
Updating the Past for a Resilient Future with Dr. Jon Connelly (What an RRT Session is Like)

Angela Christian Season 2 Episode 93

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When the shadows of past trauma loom large, is it possible to step into the light with ease and speed? Dr. John Connolly, the innovative mind behind Rapid Resolution Therapy, returns to the show, sharing the transformative journey from the depths of emotional pain to the peaks of healing—all without the re-traumatization that often accompanies traditional therapy.

I'll take you through my own life-changing encounter with RRT, a testimony to the swiftness and gentleness of this approach, which stands in dramatic contrast to the years of talk therapy I've undergone.

Join a foundational RRT training that begins on May 10th here.  You'll get 25% off by using this link.

To join Clean BDE with the Mother's Day special, click here and use the code MOTHER200. 

Within the swirl of legal battles and the sting of emotional triggers, especially those stirred by an ex-partner's threats, maintaining composure can seem an insurmountable task. Dr. Connolly and I explore the power of RRT in such high-stress scenarios. Through a simple yet profound visualization exercise, we demonstrate how to transform a knee-jerk fight-or-flight response into a stance of empowered clarity, ensuring that creativity and logic guide you in the face of adversarial tides. We also uncover the nuanced layers of childhood memories, revealing how revisiting the past through a compassionate lens can reshape perceptions and mend emotional wounds.

Jon's bio: Dr. Jon Connelly embarked on his remarkable career in 1975 as a social worker, where he first encountered the complexities of trauma and substance abuse. Over the years, he honed his expertise, guiding thousands of individuals through trauma resolution, including relapse prevention and the underlying traumas fueling addiction. His dedication led him to serve as a consultant and psychotherapist in numerous recovery centers, including the Florida Center for Recovery.

However, Jon's impact extends far beyond traditional therapy settings. As the visionary founder of Rapid Resolution Therapy, he revolutionized trauma treatment, empowering individuals to overcome deep-seated traumas in a fast, painless, and complete way. His pioneering work spans diverse populations, from combat veterans and first responders grappling with PTSD to survivors of sexual violence seeking healing and empowerment.  Dr. Connelly also founded the Institute for Survivors of Sexual Violence, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization engaged in research and development of cutting-edge treatment for survivors of trauma.

Jon Connelly

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the Unconventional Un-CEO Show. I apologize for my voice. I have been battling a virus for the last four days, but I could not wait on releasing this episode for you guys. So in this episode I have Dr John Connolly returning as a guest, and he has just changed my life so dramatically. I will be forever grateful for him. I will share a little bio and in our episode I talk about how he's changed my life.

Speaker 1:

Dr Connolly embarked on his career back in 1975 as a social worker, where he first encountered the complexities of trauma and substance abuse, and then, over the years, he honed his expertise, guiding thousands of individuals through trauma resolution, including relapse prevention and the underlying trauma that fuels addiction, or I should say, underlying traumas. His dedication led him to serve as a consultant and psychotherapist in numerous recovery centers, including the Florida Center for Recovery. John's impact extends far beyond traditional therapy settings. As the visionary founder of Rapid Resolution Therapy, he revolutionized trauma treatment, and this I can attest to, empowering individuals to overcome deep-seated traumas in a fast, painless and complete way. His pioneering work spans diverse populations, from combat veterans and first responders grappling with PTSD to survivors of sexual violence seeking healing and empowerment. Dr Connolly also founded the Institute for Survivors of Sexual Violence, which is a nonprofit organization engaged in research and development of cutting-edge treatment for survivors of sexual violence, which is a nonprofit organization engaged in research and development of cutting edge treatment for survivors of trauma so important, especially during these times that we're facing. Dr Connolly's profound insights are not confined to clinical practice. They are also encapsulated in his written works, his books, life-changing conversations with rapid resolution therapy and grief is not sacred. Ill illuminate the extraordinary potential of RRT sessions.

Speaker 1:

I look back and I can see what happened from a very objective standpoint. But I'm like, yeah, I almost got strangled to death, had my face slammed into floors, got pulled upstairs by my hair, all of these horrific things. And now I can look back, like I said, and I can just I can see the memory. It happened, but I have no emotional response to it at all and in fact, with that person I would hug if I saw him on the street and a decade of talk therapy did nothing. Because what happens for most people in talk therapy is you sit and you marinate in those experiences, those traumas, and then you're released, right. So you sit in there for 45 to 60 minutes, then you're supposed to go on with your day after recounting and possibly reliving in your unconscious mind, believing that it's happening right now. And this is what I found so extraordinary about RRT is that it cleared all of these traumatic memories, some that I had really pushed back, and then they would come to the surface and we'd clear them. And now I can look back and just feel neutral, and that is the goal. I really do think emotional regulation, nervous system regulation, is the key to saving humanity. And I'm not being traumatic. I truly believe that Before we dive in to this amazing session where I had come to this interview with all of these questions for Dr Connolly, and before we started, he actually suggested hey, why don't we?

Speaker 1:

You know, is there something that we could work on for you? I find that to be really helpful for others and I was so grateful because I'm very conscious about the people I bring on Like I don't want them to think I'm bringing them on for selfish reasons. So I had a long list of questions for him about co-parenting, about navigating narcissists and all of that which I will get to in a different episode. But this was perfect timing and I do believe it's why I lost my voice, because I recently had a situation where I had cleared the trauma with an ex and he reached out after five months of no word. The initial communication didn't affect me at all, but then, when he started threatening me with a certain word which you'll find out, that's what really triggered something. And then we got to clear it in this session and now I I felt completely fine since then. So RRT is so powerful. It speaks to both the conscious mind and the unconscious mind, so it's shifting things on multi-levels. That's why it's called multi-level communication.

Speaker 1:

So two things to note. One Dr Connolly has an upcoming course called Foundations, which is live with him, and we talk a little bit about it in the episode. I'm going to link the enrollment page for you guys with a 25% off discount. I'm also offering anybody who does join foundations through my link I am a partner of RRT that I will give them a free one-on-one session. So if you do purchase it, make sure that you then reach out to me.

Speaker 1:

Two Mother's Day is coming up. My whole mission is around mothers and children, healing the mother which heals, the child which heals the world. So I'm going to offer $200 off for Mother's Day only of my program Clean BDE, clean Baby Daddy Energy. You can see the link in the show notes and then use the code MOTHER200. So, without further ado, let's dive in.

Speaker 1:

I'm so excited to have John back on.

Speaker 1:

As you'll hear in the bio, he's just had such a major impact in my life, my kid's life, so many people's lives I'm really happy to have him back on.

Speaker 1:

And so, john, today I would love to just talk about something that you've really shifted for me over the last year.

Speaker 1:

I've been in the RRT world now for over a year, getting close to my 250 hours, and the thing that was just mind blowing to me was how I'd had decades of therapy, trying to heal from domestic violence, co-parenting with exes I have three of them and during just one session early on, I was able to feel neutral about the ex who I'd experienced a lot of domestic violence with. I almost died, and now I see him, I hug him, I invite him to events. It doesn't bother me at all, I feel died, and now I see him, I hug him, I invite him to events Like it doesn't bother me at all. I feel neutral. One of my other exes I'm I would now consider a friend. This has been just such a shift in my life and I've seen how it's helped my children thrive as well, and so now I help support other other women and mothers who are going through this, and so now I help support other women and mothers who are going through this the issue that-.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Joy, that is like so amazing, Thank you. I mean I got goosebumps just listening to you. You're so lovely and thank you so much. And to know that anything I did now can move through you to others is just the sweetest news.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, thank you, I'm so grateful. And so something happened this week leading up to our interview which often does in my world like perfect timing where my ex he hasn't really been involved much. He'll pop in every six months with threats and you know lies, and he did it not too long ago, didn't trigger me at all. He did it this week and he said I'm going to take you back to court saying all of this stuff. He's not mentally in a good space.

Speaker 1:

I noticed I didn't get triggered until he brought up the word court, because I and then I went into self-, which I know we're taught, like in RRT, we only do that when we have an emotional disturbance, not when things are going well. I did have a really bad court battle with a different ex, and so I'm just trying to figure out like I want to be completely clear, because I know that puts me in the most, in the best place to make intelligent choices. To be completely clear, because I know that puts me in the most, uh, in the best place to make intelligent um choices, to be grounded for myself and my kids, and I know a lot of the women that I help also struggle with with these kinds of threats and um, and just like feeling off, like taken off guard or not off guard, but um, it kind of came out of nowhere and like just how to stay neutral.

Speaker 3:

So great job of describing that. I get exactly what you said and here's what I understand you have, as does everyone. You have had certain experiences that you recognized were. Well, not everyone has this.

Speaker 3:

I think people have experiences that trigger responses to other experiences that have happened previously, and you were wonderfully successful in identifying and clearing those out of the way so that you would really be there, fully present, with all of your resources as you deal with these guys and with huge advantages for you.

Speaker 3:

So that's beautiful, and you've been able to recognize that recently there was an encounter that caused you to be troubled, you to be troubled, and you know, what occurs to me is that would cause most everyone who has a pulse to be troubled. But what's unusual here is, although it would have caused anyone to be troubled, and although you fully realize that you are looking for better for you, you want to be fully present with all of your creativity and logic and reason and persuasive ability and show up full on dealing with that, because anything previous to that has already been dealt with. So I get it. It's so interesting because it's the kind of thing that most people would say well, it's normal and they're absolutely right. But the thing is, people might say it's normal, that's right, and then leave it, but you said, yes, it's normal, that's right and normal. I can do better than normal, and so hence, that's what we're up to. Am I kind of getting at least some of what you said there?

Speaker 1:

Yes, absolutely.

Speaker 3:

So let's do this around that issue now. So I'm going to collaborate with you in getting your mind tuned to best advantage for you, your children, the world. Thank you, here we go. First, cause the uncomfortable feeling that you experienced when court was brought up. Purposely cause it for a few seconds. Then, good, open your eyes. I asked you to do something. You do it immediately. You do what I ask immediately. You cause the feeling by causing with your conscious mind, your unconscious, to be interfacing with certain information. Cause the feeling with certain information caused a feeling that you get what isn't ideal. Let's find a way to visually represent what goes on, not the feeling, but the thing that went on in the back of the mind when you hear court, which caused that feeling. Just create a visual, Notice whether it's a dark or bright, grayscale or color, and then open your eyes.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

So as rabbit sees this predator approaching the senses of rabbit, bring in the info fox is coming and the mind of rabbit does a bunch of things to the body and mind of rabbit which will increase rabbit's likelihood of surviving likelihood of surviving. It'll be a faster rabbit fast, alert, motivated, stronger. So what rabbit needs to deal and survive? Encounter with a predator is quite different than what amazing Angela would benefit from in her encounter with I guess the technical word is asshole.

Speaker 3:

Yes the way that our mind-body is hardwired would be oh, that's disturbing and mind goes. Disturbing you must mean predator, Predator. We better get her legs really strong, Even if it means that she won't be thinking too clearly, Because if we're going to outrun something, we're not going to outrun it by thinking about stuff. So let's get the legs strong. But this is a very different encounter. So in this situation, I'm seeing you, where your mind has been tuned up to respond effectively, as the rabbit's mind responds effectively to that situation. I'm seeing Angela's mind responding to this situation and hence, in that situation, here's what I'm seeing turning up.

Speaker 2:

So somebody well, somebody, let's think him out of whatever kind of disturbance is unpleasant and threatening.

Speaker 3:

I see, and this is future, this is my intention, it's different from what I listened to as I heard you. It's different from what I listened to as I heard you, but I'm seeing that activating a shift within you, just like Fox activates shift within Rabbit, but Rabbit's mind activates the best possible response to deal with fox. So I'm seeing your mind instantly activating the best possible response to deal with this guy, which is that, instantly, clarity goes up, creativity goes up, the seeing of solutions goes up. The seeing of solutions goes up, the seizing of opportunity goes up, the ability to persuade goes up, the ability to manipulate goes up. The powers that you have are in the way you word things, facial expressions, just what your eyes convey, the words that come to mind, the volume, the tone, whether you're moving in or back, all of these kinds of things, incredibly powerful in the effect that they can have, and so they're all orchestrated to have the desired effect. So there's this thing that shows up whoa, this is problematic. This guy is looking to cause things to go like this. Then there's okay, I would like. The intention instantly is to have him sort of be different with this thing. Therefore, to cause different responses. Therefore, therefore, to cause your voice, tone, movements, eye contact, gestures, all to move in harmony with your highest good and the highest good for your children, which is, by the way, even his highest good, even though he isn't likely to recognize it, but it certainly is.

Speaker 3:

So I'm seeing it just flip like that, so that as rabbit sees fox coming, happens within rabbit's body. As you see somebody aggressive, threatening, screwed up coming at you, up coming at you, mind immediately is shifted to what works best for you and at ease in a flowing way with this. So frequently, when people are threatened, they may become more rigid. So imagine somebody is kind of loose and then somebody comes up and says something threatening and just watch that person's body and face kind of become more rigid. Rigidity, rigidity can become like brittle. Think of you've got a twig and it's brittle, you can snap it. Now, if you think about, have you encountered ever a weeping willow tree? I'm seeing this little girl grab one of the branches and she's like walking around the tree with the branch and the branch is wrapping around the trunk of the tree and then when she releases it, it's like none of it even happened. That is very different than brittle.

Speaker 3:

So I'm seeing you where, as this thing shows up, what happens is it shifts you to flexible, you to flexible, so there's more flexibility, so you can reach different things. So if somebody isn't very flexible, maybe it would be hard for him to touch his own knees. More flexible, maybe he can stretch down and touch his toes. More flexible, he could put the palms of his hands on the floor. More flexible, maybe his arms. More flexible is more power. So that's what's showing up this shift toward your. There's so much more power to persuade, to influence, to address even attacks just low-end power that eases things and you come out with wins, and a win is what's best for your children, you, the world and likely even him, although he wouldn't know it. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Does all that sound okay?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

So if something is disturbing, it may not process through to where it can be recalled with comfort and neutrality. So you know, if you ask somebody, hey, tell me about when you were assaulted. She might not become more relaxed in response to the question and so you're not assaulting her. But the thought is connecting to this thing that didn't process all the way through. It can, it hasn't. The assault is not within her mind. The impression from it is still there. If I slam the sand, we're at the beach and it's soft and I take my hand away, you'd say, well, your hand isn't there, but the impression from your hand is still there and it's so much there. It's kind of like the sand isn't any different now that you pulled your hand away than it was right after the slam. It's like the sand hasn't gotten the good news that there is no hand slamming, and then we just kind of go over it, and then we just kind of go over it and then it's all clear and that's what we'll do here. Sound okay, Sounds amazing.

Speaker 3:

So what we're going to do is tease out anything that's been here underneath. So all you do, my friend, is close your eyes for a few moments. Then the next thing I'll describe it first is I'll ask you to purposely cause the feeling to just fall, rest into it so that it gets as big as it does, and then just nod your head when you notice belief, memory or even a thought as to what's triggering about this, what's disturbing about it. But it begins with you just resting into the feeling and signal me with a nod when there's anything that comes up. But let's give this plenty of time, angela, no hurry. And that. So there was a nod, but I don't know whether it was acknowledging what I said, not when you have a memory. Okay, okay.

Speaker 3:

And how old were you there?

Speaker 1:

About eight.

Speaker 3:

Let's do that one. So open your eyes, connect with me, see the eight-year-old like it was a photo, a still photo, like a hard copy, and tell me what's going on for her, starting with the word she.

Speaker 1:

She was in her parents' living room and there was a video camera out and she was having fun dancing, singing, and she kept getting yelled at by her parents like stop, move out of the way, and she was just very confused about. She felt like she did something wrong and she just didn't understand what was happening.

Speaker 3:

So take a, so that's what's going on for her. Broaden the view so that you and I see the child, the room and everyone in the room. Notice what's going on which is different from where she was looking. So notice what was going on there with this broader perspective. Take your time, then open your eyes, then tell me it from there.

Speaker 1:

It's from a different place. Yeah, so it was a family event and she was, she was trying to perform, and then you can also see, um, her little sister and her two brothers all trying to be in front of the camera, um, and then I don't know well.

Speaker 3:

What's happening? The thought was who else is in the room?

Speaker 1:

Grandparents, my grandmother, who I was very close to, and then my other grandparents were in there, my dad, my mom, a lot of grownups. Yeah, a lot of grownups, A lot of grownups, yeah, a lot of grownups.

Speaker 3:

So from here, look at that from the clarity you have now.

Speaker 1:

What's going on? Yeah, so she was always trying to like, perform and make people happy and she was always being told no, you're doing it wrong, get out of the way. Your brothers and sister are more important. I mean, that's what I.

Speaker 3:

That's what she heard. That's not what she heard, literally.

Speaker 1:

Right, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, well, what? But why are? Why is that what's going on there? Explain it from here. I mean, what's going on? You're still telling me about what's going on from her point of view, even though we're out of that is to write reports on human interactions so you can report them back to your leader in Mars. What's going on in this Earthling's residence?

Speaker 1:

Yes, so her parents were trying to make sure all the kids had time in front of the video camera time in front of all of the adults?

Speaker 3:

Yes, and so when parents were trying to do that, young Angela felt what Unimportant.

Speaker 3:

Yes, well, well. So that's what I'm seeing is, if somebody's auditioning for a part, they're looking to get up there and perform for that audition in a spectacular way that will get the attention and create the greatest impression on those people that are doing the screening. The performer is not, as she's auditioning, trying to make sure that all people who are in line to audition are given equal time. That's not the job of that person. Maybe somebody has that job. Probably nobody has that job. But certainly she doesn't have that job Probably nobody has that job, but certainly she doesn't have that job.

Speaker 3:

So, as we look at this setting, this little girl was doing exactly what her job is, which is show up, be prominent. Do the show perform? Show up, be prominent. Do the show perform? Others are saying, okay, get off the stage so the next person can go up. They don't have the same priority. But none of that means that that gal wasn't important. It's not really about even whether she's important. Actually, the question is only whether what's important to her is important to them. Is she important to them? I don't know. If her clothes caught fire, would they be concerned, or would they be concerned about that? The other child finished the dance.

Speaker 1:

The fire yes.

Speaker 3:

So there's no question that the child is important, but what's important to the child isn't important in the same way to the others. You get that that's accurate, is it not?

Speaker 1:

Yes, accurate.

Speaker 3:

Yet it's pretty different than what the child would experience or any of the actors within it might experience, but it's pretty clear. So have that clarity. You haven't. Let's do this. You close your eyes and you and I, invisibly as the people we are, currently pop up right in that room, so we're getting a closer view. No one can see us. We've got what's going on and we have it with full clarity.

Speaker 3:

Recognize that this young Angela is doing exactly what her job is, which is to show up in front of the camera as deep and long as possible, and that's what she's up to. And so we know that. Let's together, surround her, love her and simply know what we know about her and what she's doing. And that is certainly going to create a greater impression on her because we know more, we're closer, we're surrounding her and our, what we're conveying is going in bigger and louder than anything else. So she, like, gets it, and her whole energy changes and her face changes and her whole experience of that changes.

Speaker 3:

We're going to roll this film back to just before it happens, just before that little performance. You bring your consciousness into that child. You bring your consciousness into that child and now with her, now that you fully get it, perform from there and then, as you're told, to leave the stage, it all makes sense, yeah, but if your clothes should catch fire, that's where we'll judge your importance to others. They're just running the contest, and so that energy is clear from there, freed within you and flows in ways that cause additional creativity and the ability to persuade in the situations we're preparing for. So that's absorbed fully in you now and then again you can open your eyes.

Speaker 1:

Yay, and so where does that have you? Yeah, that felt good. It's an interesting memory that popped up because I wouldn't have thought it was related. But yeah, no, that made a lot of sense what we did and, yeah, I could feel I could even like see when I was in her in my consciousness when they were telling me to leave. I was like laughing because it was like it was kind of funny that I was trying to talk Of course, beautiful, perfect.

Speaker 3:

Again, I'd like you to again try to trigger that feeling, as you did before, the disturbed feeling. Think of the situation, try to trigger that feeling, take a moment. Then, when you're done, you open your eyes and tell me what you noticed and tell me what you noticed.

Speaker 1:

Well, I noticed. A couple relationships from my teenage years popped up where the men or boys whatever were accusing me of cheating on them and all these accusations and I mean, some of them were true, some of them weren't and just me feeling like, no matter what I say, they're going to believe that I'm not going to be heard. So that's kind of what popped up.

Speaker 3:

So let's look at that situation where you're being accused of cheating. You got one. Let's look at that as a photo. Mm-hmm, uh-huh, so how many people are in the photo?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Okay, you and a guy, yeah, so now look at that from here, but be separate from both. Again. You're a sociologist who's just observing this thing. Notice what's in, as he sees it, his best interest.

Speaker 1:

As a sociologist.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, from outside, just notice what's this guy doing, what would he like, what's his ideal outcome? Then look at hers and I'd like you to just notice that they're different and we can understand what he wants and what she wants. And they're different. Yeah, good. And then, from there, open your eyes. Yeah, good. And then from there, open your eyes, so he's not in agreement with her. Well, he doesn't believe, he doesn't agree that what she would like is best for him.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and she's not agreeing that what he would like is best for her, and what does that mean about him?

Speaker 1:

And what does that mean about her? Nothing.

Speaker 3:

Right, so it just that's what it is. That's where she is with that. That's where he is with that. Now look at what she's taking what he's saying to mean about her, and him and notice there's a distortion, there. Yeah, and probably as we look at what she's experiencing, as he's speaking well there's distortion there too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's as if she's thinking that the disturbing feeling that she's experiencing is the point of what he's doing.

Speaker 3:

But what he's doing from here is coming from what's going on within him, not this clear understanding of how to cause responses within her accurately. It's really not any of that. So then we just see it kind of clearly who are desiring different outcomes, who are temporarily inhabiting the same canoe, yeah, and they're kind of arguing about what is the correct destination.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

From outside, we're not seeing any correct destination. We're just seeing them in a canoe in a lake smacking each other with paddles. There's no correct destination, but there is where he'd like to go and where she'd like to go, and so, as you look at that, then check out the feeling regarding that situation.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like something just. It just felt like light all of a sudden.

Speaker 3:

And try to get the feeling of being disturbed by hearing angry words about taking you to court.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't have it now.

Speaker 3:

That's lovely. So that just flows through. Yes, so if your hands are like mine, up a little higher, elbows out, like that, and then eyes closed, that's it. So there's real clarity and there's power. There's the power of resilience and there's incredible strength. There's flexibility, there's incredible strength and there's clear mission. You're doing what serves the children and the world.

Speaker 3:

Yes, and now begin to push those two hands together with all your might and feel as you push. That's it. Push as you push. That's it. Push, angela, you're strong, you're clear. You're strong, you're clear. And then arms raise high up above your head and stretch as far back as possible. Yes, strong, clear and flexible. Stretch, yes, yes. And then stretch outward all the way to the left, all the way to the right, strong, clear, flexible, powerful, and feel the power in your belly as you're stretching your arms Loose and powerful, soft, soft, strong, quiet, power, and it's all about the ability to persuade. Like feathers, arms float slowly down and as they rest, you just melt down in down, da In, da, da, so that everything you just accomplished rinses through your being Cleaning so deeply. It's like a car being detailed, where they're removing debris that had never been even seen your mind, your body, at a very deep level is now being cleaned, detailed, tuned to power, flexibility, strength. It's flexible, weeping willow Brittle snaps. You don't ever so slowly Find your way up.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Again. Check, if you would, for the feeling, think of the situation, even increase it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't feel it. I'm just imagining him texting me and I don't feel anything.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so it's so. See his face. Close your eyes, see his face, angry face, saying I'm going to get you, you slut, I'm going to get you, you slut.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean I had a tiny flutter for a second, but then I just kind of like laughed when he said that yes, so there's, let's do it again.

Speaker 3:

But close your eyes and it morphs into clarity, flexibility, creativity and the ability to persuade. That's what immediately turns up Rabbit's legs get stronger. Your ability to persuade gets stronger. Your ability to think way outside the box gets stronger. So here it comes at you again Angry face.

Speaker 1:

And the words are you're going to pay you cheap slut? Yeah, not that time I didn't have any. I actually like saw myself kind of laughing and like doing like a dance move, like oh yeah, so it was funny yeah and that in your mind.

Speaker 3:

But in the the place with him, everything you're doing is about affecting him. If that works, that's fine, but whatever works is what you do out there. This is really reflecting a shift in your mind's response, their flexibility and the laughter. But what you're doing there is, it just occurs to you what to say, how to move it, how to persuade, and that might mean how to remove the threat, or it might mean how to cause it to increase. I mean the threat to him that you actually are.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

So it might mean to remove it, it might mean to increase it, it might mean to remove the half of it and add another one over here, but it'll just show up, because it's like fencing or boxing, in that sometimes you might even look to create. You know, I'm going to position myself so that he will punch like this, so that I can move, like that. So it's all that is going on with power. I see that for you. With power, I see that for you. Does it seem to you that we get this done for you?

Speaker 1:

Yes, before this session my stomach was kind of fluttery and knotted, and now it's like I feel strong and very grounded.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, the thing that's so amazing, so admirable, angela, is that you step deeply into the power of transparency. So you're not pretending perfection and you're not hiding discomfort and there's plenty of both out there and there's plenty of both out there. So if members of the mental health industry were given an opportunity to involve a conversation that would be seen by many others, and were asked to begin it by talking about an area that they feel turmoil, stuckness, where their mind isn't functioning, the best advantage, I mean, it would be a big mess to even ask for that Right and notice that's your immediate go-to. So your immediate go-to is such a powerful place. Thank you.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, where you can and do really make a difference.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, thank you so much, yes, and I'm excited for the mothers to see this as well and just go through it. And and I will mention before we close out that if anybody wants to learn from John, he's going to be having foundations, which I'm joining, and you get a lot of hours with him, and I don't know if you want to share something. I've actually I've taken the hypnotherapy twice with you, but I've actually never taken foundations, so I don't know if you want to say a word about it, but to say a word about it, but the class is coming up on May 10th.

Speaker 3:

Thank you so much, lear. And people can take it live, beginning at 10 am Eastern time. But we have people all over the world. We have people Africa, asia and Europe, of course, all over and for some people that means it starts at 11 pm and they'll be getting done sometime the next morning. And actually people do that. It's so crazy. All of a sudden it'll occur to me who I'm talking to and I'll say what time is it? And she'll say 4.15., 4.15. She says, yeah, in the morning that. But you don't have to do that because all of them are also recorded, so you can take as much recorded as you'd like or as much live as you would like.

Speaker 3:

It's a 10-week course and there are three targets I have as I do it. One I'd like everybody who's there to experience a deep, lasting personal transformation that will cause that individual to live both longer and better. So my aim is that for each person. Secondly, we connect with others and sometimes others have a bad time. In other words, maybe his daughter just got turned down for the cheerleading team, or maybe her best friend just got shot. So, from this to extreme. How do you deal with that? What do you do with the desire to comfort, to soothe, to help, to actually carry that across making things better rather than worse. Carry that across, making things better rather than worse. The second aim is that people really know how to deal with others that they care about when these others are having a really bad day, even a really bad year, bad year. Thirdly, learning to address things with individuals in ways that cause things to quickly is really interesting and can be really lucrative.

Speaker 3:

So this is a career path training enabling people to develop skills that they can then effectively be reimbursed for. So some people who begin this training with me haven't ever worked in a field where they were looking to impact and shift, improving people's lives. Maybe the person was doing something like sales in a highly technical field, but this is way different. So some people won't have any experience with that, but they will learn to do this in a way that it can become an additional career. What do you call that? A side hustle or actually the career? Some people are already doing that.

Speaker 3:

So we'll have people who are already mental health professionals, psychologists and what have you, and we hear these things from those people. One, at the end of the day, when I was feeling depleted, now feel exhilarated. Depleted, now feel exhilarated. Two, I'm doing much better work. And three, my income is tripled. So we're hearing stuff like that frequently from people who were already in coaching or mental health, but we're also bringing people who haven't before into the ability to do this kind of thing for others.

Speaker 3:

So that's the goal for others. So that's that's the um, that's that's the goal for this, and people are, um, telling me the effect it's had and it seems that we're hitting the target and it's so satisfying. Um, and I'm excited to know you'll be um, you'll be with me again. People who are repeating classes tell me that they didn't repeat it, that it was totally new, that they heard things they hadn't heard at all the first time, knew that they heard things they hadn't heard at all the first time. One, because I'm saying different things every time and two, because they're hearing differently as they become more learned. So I'm excited that you'll be there and that maybe some of the lovely people that are attending to your wisdom will be there. I also want to mention I'm really committed to making sure that we're providing really good services to people, regardless of any ability to handle things to reimburse for that economically, and so every month I'm doing close to 20 hours of workshops that are completely free, that anybody can attend and address any issue they have.

Speaker 3:

That workshop is called Solutions. We do it at times that will work well for people in the United States. We do it at other times that would also work well for people in other countries. That would also work well for people in other countries, and we'd love to have you part of it no charge. And I don't think there's anything like it where you can simply watch people go through transformations one after another and be addressed yourself. But there we're making huge changes. But what's been exciting to me is hearing from others who never had their hand up but write us a letter about how much their lives have changed.

Speaker 3:

Watching this thing, I'm smiling because somebody who I don't know I don't think I even met this person ever other than apparently she was there and after the training I didn't recognize the name, but what she wrote was Thank you for doing solutions. Best sex of my life last night, just from watching. I don't know what she heard or what the heck happened, but it certainly put a smile on my face to hear that that was the result from that and it's not unusual. We're looking to make things where people have been troubled get back to okay to okay. But there are certainly people who are seeing me because they're really doing well at something.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and I remember noticing that early in my career when a fellow came and I don't watch much, you know, sports on television stuff, but I recognize this guy because he's like really well-known baseball player, I mean right at the top, and I said, well, what do you want? And he said to play ball better. And I said, well, what is the probably the eighth, tenth best player on the globe? And he said the fourth. I said, oh, I'm sorry. He said, well, yeah, I make it any worse here the fourth. And I said so what do you want from me? And he said to be the third.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I said well, what difference does it make? He said it makes an enormous difference between being the third best ballplayer and the fourth best ballplayer. In all kinds of ways he says I'm not even asking to be second, but I'd sure like to be third. I remember hearing from him that he got it and I don't know much about baseball, but I know how to pinpoint, clear and activate what will make things more successful.

Speaker 1:

Yes, Activate what will make things more successful? Yes, and I will add to that for people listening that I didn't even realize when I started in RRT that you're getting clear, or I at least did just by watching other people. Like I'll go into the membership and watch past solutions. You know and you can go by topic within that solutions call and it's like it will help me clear just by sitting there and watching it and having the shifts.

Speaker 3:

So glad, yeah. And maybe what you and I did might have even been useful to one of your wonderful listeners today around that. If so, I hope they let you know. I bet they will.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they will.

Speaker 3:

That's lovely. It's been a pleasure. Anything else I can clarify.

Speaker 1:

No, that was so amazing. Thank you, I feel so good right now. I feel light and, yeah, I'm so grateful for you and all that you're doing, and thank you so much for making the time to come on.

Speaker 3:

It's such a pleasure, and you know what Ange we've got your back. I do, and you're now involved in a whole community of people who are really devoted to serving each other, are really devoted to serving each other, and so it's so cool to hear people tell me. You know, I no longer feel alone. Thank you for an opportunity to bring people perhaps into the benefit of being part of that community.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much, John.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, angela, it was lovely to be here.