one time but then there was like a like random shit and it's you see all these phases of him being out of the MKUltra and then him being like sucked back to, sucked back into it Interesting.

Speaker 1:

Okay, now I have a new rabbit hole to go.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, I'm going to have a rabbit hole of MKUltra. It's a fucking wild one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's really interesting. I would have never guessed that. So thank you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, of course, of course, and yeah, I don't even know if, like now, I don't even see that's fully like maybe even him that we're seeing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, when I saw a video of him like apologizing, I was just like his eyes again, like we're just so dark and like empty. I was like because I think it disturbs me a lot because one I used to have a huge crush on him back in the day, like that horrible taste in men, so it makes sense. And then to like I I healed from like domestic violence and all of that, so it was just like I don't know why it was so disturbing to me about him. And so when I watched that video, I'm like it doesn't even look like him, it just looks so different. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, uh-huh, I uh, yeah, it's, I don't, I uh don't fully see that. He's like even there, yeah, that makes sense.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so my next question this was something that was really interesting and different when I started in your class is that you taught us not to ask our guides for for help, and I would love for you to share that, because so many spiritual teachers tell us to do that, and I just think it's a an important thing to share.

Speaker 2:

Yes. So, uh, okay, we have different fields, energy fields that I like to read from. It's very important we know intuitively which one we are reading from. So we have our soul field, we have our higher self field, we have our creator field, which is our electromagnetic field, science terms. We have our thought field, we have source field and then we have guide and angel field. Why I don't read from guide field is because guides can actually lie to us.

Speaker 2:

Not out of bad intent, sorry, I keep coughing because of the detox we're having. Yes, I know, not out of bad intent, but because they're trying to just get us to learn lessons. But we can bypass those lessons through just asking higher self. So, for example, when the C word was going around, the C, like when we were ever the flu, for I just don't want to say the word on there, cause you know, when that was going around I didn't want to get it, because who fucking what? So I would intuitively test, I would go I am an energetic match for C and uh, if I were to get a no, I'd be like okay, cool. If I were to get a yes, I'd be like okay, why? What, emotionally, is making me physically a match, to come into contact with it, to then get it the whole shebang, and I would shift my emotional problem before I even had to get it Right, and that's because I asked my higher self.

Speaker 2:

Now, if I would have asked my guides and I would have said I'm an energetic match to see.

Speaker 2:

They could have said no, even if I was, so that I would get it, so that I would learn a lesson, and then so that I would like that, because if I got it then I would look at okay, why did I get it?

Speaker 2:

Like what's the lesson? I was on the lesson anyway. Right, I learned the same lesson. One of them I didn't have to get C, and the other one I had to get C to learn it.

Speaker 2:

So when we ask guys, they're not lying to us with bad intent, but they can lie in the sense to kind of get us to go through certain things and get certain things to get certain lessons. But if we just ask higher self, we can ask my master this. If so, why let me just shift that so I don't even have to have this happen. So I do this with with if I'm like like I'm pitching, I pitched a project, okay. So I was like am I a match for anyone to tell me no? And I was.

Speaker 2:

So I had to go why? And I had to find all the missing ingredients my creator field was missing to get a yes, okay, and it worked and we got. We got yeses, so, but I didn't have to get a no to learn that. Now, guides might've been like oh yeah, you're good, I would have gone, I would have gotten no's and I would have gotten the lessons. But you get the same lessons without having to go through the actual experience of getting the no. So that's why we love guides, like they're cute, they're fun, they, you know, protect us and stuff. But I do not ask them questions.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so that's so helpful the way you just explained that, because I think I was a little confused, but the way that you just said that like totally makes sense, so we can like still learn the same lesson, just bypass having to go through it.

Speaker 2:

We can learn the lesson without having to go through it. Like you can take 10 years to get. Let's say you're you want a book deal, right, you can take 10 years to go get a book deal. Or you can take one. And why you would take 10 is because you just can't.

Speaker 2:

We maybe whoever's listening wasn't taught how to intuitively look in on their creator field and what would make them not a match for a book deal so they can make themselves a match for a book deal. And the 10 years it takes is just your higher self guiding you to get you the right emotional things to connect to to be a match right. Because maybe the fifth? No, you're finally like, fuck this, like I'm finally going to believe in myself. Maybe the seventh no, you're finally like I'm going to believe that my book's the best right Now. By the 10th, you have the right emotional sets of ingredients. Or you can go okay, am I matched for this? I'm only 12% of match for this. Okay, cool, what am I missing? What emotionally would I have to feel to be a match for a book deal from the person I want to book deal from? Let me get that now, and then you can go pitch your book and you can get a. Yes, the first, the first try. So I like to do that.

Speaker 1:

I love that. It's a great.

Speaker 2:

I'm all about like efficiency so I prefer that route great shortcut yes, because either way you learn the lessons like you're not bypassing anything, it's not. It's not an easy way out, it's just you're learning the lessons without having to go through it. The only reason we go through it is to learn a lesson. If we can learn a lesson without having to go through it, then we then we're just bypassing it or not. We're not bypassing it, we're expediting it. I should say.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, that makes sense, Thank you. I think that'll be helpful for people to hear.

Speaker 2:

Yes, oh, my God, I'll die on that hill.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love it. So the next thing that you, that you've taught us a lot about, is like laws of the universe and spiritual laws, and so I've been. I just wanted to share an example for people and then maybe you can explain a little bit more about them. So I well, two things. One, I did the Akashic record pulling this week and I thought I was going to do an easy one and I was like I'm going to master a healthy romantic relationships because I haven't I haven't dated in a year and I'm like I'm not dating, so this will be an easy one.

Speaker 1:

Immediately, my family members were like picking fights with me and just like, okay, I guess this is me learning like communication stuff.

Speaker 1:

And so I have a family member who has an alcohol problem, and so one of the things you've mentioned is like the law of balance. I think it was a lot of balance where if one person has, like, an addictive issue and the rest don't, or something maybe. So, if you can touch on that piece. And then also the law of reflections, where she was verbally attacking me and I took some time to really think about okay, what is she saying? What is the underlying message and I came up with is you're not doing things fast enough, or you're not doing enough and you're not doing it fast enough. And then I sat and thought, okay, how am I saying that to myself in a certain area of life? And it's just such a better way to like, take radical responsibility for things instead of being like you're horrible, like blah, blah, blah. So this was just super helpful for me and I'd love for you to just, yeah, talk about that.

Speaker 2:

Yes, of course. Okay, so the law of balance, what you're talking about with the alcohol or the addiction, essentially, when we, the law of balance is or this is a little bit different this is like the law of marbles kind of, where we call it that because it's like we have marbles and we got to give some marbles away, and that kind of thing. So everything has to be in balance. So you know, like families who are so anti-alcohol or anti-drugs, like no, no, no, no, no, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, don't do that. Like you're in trouble, you're grounded. There's always someone in those families who then ends up with addiction because that person has to take on all the energy that those people are denying. Right, we are all everything that those people are denying. Right, we are all everything.

Speaker 2:

So we're all addicts in our own way. Like I'm addicted, probably, to my phone. Sometimes I'm addicted to eating healthy. I'm addicted to working. Like we all have our own like addictions. Right, I'm addicted to getting my nails done. Like I need to have my nails done. Like if I don't have them done, I'm like that's not the vibe. We all have our own addictions.

Speaker 2:

The problem is is that we're not owning it? We're not owning that, we are it. And if we don't own it, we then give those addiction marbles away to someone else. And so if everyone in the family like, when I'm alone I'm my own universe, right. When I'm with Justin, my boyfriend, we become our own. When we're in the same room, we're our own universe. So when I'm alone, I'm killing the bugs, I'm carrying the bags, I'm driving, I'm like do it. But then I'm also being a girl and doing my own, doing my own like girly, like receiving things also Right. But when Justin's around, he carries the bags, he drives the car, he opens the door for me, like he steps into that more masculine role and it doesn't have to mean like gender, it just is like masculine, feminine energy, and he steps into that more masculine role and we become our own universe.

Speaker 2:

Now, if I were with him and I was still insistent on opening my own door and I was still insistent on carrying my own bags, I'd be taking some of his masculine marbles from him. But then what happens is people get mad. People take all the masculine marbles from their partner, but then they get mad that they're not doing it. Well. He literally can't, because you took all his marbles right, you've got 80 percent of the masculine doing marbles and he has only 20. If you want him to have more, you've got to stop doing it and give him some of the marbles. And same thing with with addiction. If we're all denying oh, I'm not an addict, I would never do that, I would never be an addict. Well now, every time someone denies that someone else somewhere in the universe has to now go be more of an addict and they take the marbles.

Speaker 2:

Same thing with mass murders that happen, mass murders that happen literally because that person has to take on all the energy of everyone in nine. That they're not a murderer. We're all murderers. I've killed bugs before. I've eaten meat. If someone came into my home and was about to kill someone I love, I would for sure kill them. You know who wouldn't right, right, like, if someone comes in, I don't have a child. But if I did, oh my God, right Like. I can't even imagine so. So we are all murderers. We just deny it. We say how could somebody do that? I would never. I would never. Is the second you give away those marbles. Someone else has to take them. And now we're having mass murders. If we would all just accept and own that we are all everything and see how we are all of those things. Nobody would have to go be a murderer. No one in the family would then have to take on all the addict energy and everyone would be more balanced. Out is how that law works.

Speaker 1:

Yep Love that. I know I'm like. I wish everybody knew that.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, it's wild, yeah, it's. And there there would be no murder. Like if we would all just accept that no one would literally have to go mass murder anybody because no one would have to balance out that that energy of good and bad. And it's kind of the same thing, like, uh, like you were saying, like taking radical responsibility.

Speaker 2:

You saw the family member like shitting on you as a that you can learn just as much from her as you can learn from your favorite teacher in the world, right, you saw like she was just as much of a teacher in that moment as someone giving you incredible information. Whatever you feel drawn to, right. And so that's also like part of the law of balance is realizing that everything is perfect. Like you can learn just as much from someone on the street who's on drugs, who's homeless, who's yelling random shit to the best world-renowned teacher there is out there. You can learn an equal amount of beneficial information in different ways, like Like she, your family member, was being a mirror for you to shift something in you to help you get what you want, and that's just as beneficial as learning, you know, whatever the fuck else, right.

Speaker 1:

No, it's so true. I'm like the old me would have just been like so mad and just angry, but it was so nice to just be able to like. Okay, like, how is this? What is this teaching me, you know?

Speaker 2:

So, and I want to preface this with like it's not because people have the question well, isn't that like emotional bypassing, like isn't that, like you know, not making other people take radical responsibility for themselves and like I don't care what other people do? To be honest, I'm in control of my life and me and for how the universal law of reflections works is however you feel like people are being toward you, you are being somewhere toward yourself, and so if someone is fucking shitting on me, I'm immediately I'm not listening to what they're saying at all. What they're saying has nothing to do with me and everything to do with them. Whatever they're saying to you is their projection of their own stuff. But, however, I feel like they're being, I'm being that way to myself. So maybe someone's accusing me I've had this one a lot Close people, like family, accusing me of things that I'm not so like I'll have like growing up a lot. It was like, oh my God, allie's so dumb, allie's so this, and I would be like what the fuck man? Like I'm really not, and but it was.

Speaker 2:

I was getting accused of things that I'm not, and so it wasn't what they were saying, cause I wasn't really telling myself I was dumb, it's how I felt they were being, and so I've learned if someone's like laying it all on me, I'm immediately going okay, what do I feel? Like they're being like, where am I being this way? And I'm solving the reflection and then when I shift it, they fucking calm the fuck down. They end up apologizing I don't say anything, I don't say, and that's the power. That is completely taking your own power back. In my opinion, trying to fight with someone, who you yelling at someone's never going to get them to fucking where you want to get them anyway. Right, like shifting your own stuff and to the point where you are so neutral and unbothered by them. That is taking your power back and that is not letting people control how you feel or control your day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, no, it's so powerful. I love that. Yeah, all of this that you've taught us is just amazing, and so I think, the last question I know that we're running out of time, sorry, so what sorry, I could go on and on, no worries. I love this. I'm like okay, what question? So part of what I'm doing is I help moms like heal the toxic energy with their co-parents Love that.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, yeah, so much yes on that. Love that yeah.

Speaker 1:

And I used to be really embarrassed because I have three kids with three different dads and I was like I never wanted to tell people. And then what? Now I'm like, okay, this was actually part of my purpose is to help like because they're very. They're three different men like very different, and my co-parenting is very different. I've healed like one of them like almost killed me, but now I'll hug him and be like, hey, how's it going Like it's.

Speaker 1:

I'm like seeing how that was my purpose or one of my things to do in this lifetime, and so what I want to do is try to incorporate some kind of like intuitive piece where I help them, actually the women, um, because it's not about at all like blaming the men, it's all about taking our power back and like controlling ourselves, just like you said. And I really want to incorporate at some point when I'm trained, like how to maybe see their exes, soul contracts, maybe dive into past lives, like, and so something you've said is like the, the people that hurt us the most are the ones who actually like love us the most, and so maybe you could just share about like soul family, like what that means.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes. So the person in this life who has given us the most trauma their soul loves us the most. So, on a soul level. So I made the mistake of putting like a 30 second clip of this on Instagram without really explaining, like the humans different than the soul and people were tearing me apart. So let me let me dive into this a little more.

Speaker 2:

The human who gave you the most from it, their soul, loves you the most. It does not mean that you should like be with the human or stick around the human or like if the human's abusing you, it doesn't mean you go. Oh, they love me the most. So let me say it's not that. It's on a soul level, on a spiritual, energetic level. Your soul and their soul, before you guys even came here on earth in a human body, made a contract and that soul literally gave up a better human life to play the role that they played for you to go through the shitty experiences, to turn them into the person that they became on a human level, to then play that role for you. They literally gave up a better human life for you so that you could go through that experience, so that you can gain the lessons so that you could have the awakening that you've had.

Speaker 2:

Because of the law of balance, if we want to experience extreme beautiful love in this life, we would have had to experience extreme like hurt in love and relationship in this life. So, whatever your soul's here to do, your soul is so fucking smart. Our higher selves are so fucking smart. They can calculate it. They know us way better than we know ourselves. So, for example, my soul was like okay, I'm going to pick this dad and this mom because this mom's a pushover and this mom's just going to like be scared of the dad and the dad's going to be really, really angry and abusive. And then it's going to make me, my soul, have such a low self-image that finally one day I get tired of it. And then I have a really high self-image as I work through it and so, and now I get to teach people how to do that right and I would have never been able to do that if I didn't go through that. So it's designed so perfectly and it's gotten me on my soul path and to know and see intuitively that that soul gave up a better human life to play that role literally for my own personal soul's gain in this lifetime is the most beautiful thing I could ever fucking think of.

Speaker 2:

It does not mean on a human level because people were shitting on me for this because I didn't't fully explain it in my TikTok video, but it does not mean on a human level like that abuse on a human level means you say cause they love you. It's not that it's on a soul level and so it just. It helps with the. Doesn't mean you say with them, but it just helps with the forgiveness process and it helps you cause anger is like drinking your own poison but expecting someone else to die Like it only hurts ourself. So it helps us release the, the hurt and the anger and the confusion and like the, the why me and the victim of that all.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, totally yeah, because there is one co-parent where sometimes I'll still get like he'll trigger me and then I'll, I'll think back and I'm like we're a soul family and like just connecting to his soul and just like I will send him love, I'll send him light and just like you know. So that, just like it's kind of a comfort, even though it's kind of weird. He hasn't been the greatest like human to me, but I know on a soul level, like he loves me, you know, and so it's like just knowing that yeah exactly On a soul level.

Speaker 2:

It's so different and and yeah, and it just helps like yeah, like not be so triggered, which is only helping us at the end of the day, right, it's only setting yourself free of of that. And of course there's like the neuroscience and the brain reprogramming that comes with healing. And you know this just for the audience, but there were energetic beings in a physical world, so we need both the physical and the energetic to fully allow ourself to, to fully heal.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, no, I love that and yeah, I'm trying to think, yeah, so if somebody wants, if somebody's listening and they're like I want to learn from you, I want to learn all of this stuff. Like, where would you suggest that they start?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so, uh, I mean, uh, the free stuff is like the podcast. I have a free membership library. I have a free five-day workshop called get in fucked, that's just. You can find all my website all in my link tree on my Instagram too. Um, pretty. To dive in even deeper, I think the three-day unfucked intensive is like a great place. And, uh, unfuck yourself Academy, I mean you, you go in there and you get everything you need to fucking know inside of there. So I would, I, along with intuition level one's awesome side of unfuck yourself Academy. So, yeah, that's that's kind of like the order that I would. I would do Okay.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I'm sorry. Just one last question. I don't know that you talk about this, but for some reason, when I, when I just asked, like my higher self, is there anything else I should ask today, the law of reciprocity came up, which I've never even heard.

Speaker 2:

Is that something you talk about or so like the law of fair exchange kind of. Yeah, I guess that would be it. Okay, cool that's. That's at least like my what I call it. I kind of make up names for laws, but yeah, the law of fair exchange. So essentially it kind of goes in with the law of balance that everything has to be in balance, but it's it's a little different. So it's kind of like like, if I am paying for something, like a service, I'm equally getting that amount of value back. Just, it's not in money, right. So it's like if people are like, if I'm paying for a session with my, with one of my teachers, then he's not paying me back with money, he's paying me back with the information. It's like the law of fair exchange. So it's like like in relationships, like some people feel guilty, like, oh, my partner brings in all the money, like I'm not bringing in enough money, like I feel guilty, but you're bringing in maybe the spiritual side of everything. You're bringing in the uh, the intuitive side. You're bringing in the energetics and that is, if not more, just as much value as money, if not more, right? So so we just have to see where everything is in fair exchange and then we won't feel depleted or mad Like I used to when I first started my business.

Speaker 2:

I would uh, I mean uh, I would charge like 50 bucks for a reading, and even then I would. I had to talk myself out of it. I would feel a little depleted, but then I'd be like, wait a minute, but I have a testimonial. Now, like I have a person coming to my home who wants a read from me, like I have a testimonial, I have a thing to clock that I'm a good intuitive, I have this, that and the other thing. And so it was always in fair exchange. Everything always is. It's just our perception that gets out of alignment.

Speaker 1:

We just have to see how it is in fair exchange, and then it helps us not hold onto resentment or like feeling guilty either. Okay, yeah, thank you. So that was helpful for me and I I guess that someone else needed it too, because it was just like came through earlier. I'm like I've never even studied that before, but that makes so much sense and for people who are listening a lot of them are entrepreneurs like struggle with pricing. So just keeping like that in mind, then, yeah, oh my gosh, yeah, like, uh, like, uh.

Speaker 2:

Yes, you're charging, but the value you're giving back is an equal exchange. And here's my thing is, when I started charging more like my sessions, one-on-one started out as 50. Now they're 5,000. I literally feel I feel so good in a session where someone just paid me $5,000 because I am giving them so much, like I'm giving them so much, I'm so honed in, I'm so locked in, like they're getting the equal amount of that back. If someone now came and paid me 50 bucks for a session and I know what I know now I'm at where I'm at now they wouldn't get half of what I could give the person paying 5,000, just because my energy wouldn't be in it, because the law of fair exchange literally would be at play and I would not even be able to, like, give them all of that information or they wouldn't even take it in.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, that totally makes sense.

Speaker 2:

Definitely yeah, so remember that anyone, when you're charging like you, will do better when you feel you're charging for the value that you bring every time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love that. Oh gosh, so much gold. Thank you so much.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh, you have such great questions, like great questions, love, love, love diving into all of this. Thank you.